Hello … again.

Hi Division 10,

It’s me, Mr. Wu … incase you forgot who I am. I hope everyone is staying inside (for the most part) and is being safe during this time. I know the world is a little crazy right now with the whole COVID-19 pandemic, but I assure you once this is all over, we will be in the same happy place to learn again. For now, our classroom will have to be online. I know that you all are secretly happy for this because you love using computers. 

For this post, your task is to tell me how your spring break went and what you have done to keep busy. 

* * * P.S. If you are reading this, please let the other people in our class know that this is how I will be communicating to you all. Thank you and stay safe! * * *

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22 Responses to Hello … again.

  1. Meyri says:

    For spring break i have been watching on my phone,reading,helping my mom and
    excercising.Once when my dad came home we discovered on our TV that there is a free with adds movies and every night we watch a movie on it.When we are on at home we also spend alot of time together wich feels very nice.

    • Sarah says:

      Are you happy ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ˜Š or sad ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ that school ๐Ÿซ is closing /getting shut down?!?!What ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎyou have a phone ๐Ÿ“ฒ at this age I mean it is great ๐Ÿ‘ but arenโ€™t you a bit to young for a phone โ˜Ž๏ธ right now? What have you bean helping your mom with? Have you been on the phone ๐Ÿ“ฑ a lot or a little? Has your sister bean screaming๐Ÿ™€ a lot or not? Have you played with your sister a lot or have you not?

  2. Adriano is assume says:

    I miss you so much mr wu

  3. Samskruthi Yechan Gunja says:

    Over spring break I went cycling twice. My dad and I did a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle together,it took us five days to finish the puzzle. I spent my first week of spring break at Boys and Girls club, where I did arts and crafts. When my dad and i went cycling it was also a little bit cold and sunny. My mom and I watched Boss Baby Season 3. We are spending a lot of time at home. I read books and did some math as well.

    • Ayra says:

      So are you having fun Sams or are you bored it gets really it gets very boring here at home MISS YOU A LOT. I MEAN A LOT . Please reply


  4. Lauryn chiu says:

    Hi Meyri great job!

  5. Lauryn Chiu says:

    Well my spring break went pretty well I am thinking about all the thing that will happen when I go back to school and I see all of my friends and classmates. I sort of miss school not that I like being at home but Its very comfortable. On my spring break I did lots of things.I went for walks I saw Makenna when I was walking but she was on her belcony. Do not worry. I face timed Makenna like 20 billion times! I watched really cool movies with my brother.It was a hard time picking because they are all so cool! I play basketball with my brother in my backyard. ( no grass there) also my mom and I made shui mai together. I found a really cool typing site and now I type way better. You will improve in typing so much. Honestly I do miss the class a bit. Somtimes I play nintendo switch and play with alot of my toys.Thats only on one side.I do so much math,english,socials,reading and so much more. I had a great spring break at home but not so great about the coronavirus. Stay safe everyone!

  6. Alekay Singh says:

    Hi Mr. Wu. This is how I spent my spring break.

    Spring break was not how I expected it to be, because my family and I were going to go to Disney world but we canceled it because of News we got on Co-vid 19 cases. Although we missed out on Disney World ,spring break was still fun.

    During spring break there were a few choices of places to go so most of the time we had to stay home, but sometimes we would go out, because we had to get some exercise.

    During spring break I got a tennis racket and my family and I went out to the park to try playing tennis for the first time. At the start, tennis was hard for us but later on we caught the vibe.

    I used to go to regular martial arts classes but during spring break I went to martial arts with just me and my dad and my brothers.

    During spring break at night, we would do a hackathon where we would code for a few hours in the night. During spring break I started coding on p5.js web editor which is a JavaScript library.

    How was your spring break?

  7. Nathaniel Decaigny says:

    Hello Mr. Wu

    We travelled to the island before everyone was supposed to stay home. We stayed at our families house. My grandpa took up hiking, biking and yard work. My grandpa is a lot of fun and always takes us out for ice cream from Dairy Queen. I also played with our dogs who stay at my grandparents house, Sheba and Mila. My dad came and visited us on the island and he broke his arm. He had to leave and go back to work. Then a few days after we left back to Burnaby because my mom needed to help my dad out at home. Now we are have been staying home and my mom makes us do work books so we can earn game time.

    Hope everyone is all safe and healthy.

    • wuj says:

      Hi Nathaniel,

      Which part of the island were you on? We went to Nanaimo for a couple of days and then to Ucluelet (which is near Tofino). It was good because it wasn’t busy, but everything was shut down. That’s great news that your mom is providing this for you. Also, I will post different activities that I want you to do throughout the week. I posted one for making masks. Try it out!

      Talk soon,
      -Mr. Wu

      • Nathaniel Decaigny says:

        We stayed in Campbell River, and also drove to Gold river to pick up my grandpa from camp. My mom wants to take us to Tofino one day. We will watch out for the activities. bye

  8. Samantha (a puppy) says:

    It is really boring being at home while self isolation. I really really really really want to be back to school itโ€™s much more fun.to keep myself busy I go for walks dance I play board games (and usually lose them) and exercise.hope you have fun at home!

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