Myths About the Coronavirus

Hi all, 

I know that you have been hearing on the news alot about this virus, but here are some mythbusting facts about the virus. Please watch the video, then read the article. After, you will write in a paragraph what you can do to keep safe from this virus.

Myth 1: Canadian kids should be worried

While the coronavirus is considered an emergency in some parts of China right now, Henry said there is no emergency in Canada.

“We have systems in place to be able to detect it, to be able to test people for it,” she said, adding that doctors have the ability to “safely care” for any Canadians who might get sick.

Myth 2: The virus started in a Chinese lab or restaurant 

The idea that the virus started when somebody spilled a test tube in a Chinese lab, or that it started in a Chinese restaurant, or that it was unleashed as a form of terrorism, are all rumours and not true, Henry said.

The truth is “much more mundane” or boring, she said.

The coronavirus probably came from animals sold in a seafood market in China, she said.

At some point, the virus developed a genetic mutation that allowed it to pass to humans.

Myth 3: You’ll die if you get it

Most people who get infected have a “pretty mild illness,” Henry said, including a fever and cough. “It’s kind of like having a cold.”

A “small portion” of people get more seriously sick, Henry said. They may end up in hospital and even die.

But those patients have mostly been older people with weaker immune systems, she said.

Kids can keep their immune systems strong, Henry said, by eating well, exercising and getting enough sleep.

Myth 4: I should avoid Chinese neighbourhoods 

No. Health officials are taking “all necessary precautions” to “ensure all our communities are safe,” Henry said.

That includes assessing anybody who may have come in contact with the coronavirus and isolating them, if necessary, she added.

The idea that fear is making some people afraid to interact with Chinese people “makes me feel really sad,” Henry said. It isn’t necessary.

Myth 5: I shouldn’t order anything from China 

“There’s no evidence at all” that this virus can be transmitted on toys or electronics, Henry said.

The coronavirus can live outside of the body for maybe a couple of hours, she said. “But in a package that’s comes from China? No.”

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16 Responses to Myths About the Coronavirus


    I understand it now so I don’t need to worry about this to much because I have a good immune system. I know that mostly old people 🎅🏻 and people with health issues can become very sick or die. ☠️ People don’t need to avoid Chinese people. 🇨🇳 Even if I get this I’ll be fine. 💯

  2. Logan Cheng says:

    I personally think we shouldn’t worry about the coronavirus as long as we wash our hands and keep healthy.Remember keep your junk food and healthy food balanced and don’t touch something dirty then touch your face,keep exercising,keep your house clean.
    Even if you get the coronavirus report to the police and evacuate the place.
    Don’t forget to use your cough pocket.
    The coronavirus is not in Vancouver so don’t worry.

  3. Meyri ✌ says:

    This what i will do: 1) i will make sure that i will always wash my hands.2) i will always have a hand senetizer with me.3) i will remind myself not to get too close to other people.4) i will eat well.5) i will excercise.6) i will make sure to have good hyegine.7) i will make sure that i don’t touch every thing.8)i will maje sure that i don’t touch my face alot.This is how i will be safe.

  4. Yasmeen Samara says:

    If the coronavirous came to Canada I won’t touch my face I will always wash my hands not to touch stuff that have germs don’t get close to people that are sick have good hygiene and have sanitizer with you always always make sure your space is clean.

  5. Roman says:

    It’s because Canada has good sistoms. It did not come from a lab or restaurant it came from animals that Cary disease. You won’t dye unless you carry something else bad.No just because someone is from China dose not mean you have coved19. It is ok to order something from just wash your hands and don’t touch your face.

    THE END!!!!!!!!

  6. Olso Roman says:

    Why did nobody else respond???

  7. Tina k says:

    Washing your hands and staying healthy is one way to prevent of getting the virus. you should wear a mask when you are feeling sick, and avoid going to public places. make sure you get lots of exercise and sleep. if you feel sick stay home and take care of yourself. Remember to not worry and keep calm but take it serious.

  8. Sarah says:

    I personally think that the best thing that you can do is to have good hygiene and maintain good health. That means washing your hands, getting an appropriate amount of sleep and getting exercise. Just staying healthy in general is good. You should stay healthy because let’s just say that you end up getting the virus: if you are not heathy than you will probably have a weaker immune system. If you have a weak immune system then it may be harder to fight off the virus. But if you have a healthy immune system and you end up getting the virus then it will most likely be easier to fight off the virus because your immune system is healthier. Something that you shouldn’t do is wearing a mask unless you are actually sick and are caughing or sneezing. I personally think that if you are not sick you shouldn’t be wearing a mask because it is probably just going to get played with and going to be a distraction for you and even maybe others around you. Let’s just say that you don’t play with it if you are not sick then the mask doesn’t really do anything so I don’t real get the point of wearing the mask when you are not sick because it doesn’t do anything at all. At the end of the day I think the big question is if you are not sick then why are you wearing a mask. Yes, I get that people are scared but what is the point of doing when it doesn’t do anything at all?!?! Besides not many people at all in Canada have died because of this virus that has some how gotten all over the word. I feel like it is all happening so fast! The scary pert is that the numbers don’t look like they are decreasing, they look like they are increasing! I hope that the virus passes by soon or someone finds an antidote or something like that.

  9. Alekay says:

    A way we can prevent getting covid-19 is washing are hands very often. Another way you can prevent getting covid-19 is by going to less crowded places where a lot of people could spread germs. You could also clean your home to prevent getting the virus. Another way you can prevent getting covid-19 is by staying home for longer than usual. When a virus like covid-19 is on, it is important to have good hygiene. Almost everyone should be aware of the virus but you don’t need to be scared of it.

  10. Alekay says:

    A way you can prevent getting covid-19 is by washing your hands really often. Another way you can prevent getting covid-19 is by avoiding going to crowded places. You could also clean your home to protect yourself from getting the virus. When a virus like covid-19 is on, it is important that you have good hygiene. Almost everyone should be aware of the virus but you should not be scared.

  11. Lauryn chiu says:

    You can keep safe by catching any virus by bringing hand sanitizer with you wherever you go or even better just wash your hands. You could also keep safe if you notice someone in the school or in the class is sick then try avoiding that person.Just be aware this may offend then only if you make it too visible.( If you have noticed I have been avoiding some kids that are sick.Thats because they come back to school coughing,sneezing,sniffling and their voices are very interesting.) take care of yourself. If you would not want to get sick then please do not touch the pole signs or anything that’s been looking rusty because you do not what happens to it. People like teenagers like to spit on it sneeze on it and maybe they picked their nose and they accidentally left a booger on the pole. Who knows what anything can happen to it. Do not share food unless they washed their hands. Even it’s your best friend do not share food. They could have germy hands too do not share food like one person licks this and Someone licks the same side.Deeesgusting! Stay safe with no germs!

    • Lauryn chiu says:

      Goody job Laur Laur!

      • Sarah says:

        O come on Lauryn i men like really laur laur like i know that it is your nik name but still! O ya I almost forgot GOOD JOB!!!!!!! How do you feel about school closing down?

      • Sarah says:

        Lauryn what do you think about school closing? It is going to be hard to communicate with each other.How do you think Mr.Wu and Mrs.Armstrong are going to tech us? I personally think that Mr.Wu is going to just ask us questions and get us to watch videos on the class website. The thing is that I don’t have an any idea what Mrs.Armstrong is going to do. O ya so do you won’t to talk on the website over the rest of Spring Brake and when school starts because we are not going to be going to school we will be doing schooling at home but not home schooling because Mrs.Armstrong and Mr.Wu will still be teaching us it is just because of COVID19. So remember don’t go to school when Spring Break is over.

  12. Eric p says:

    The cronavirus is so bad to people that because you wash your hands for 20 seconds.In china so many people are where their mask to protect.In shanghai my contry their is so many clouds.And you need to be safe going outside.So many people are staying inside and zero peoples are out.

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