If I had a million dollars … are you actually rich?

Hi all, 

As a child I always thought that I having a million dollars meant that I was actually rich. Please read the following article found here: CLICK ME

After you’re done reading and watching the video, explain how you will spend the $1,000,000. Please break it down so that everything equals a million dollars. Show me exactly how much everything costs. (PS. giving me money is much appreciated).

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23 Responses to If I had a million dollars … are you actually rich?

  1. Jefferson (xD) says:

    I would give about $250 thousand to my parents to buy a better car or something like that. I would give another $250 thousand to charity. Finally, I would put $499,999 in my bank account and give Mr.Wu a dollar xD.

  2. Fernando¯\_(ツ)_/¯ says:

    If I had a million dollars, I would probably get confused. I wouldnt know what to buy. But I would most likely spend it on education and sports. For education, I would buy textbooks, pay a tutor for me and my brother. Now for sports, I would pay a pro coach to teach me basketball and swimming. I would then save some money for my future like university and stuff like that.

    Sports: $200,000

    Education: $300,000

    Saved: $500,000

  3. Adriel says:

    I will by a house for my mom

  4. Vinh le 0_0 says:

    In this video if I had a million dollars i will buy a car, house, television Xbox 1 and garage. If is still a money i will donate a money to family’s poor to they buy a clothes car and house. they dont need a money they just need food i will buy a food to gve them or not i give they money to buy food.

  5. Samuel says:

    If I had a million dollars… I mean I don’t think legally I can be in possession of that at the age of 12, but I also don’t have a million dollars to my name so this is obviously hypothetical. I would instantly spend 1000$ on NHL 19 because why would I not. I would definitely share a lot with my family and have my parents in charge of it because I feel I’d slowly chip away at it until I have no money left. So I’d probably not spend much on myself I’d want to get a new house for my family. Realistically 1,000,000 isn’t a lot of money to buy a house in Burnaby so I’d probably get my parents to pitch in a lot of money to since we’re looking for a house we could use the money we have to buy a house and that million and buy a house for somewhere from 1.5-2 million dollars than we could get a really nice house. So than I’d be -$1,000,000 that we already have and I spent the 1,000,000 so it’s not very interesting

    So here’s the things I bought.
    I’ll say $5000 on Microsoft Points because why not
    And $990,000 on a house

  6. maddie says:

    I don’t really know what i would do with a million dollars. There are alot of things i want to see and do but when it comes to the actual decision it is quite hard. These are some things i would but and i am going to try to make it equal to around 1,000,000.
    first of all i would put a lot of money into traveling 150,000
    My parents would get 500,000
    I would save 70,000 for college/university or for future education.
    I would donate 20,000 to local vancouver charities
    I would invest a little bit of it 100,000
    I would but a tesla model X for 80,000

  7. Luca says:

    If I had a million dollars I would buy car which is 243,000 dollars and give 500,000 to charity. And give the rest to my pearents so they could buy a house in Bhamas or in Jimacia. And I will go to some where for vacation in the Caribian sea or Hawii . I don’t know but it would be awsome to have one million dollars. (PS I would only give you 14 dollars Mr.Wu because I wouldn’t have enough. Sorry :(.

  8. wesley says:

    If I had a million dollars I would consider myself lucky to have that money but, I would not consider myself rich .I would give my parents $50000, donate $50000 to charities, invest $800000 for my future, spend $100000
    gambling, parting and having fun.

  9. pavyngunmanpenguin says:

    i would buy a good house, a car, and the rest on future reference. such as food, bills, etc. and then i would use job money with it. then i would live a wealthy life. but i would look forward on family for now.

  10. Angela says:

    I guess I would give $600 000 to my parents to pay off a percentage of their debts, give $99 950 to my dad to get him a new car, and spend about $5000 on a two week vacation to Hawaii mostly because I think my parents need it. I’d probably give $5000 to charity. I’d also give $5000 to Mr.Wu (if he asks nicely, but only because of his wedding) $3000 to my brother and none to my sister cuz she argues wayyyyyy to much. I’d give $100 000 to cancer research, and save the last $182 000 for future financial issues or emergencies.

    Money to pay off debts – $600 000
    Tesla Model S 2019 (car) – $99 950
    Hawaii vacation – $5000
    Charity – $5000
    Mr. Wu wedding gift – $5000
    Spoiling my brother – $3000
    Spoiling my sister – $0
    Cancer research – $100 000
    Saved up – $182 000

  11. Zoya 😇 says:

    I would give half to my family, (500 000) give a quarter to charity, (250 000) and spend the rest on adopting dogs, which range from 500 to 1000.

  12. aden says:

    I Would spend money on an BMW M8 Grand Coupe 2019. Which is 125000$. Then i would leave 250000 to savings. then i would buy a business (400000$) and make more money with it. then i would give 150000 dollars to my mom and dad. Which leaves me with 200000$ and i would give it to my brothers. i would give mrwu 10000 for being a good teacher <3

  13. Bernice (•ө•) says:

    If I had a million dollars I would give $25 000 to charities. Then I would use $50,000 for school fees because they cost a lot now. Then I will put $25,000 into my bank account. Then I would give the rest of my money to my family.

  14. Cheryl says:

    If you had a million dollars, YOU ARE #NOT RICH … SO BEWARE! Thinking you are rich, you spend your money like everything is free and soon you’re poor. Again. If I had a million dollars, I would save it because obviously everything will get more expensive in the future.

  15. yanni says:

    If i had one million dollars I would donate 500,000 dollars to charity and 250,000 to caner researcher and the rest of it will go to gift cards and then give them to the homeless

  16. Joanna says:

    If i had 1 million dollars, I would give 100,000 to my Aunt Raven and Uncle Mike , i would give 100,000 to my grandma and grandpa, 100,000 to a local animal shelter, 100,000 to my Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Guy, 200,000 in savings for school fees in the future, 5,000 to Mr. Wu , 95,000 to a group that are helping the environment, 100,000 for travelling the world, and all the rest for whatever i want to buy at the time.

  17. Kamsi-_- says:

    If I had a $100,000 its pretty obvious what I would do with it,
    1: I would buy $1000 worth of chicken and hire my Grandma to cook all of it for me.

    2: I would invest $125,000 with a small company who could make it big with M my investment.

    3. I would save $30,000 for university and I’ll probably get a job just to save up more.

    4.I would give like $300,000 to my mum plus 50% of the money I make from the company because my mum deserves the best.

    5. The I would my gucci flip-flops (195.00) cuz why not.
    So far I have $543,805 left.

    6. I would buy a house in Vegas of $250,000 because the houses are CHEAP there and I would rent that way I’m investing money too.

    7. Then I will donate money to charities like$20,000 (ya girl like publicity;0) then I’ll donate more with 5% of the money from the Las Vegas house.

    8. Then I’ll buy my dream phone which will cost about $1500.
    so far $272,305 left.

    9. For number nine I will go a mini shopping spree of $1000.

    10. And finally as I am left with $271,305 I will keep it in a bank account and use it when I finish all of this.

  18. Victor says:

    If I had one million dollars I would first donate 50,000 thousand dollars to the hospital because they deserve it and the hospital is pretty old. Then with the other 950,000 I would buy a townhouse, since it is not enough to buy an actual house. A 12 year old townhouse would cost me 600,000 so that money is gone. With 350,000 I could use that money to buy furniture for the townhouse, furniture would cost me about 5000 dollars. I also want to travel so I would organize one trip around the whole world and that would cost about all the money I have left of the one million dollars.

  19. Kaylee :) says:

    If I had a million dollars, I wouldn’t think that i’m “rich” because my house is almost a million dollars, if you think of it then it’s not actually that much. I would have 5 sections, 1 for savings, 1 for spending, 1 for sharing with family, one for charities and the last section would be for giving to homeless people. The reason why I want to have multiple sections is because if I don’t organize my money, then I would most likely spend it all on things that I want but don’t need. This is how I would spend my money;

    Savings: 200,000- Bank account
    Spending: 200,000- clothing, devices, shoes, etc.
    Sharing: 200,000- Mom, Dad, Sister and cousin ( 50000 dollars each)
    Trips and vacations: 200,000- Bahamas, Australia, Hawaii etc…
    Charities and fundraisers: 100,000- spca, children’s hospital, families in need society etc.
    Homeless: 100,000- make small bags of things they would need then hand them out.

  20. Lauren :) says:

    If I had one million dollars….

    Actually, if I had one million dollars I do not know what I would do with it, because I do not have that type of money all to myself, but if I did have that money I would do these things…

    ~spend 50,000 on family traveling
    ~give my parents $400,000
    ~give my sister $ 80,000
    ~give my dad’s parents $7000
    ~give my mom’s parents $7000
    ~ give $6000 to my great grandma
    ~each of my cousins get $800 ( 7 cousins)
    ~$7000 on a dog
    ~$1000 to charity
    ~spend $5000 on clothing
    ~ spend $3000 on snowboarding equipment
    ~ $100,000 to my education
    ~put $70,000 in my bank account to get interest
    ~$1000 on a apple watch
    ~give $1000 to my aunts and uncles (9 of them)

    And I would get the rest to myself which the remainder is $252,500. Here are the things I would buy and give with one million dollars.

  21. Zoe says:

    I`m not really sure what I want to do with $1,000,000 dollars. I really want to see my family out of Canada and travel around the world. I probably use.

    -6000 To Get a Cat/Dog (again)
    -3000(or more) for a Visit Poor people around the world and Buy them
    -10000 (more or less) for my education
    -700,00 (around there or less) for Travel/Visiting my family in different country.
    -Rest in the bank (I guess)
    I`m not sure what to do with the rest I guess I would save it up in the bank.

  22. Rohan:^) says:

    If I had a million dollars don’t really know what I would do. But, realistically 1 million dollars isn’t that much.
    This is what I would do with it:
    1. Buy a Corvette grand sport- 81,000
    2. Set aside money for school- 80,000
    3. Put money into my bank account- 200,000
    4. Travel money- 200,000
    5. Charity- 30,000
    6. Family funds- 300,000
    7. Shopping- 100,000
    8. Pet’s- 9,000

    That’s how I would spend 1,000,000 dollars

  23. Diego :) says:

    I would give a quarter to my parents. A quarter to charitys and the rest for Universty or College. Maybe if I have some left I would buy video games and stuff like that 🙂

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