Same Same, but Different.

Hi class, sorry I couldn’t be with you today. My eye is still hurting from being scratched … yes my eyeball is scratched and that is kind of gross, but it is the truth! I will rest up and get better soon!

The video I want you to watch is about a story that talks about diversity (die-ver-si-tee). This word means that there are differences and that it is okay to be different. Diversity can come from the different places we were born, where our families immigrated from, what our food preferences are, what we choose to wear, and so on. Please watch the video and think about this: Even though we are all different, is this a bad thing?

When you are done watching this post, please read the following question carefully! And please answer with a short paragraph (about 5-10 complete sentences or about 10 minutes of thinking and writing). 

Assignment Question:

There are so many ways that Auggie and Via are different, but there are also several ways that they are alike. Name some things that they have in common and some things that makes them different. Is it bad to be different? Please explain your interpretation of diversity in the context of Auggie and Via.


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32 Responses to Same Same, but Different.

  1. Evan says:

    Same same but different is a story were they explain that even though they look different they are the same,such as the school buses in the video look different but they both are used for the same purpose.

  2. Alekay says:

    We are all different but that is make us good and special. Its okay to be different. If we were all the same , the world wouldn’t be as exiting.

  3. Anonymous says:

    some people are different but it dose not mater

  4. aiden says:

    some people are different but it doesn’t mater

  5. Nathaniel says:

    They have hair,they are people,they are alive,they are are not animals.

  6. lazar says:

    well they both have friends,they both like pizza I think, and they both dress up party and they both like going in the subway ya


    I think some things that they in common is kindness and they both stand up for each outer and they both have lots of friends

  8. niko says:

    same same but different tells how even though we are different we like and do same things. But in a different way. So even if you are different it dosent matter. Because nobody is the same we are all unique.

  9. roman says:

    The things that are the same about auggie and via is they are both people they both have hare. there different because auggie has a unusual face and eats funny

  10. samantha says:

    Auggie and via are different because auggie has face problems but via dose not. Auggie had 27 surgery’st and via didnt. no it is not bad to be different.

  11. yasmeen says:

    wats diffrent about auggy and via is auggie got 27 surgerys and via didnt maybe via got one surgery and auggy has blond hair and via has black hair

  12. Logan Cheng says:

    Auggie and Via are alike and different. They both have hier,arms,faces,legs,a nose,eyes,a butt but they are different. Auggie is a boy and via is a girl,Auggie is yunger.

  13. liam says:

    Auggie and via area like and also different 1.They both have hair,they have arms ,legs,a face, a nose,eyes, a butt.2. Agguie is a boy and via is a girl,via is older and Agguie is younger then via and via is taller.

  14. Erin says:

    For me that is different and not different to auggie and via is that they are both humans but auggie is a bit different to via because auggie has a deformed face but it does not really matter and via has the jean to but her face is not deformed even tho auggie is different all of his relatives still treat him desame and no it is not bad to be different because its not your fault and pretend you have different food from others it does not mean your gross and stuff like that

  15. ayra bhardwaj says:

    Auggie and Via Pullman are different in many ways.

  16. Meyri says:

    Auggie and Via have mostly all the things alike exept that Auggie has allot of surgeries. Now how are they alike???They are alike with letters kindov like they both have an “a” and an “i” in there names,they both have rude friends,they both don’t want to go to school because of there friends,they both lost there bf,they both love there grandma,they both love Daisy,they both are just like bff.It is not bad to be different it’s just that they think that you are weird.

  17. Jacob markstrom says:

    Hey it’s me mr. wu I’m looking at the blog with my mom

  18. Anonymous says:

    August and via are alike because they both get loved by their mom and dad though August gets loved way more than Via.Via and August are the same but different because August went through lots of surgery and Via is now going through friendship problems with Ella and Miranda.August and Via are alike because they both have lots of friends by now.The two siblings are alike because they both have their troubles.It is not bad to be different because then other kids/people will see it’s good to be different in different ways and then kids/people will start to treat you the same as other kids/people.

  19. Lauryn says:

    Hi Mr.Wu I have been trying to give in my comments but the website keeps on deleting my comments

  20. Lauryn Chiu says:

    When will you post the bonus marks?

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