Cancel Everything?

Hi class,

Sorry I couldn’t be with you all today. But, I promised that you would still get your ‘computer time’ in this week. Your post this week will be reading an article linked below. You will comment on whether you think the cancellation of sporting events and other large group setting events is necessary at this moment in time in BC. You can also talk about the travel bans and safety precaution for travelling over Spring Break.

Article Link: CLICK HERE

Be safe this Spring Break. Wash your hands and don’t bite your nails like I do.


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19 Responses to Cancel Everything?

  1. yasmeen samara says:

    Its very important to always bring sanitizer with you if your traviling bring sanitizer.wash your hands like 5 times a day or more.Make sure to wash between your nails.And on the pawm of your hand.Always when you sneeze cover up.And if your sick dont come to school.Dont come to school if your sick so you dont infect others and make them sick.

  2. Mimi says:

    The masks don’t help you. The corona virus could get inside the mask. Stay home and stay safe by not hugging, washing your hands so the corona virus can’t spread.

  3. Lazar says:

    Well I think it is kind of fare but people spend a lot of money to buy tickets and see all those major sports.But yes I agree a lot of people can get sick. There are a lot of dirty stuff in the arenas. Like beer bottles and gum and a lot of other dirty stuff in the arenas. Well why can’t people watch on TV still.

  4. niko sung says:

    Yes I think it is appropriate to cancel everything because the COVID 19 is getting worse and worse. I also think it is appropriate to cancel these sporting events because when you get ready for the game the lockers when you are so close to people. When you play on the it also is very risky because you are so close to other people there is a high chance you can get covid 19 this is why I think its appropriate to close all sports

  5. Lauryn chiu says:

    I think it is necessary to cancel everything because I am sure no player,skier, actor and athlete will not like to catch any virus especially the corona virus. If other people have any germs or virus they can spread it to people on the stands and even the players or actors ! It is terrible. Do you want to get sick? No way!

  6. Russell says:

    honestly I think the shouldn’t have cancelled everything because. Not everything is unsafe to do like traveling I was going to go to Oregon bur now I can’t go because of the Virus going a round. And when I herd that I can’t go it rely dissapoited me.

  7. yes i think the cancellation is worth it because i do not wont everybody to get the coven 19. but i am very sad because i don’t get to watch any hockey games so i gust have to watch the hilliest. also almost every country is blocking down there borders

  8. Aiden Funke says:

    I think its stupid to cancel all sports if someone had it I would be fine about them cancel it. If you wash your hands you properly you mite not get it. I want the NHL to stay on so I wont be bored. Now I cant watch sports.

  9. ayra says:

    I think even if it is really devastating you still must try not to go to public events as much as possible.If you are traveling always carry hand sanatiser and never rest on the side without a pillow.

  10. Logan Cheng says:

    I agree because if they went they could get the cononavirus. The shouldn’t go and take the risk. So I vote yes we should.Do the right thing and wash your hands really good.

  11. Samskruthi Yechan Gunja says:

    Coronavirus is starting to end, but still remember to wash your hands. Avoid touching your face. My friend from India had cut her exams from the virus. The virus doesn’t cause deaths for children under 18.

  12. samantha says:

    I have heard a lot things that have been canceled things because my parents talk about it and because I heard it on the news . For example: when i was on my way back from dance i heard on the news that the olympics may be canceled. Its really sad that all the cool things are going to be canceled.

  13. Liam says:

    Travel bans is important because they prevent you from getting the coranavirus if you have the virus you well feel very sick and cough like they have a really bad trough.

  14. Meyri says:

    I think it’s kind of unfair because kids are really disapionted about it. Every thing should be cancelled because you don’t know if somebody is sick or not and because of COVID-19. I think yes everything should be cancelled because we don’t want to have the coronovirus because it is very dangerus.

  15. TINA K. says:

    travel bans are important because they prevent you from getting the Corona virus.If you have the virus the people around will get then you will spreed it.

  16. Sarah says:

    I think that it is good that they are postponing all of the sports advents. It is good because lets just say for example you get a penalty and the person in the box has the virus. I mean that you can easily catch the virus+in the dressing room cant you easily catch it as well as the box? so there for it is bad.

  17. roman says:

    I agree with canceling everything because of the coronavirus . If they did not cancel sports the chances of geting the coronavirus is higher than the chases of geting covid19 is higher. So wash your hands to avoid it.

  18. Lauryn Chiu says:

    Hi Mr.Wu,
    Will you be posting anything because of the closure for now anything to get our brains thinking? That would be pretty cool because their is lots of things that are happening.According to Doctor. Bonnie Henry we all need to try to stay home. I would appreciate if you posted anything.

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