Who Should be on the Next Canadian $5 Bill?

Happy second week of February Division 10.

This week we will be reading an article: Who Should be on the Next $5 Bill? (Please click the hyperlink on the left where the title is.) I want you to read the article and then think of a famous Canadian person that has contributed to Canada and the development of this wonderful country. Here are some of the guidelines when you choose your famous person:

  • Canadian.
  • Remarkable in some way.
  • Dead (for at least 25 years).
  • Real (not fictional).

Personally, I would choose Michael Buble because he has contributed so much to the Burnaby community. He lives just off of Government Road (near the Costco) and he has done so many things to help out charities and our community. Not only does he help out whole community out, but he also is a positive influence for everyone. He hasn’t gotten in trouble with the law, even though he has lots of money. Sometimes, when people have too much money they can become a little reckless (for example, buying a super fast car and then driving way over the speed limit). Lastly, I love the fact that he is a good family man to his wife and kids. Did you know his son had cancer at the age of 5 and that they were at Children’s Hospital for months? He now is better and is attending Seaforth Elementary again. 


-Pick one Canadian person you would choose and write why they should be on the next $5 bill.


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28 Responses to Who Should be on the Next Canadian $5 Bill?


    I think Alexander Graham Bell should be on the five dollar because he invented the first telephone. A telephone is important because if your in a emergency and you half to call 911 you need your phone to do that.

  2. Sarah says:

    I think that Wayne Gretzky showed be on the 5 dollar 💵 Bill because he is a hockey player and I think 💭 that he showed be remembered because he won the staidly cup with the “Edmonton Oilers”in 1984 1985 1987 and 1988. He won 4 staidly cups. I also think that Celine Dion should be on the 5 💵 Bill because she is a fantastic singer🎼 I think that she would be a vary nice women and friend to have. I think that most people that are kind and caring to others should be on the 5 dollar 💵 Bill. I think that Summer from Wonder should be on the 5 dollar Bill too because she is kind caring and she excepted Auggie for who he was and wasn’t a jerk to him. Summer helped Auggie in tuff times when he was getting teased or been made fun of.Summer stowed opus for Auggie when people where talking about Auggie behind his back. Is Summer a reel person? And if she is then I would probably chows her. But if Summer is not a reel person then I would probably chows Wayne Gretzky or Celine Dion.

  3. Russell chan says:

    I think Terry Fox should be on the next $5 bill because. He ran across Canada to raise money for the kids cancer society. he also started a donation to help kids with cancer. And he one of the first person to run across Canada. And he risk his life to do it all.

  4. Ameila Quirk says:

    I think Terry fox is actually a good idea to be on the next $5 bill because he had cancer on his leg so lets give him a chance to be on the bill. He ran all the way around Canada. He gives cheer and goodluck to Canada. He has a charity that helps children with leg cancer. He is a hero because he mostly ran around Canada.

  5. Alekay. says:

    I think it should be Pierre Trudeau because he helped right the charter of rights. The charter of rights is very important to Canada. Pierre ‘s son is now president. Without Pierre we wouldn’t have are good president now. They are places named after Pierre all over Canada.

  6. niko sung says:

    I think Alexander Graham Bell should be on the next 5 dollar bill because the importance of telephones cant really be described in words. Telephones also known as the cell phone gives hours of entertainment it also alows you to use it with out wifi it also allows you to meet with friends from faaar away. I cant imagine a life without telephones.

  7. Eric p says:

    I would like Terry Fox because he run across canada.He has a fake leg when his leg is broken.He run across ontario,quebec,alberta and britsh columbia canada.He run 8 money.

  8. Roman says:

    I think terry fox should be on it because he ran across Canada. To raise money for cancer research . He had cancer but he did not want other people to fell what he felt . The doctors told hem to stop but he did not . so I think terry fox should be on the next 5 dollar bill .

  9. Lauryn chiu says:

    I think Michael Buble should be on the new 5 dollar bill because he helped the community by his singing . He also contributed to the community like he basically is staying very calm because he is like not getting in trouble like some other celebrity’s or singers. Michael Buble is very humble because he has an Ice rink at his house. he is also pretty rich. Michael sings songs to keep the audience entertained.

  10. Kirat says:

    I think Alexander Gram Bell should be on the five dollar bill Because he invented the telephone.The telephone allowed people to talk with eachother no matter how far the distance.And I would chose Drake because he does not care about his job.And he goes to poor towns and donates money and sings songs.He helps the poor and homeless.

  11. Nathaniel says:

    I think Teary fox because he raised money for cancer research. And he tried to run across Canada. So I think Teary fox should be on the five doller bill.And he has a fake lag but he still ran. and he gave people hope.

  12. lazar says:

    I chose Wayne Gretzky to be on the 5 $ bill because he helped charity and he was a superstar . He had lots of money .He also loved kids liked hockey.Hockey was life for him when he played hockey he dreamed going to the NHL .HE went to 30 ALL STARS . He played for the Edmonton oliers for 2 years and he played for the Los angels for 10 year

  13. yasmeen says:

    i think drake should be on the 5 dollar bill becoase hes a relly good rapper and lots of people like him. and he works relly hard. to get people to play instruments. and so i think he should be on the five dollar bill.

  14. Aiden funke says:

    I think Tarry fox should be on the five dollar,s because he raised money for people who have cancer.He ran over a marathon across Canada.We run for him ever year.We all seaport him. He is a hero to us.Tarry fox is awesome for what he did for us.

  15. Logan Cheng says:

    I think Tarry Fox should be on the next 5 dollar bill because he raised money for people that have cancer. He raised 500 dollars and he ran a marathon but sadly he died before he finish. We run for him every year because he did not finish. The cool thing about the run is that cars fallow him. Terry Fox is a hero to as.

  16. samantha says:

    I think neil armstrong should be on the 5 dollar bill because he was the first one to go to the moon.he also used to be a test pilot before he went to the moon.He was really brave for going to be the first one to go to the moon. He was confident and never stopped.That is why i think he should be on the next 5 dollar bill.

  17. ayra says:

    I think Chris Hadfield should be on the five$ dollar bill because there are these episodes called one strange rock and he is in them .He is also a astronaut and musician and that is why I think he should be on the 5 dollar bill.

  18. Liam says:

    I think Terry Fox should be on the Canadian 5 dollar bill. Because he raised lot’s of money for people who has cancer he raised 500 dollars and he ran a marathon but sadly he died before he finish .We run for him every year because he could not finish.Cars fallow him when he runs and they cheer for him.And Terry is a hero because he help raised money so he can help people who have cancer.

  19. Tina says:

    I think Terry Fox because he ran the Marathon of Hope.He is the most beloved Canadian of the last 100 years, Terry Fox is something of a secular saint in modern Canada.

  20. Erin says:

    I think that terry fox should be the next one on the five dollar bill because he ran across canada with cancer and he did to raise money for other people who has cancer.And he is the most beloved candian for the past 100 years.the doctors of terry fox said he had to stop running but he didnt give up.

  21. Samskruthi yechan gunja says:

    I think Terry Fox should be on Canadian 5$ bill because he ran for cancer and all the money he raised went to the children’s hospital.Terry Fox’s real name is Terrance Stanley Fox.His goal was to run across Canada.

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