What does it mean to be a “Good Leader?”

Hi everyone,

Below is a video I want you to watch about a few students talking about what being a leader means to them. I’m so happy that everyone in our class has leadership qualities within them, whether that is: honesty and integrity, they inspire others, or are just helpful humans. 

After watching this video, please answer the following questions in paragraph form. In addition, I want you to comment on at least one other person’s post as we begin to engage in online conversations to extend our learning outside of the 4 classroom walls.

  1. Where have you seen leadership? What does this look like to you?
  2. What do you think makes a good leader?
  3. Who are some leaders you admire? Why do you admire them?
  4. What are some skills that you have that makes you a leader? How can you use these skills to help others out?

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend even though it is raining. But, then again, you teenagers are probably happy because you all can game out and watch TV all day due to the fact that you “don’t want to get sick” and be outside in the cold. 

-Mr. Wu-hooo

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17 Responses to What does it mean to be a “Good Leader?”

  1. Lauren :) says:

    I have seen leadership everywhere! In the school, out in public, and even at my house. To me leadership and being a good leader looks like good listener, great sportsmanship, to make a difference, doesn’t just do it their way but, listens to other people’s ideas, to be responsible, and finally has a positive attitude. Some of the leaders that i admire are Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, and John A. Macdonald. I admire Winston Churchill because he was the prime minister of Britain in the tragic time of WW II. But he was able to lead his team to victory and won the war. Then there was Abraham Lincoln. I admire Abraham Lincoln because he lead his country during the Civil War. He did his best to keep America together in harmony without it falling into pieces. Finally our first prime minister John A. Macdonald. John A. Macdonald was a major person who lead/made the canadian pacific railroad happen. The CPR is a train track that goes from the west coast to the east. I think some skills that I have that would make a good leader is good listening, responsibility, and open minded to other peoples ideas. These skills i can use to help others because being a good listener would let me hear other people’s ideas, responsibility is important because i need to be trusted to get other people’s trust back, and finally I need to listen to other people’s ideas because it is not always about my idea

  2. Adenvuvu says:

    I have seen leadership through people helping to bring food for homeless people through shelters. I think a good leader is someone who is has patience, hope in things, and bravery. People who stand up for things knowing that they could get hurt is the key to making the world safe every day. Leaders that i admire are the people who working in food banks for free! They help keep up on there feets. SKill that make me a leader is pretty much nothing but i have great ideas that could help and i have average computer skills. I can help people use word and print pictures ant ETC.

  3. Bernice says:

    I have seen leadership everywhere and to me leadership looks like kindness,sportsmanship,and is willing to help and thatsbounty also makes a good leader. Some leaders that I admire is my parents and grandparents because they are always there for me when I need them. A skill that I have as a leader is being kind.

  4. Angela says:

    I’ve seen leadership a lot. I’ve seen it when people have to make important decisions for the greater good of the group, and it looks it’s hard to get the entire group to agree to one thing. However, there are probably perks to being a leader, like planning fun activities to ease tensions.

    I think basic things like confidence and the ability to show strength and bravery in stressful times is important. After all, if the leader panics, the followers will think the situation is hopeless, and will not try to resolve anything.

    There aren’t many leaders that I admire. It’s just that I don’t like politics, but also, some well known leaders were also well known killers or dictators. But if I had to say a l leader I look up to, I would probably say John A MacDonald, because the amount of effort it takes to unite all the different colonies must have been impossible.

    I don’t really have any leadership qualities. I’m not confident, and I can’t handle stress. I guess I have a few ideas sometimes, but I’m not brave enough to say it out loud. I guess I’m someone who’d be behind the scenes

  5. Jefferson (:-B) says:

    I have seen leadership almost everywhere. I see people being kind, helping other people, setting good examples, etc. But unfortunately, I also see people not being good leaders. I think to be a good leader, the person should be kind, helping, patient, etc. I admire my mom as a leader because she has to deal with a lot of things, meanwhile taking care of me. A skill I have of being a leader is patience. I am pretty patient, so I can listen to people’s ideas or stuff like that. That’s what I think about leadership.

  6. Fernando¯\_(ツ)_/¯ says:

    The first time i was introduced to leadership, I thought it was just some useless stuff. But then, after a little while, i found out that it was a very important part of school. When i was in kindergarden, i found out that the grade 7 leadership team was a thing. I think a good leader would be helping the area with fitness, and knoledge. (needs to be continued)

  7. wesley says:

    Leadership to me looks like people helping other people in a way where they are not asked to do it. I have seen people do this everywhere. well, not everywhere but, it is shown in places you might not expect. I think being a good leader involves having an open mind and understands other people to name a few. I think I can be abetter leader by not being as shy as I used to be. I can use this to help other people by actually talking to them instead of mumbling all the time. Leaders I admire are my parents because they just do things without being asked .

  8. Kamsi-_- says:

    Leadership is being shown everywhere right this nanosecond! I see leadership in teachers, professors, lectures, any degree of teaching, they take their time and patience just to teach us so we can have an education and I really appreciate them for it a lot. For me being a leader or showing leadership is when you take charge, and not only that but being a leader you have to have patience and respect for people, and have good sportsmanship, if not how are you gonna be leader?! Some leaders I admire is Martin Luther King because the way he fought for civil rights movement inspires me to continue his work when I’m only, I feel like he could’ve done more if wasn’t assassinated at the age of 35. Another person(s) I admire is Mr. and Mrs. Obama, even though they are not president and first lady anymore, they still help the society. I see their leadership when they donate to poor communities, when they volunteer at stuff like soup kitchens, clothing bin, etc. For me, I do not think I am fully a leader, but I think some points that make me a leader is when I take part in projects and I organise stuff in it, or when I listen to people contributing ideas to a project were doing in class. I can use these skills by helping people who I know that its not their strong point and they can show me their skills that Im not as good at.

  9. Vinh le says:

    In this video I think leadership everywhere is look like kindness we help people and one day they gone to help. Like in home my little sister need help in English like reading or speaking English, I help her how to reading and how to writing and speaking. That is my think about leadership. Thank you

  10. maddie!!!!!! says:

    I have seen leadership basically everywhere. I have seen it in the playground when someone helps someone else or at the mall when someone helps an elderly carry her groceries. You can see examples of leaders everywhere you go if you just take the time to look for it . Leadership to me looks like when someone is going out of there way to do something kind. Or when someone only has good intentions and wants to do things that will make people happy or will make the world around them a better place. I think that in order to be a great leader you need to be kind, creative, brave and be able to share their ideas in a friendly way. One of my leaders is not someone who is famous or is on the news or has stories written about her. My leader is my dance teacher Chantel. She is a dance teacher 2 days a week for 6 hours a day. Also she is a banker and she choreographs 11 different songs. She is one of my leaders that I look up to because she shares all of her ideas with us(in a kind way) and is always very friendly to everyone. I would be an ok leader because I am very shy to a lot of strangers and I am not very patient. Some of my good leader qualities would be that I am kind and I have some good ideas at times that i am not afraid to share with my group.

  11. Victor says:

    I have seen leadership in many places ,but I don,t realize that they being a leader. Most times a just see them as a regular person doing their job. I think I don’t realize that they are being a leader because I normal is the one listening to the leader.

    I think the two most important thing that makes you a good leader is being helpful and kind. I think that people want leader that is kind and helpful because you don’t want a leader that doesn’t help or is mean.

    I don’t admire any leaders because I don’t realize that a person is being a leader.

    What could make me a good leader is that I like to help. I like helping people when they actually need my help and not just let me do the work by myself.

  12. Rohan :) says:

    I’ve seen leadership in many places, ranging from in public, to where I live. To me, leader ship comes in many different forms, including, showing people how to correct something if they are doing it wrong, to just being a kind human constantly, without wanting to get anything out of it.

    Some things that make a good leader include: being positive, being helpful, and most important of all, being kind.

    I don’t have very many leaders that I admire, but if I had to say one then I would have to say my dad. This is because he always helps me out whenever I need it, as well as always giving me suggestions on how to make my work better.

    Some skills that I have to be good leader are the following. Being creative. I look at being creative as a really important personality trait for everyone to have, simply because being creative can help get you out of bad situations. Second, being patient. I,m a pretty patient guy in general, so that would allow me to listen to other peoples opinions, then give mine.

  13. Zoya 😇 says:

    I have seen leadership everywhere, from the school, to the kids club on my cruise. Leadership to me, looks like someone who has taken the liberty to organize and keep things in order.
    A good leader should have certain qualities, such as,
    – selfless
    – -generous
    – patient
    And of course, humble.

    My mom is a leader a admire. She is a HR manager at Vancouver city hall. She has to wake up early, around 4, and she works until 6. She has to deal with a lot of problems, including threats.

    The qualities of a good leader are listed above. Here is why;

    – -selflessness to not take advantage
    – generosity, make sacrifices
    – patience to listen to and consider changes from other people, and not just have everything your way.
    – -resourcfulness, to get through obstacles and challenges.
    – humbleness, so they give credit to other teammates.

  14. Luca says:

    I believe a good leader should be a person that is understanding, charismatic, well organized, empathetic and knowlegeable. I also think that he or she should take the important decisions by shearing with their team and take the decision together. Being wise is also important, trying to stay objective and being impartial when making decisions. I do not have a favorite leader in mind because there are many people out there that are good leaders. Ofcourse not everyone is perfect and they all make mistakes but as long as they do not repeat the same mistakes and aknowledge them that would make a good leader.

  15. Joanna says:

    I have seen leadership in a lot of places. To me, leadership looks like when people step up and lead people to a better future. I think a good leader should have qualities like: Selflessness, resourcefulness, being humble, wise and knowledgeable and truthful. I don,t really have a leader I admire, but I think that for me to admire someone as a leader, they would have to be noble and they would have to make decisions that are better for everyone and not just themselves.

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