At what age should you move out of your parents house?


1) When it’s clear your child isn’t getting anywhere at work. The biggest risk with allowing an adult child to live at home is killing off their motivation to become independent human beings. It’s understandable to lose motivation when everything is handed to you. There’s no need to get into work early, or leave late, to jockey for that raise or promotion if you don’t have a monthly rent payment coming due. After several years of switching jobs or getting nowhere at work, it should become clear that living at home is a detriment.

2) When your child’s bank account does not increase by at least the monthly rent cost of a room or an apartment s/he would have rented. If Big Bobby was going to slum it with four roommates for $1,000 a month in the Mission, then Big Bobby better show at least a $1,000 increase in monthly savings. It’s important for you to check your child’s financial accounts every month to see if there’s progress. If there is no progress, your child is simply taking advantage of you.

3) When your child hasn’t offered to mow the lawn, do the dishes, clean the house, or run errands in over a month. If your adult child still is acting like a dependent adolescent child, then it’s important to have a serious talk about making sure they contribute to the household. Give them a three-month timeline to shape up before you force them out. Scare them silly by printing out the latest rental listings in order for them to see how much they would have to spend for so little.

4) When you start noticing his or her friends come over more frequently. A motivated adult should be out there networking, working hard, and hustling to try and break free from the nest. If you find his or her friends constantly coming over and doing who knows what in their rooms all day, your child is getting way too comfortable for his or her own good. There should be an opposite mindset where your child should protect your house from guests at all costs because s/he wants to impose the least amount of burden possible.

5) When they’ve hit 32 years old. Love is tough, but if your child is 32 years old and still living at home, it’s time to go. 14 years after becoming an adult, and 10 years after the average person graduates from college is more than enough time to find out what they want to do with their life. 10-14 years is also enough time to save enough money to live independently. Allowing adult children to stay beyond age 32 does them no favors.



-What are the advantages/disadvantages of moving out? What age do you think you should move out at? What about studying abroad? (Please write a detailed 2 paragraphs responding to this, and using examples to explain and justify your thoughts).

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12 Responses to At what age should you move out of your parents house?

  1. Alna says:

    I think I would move out of the house when I have enough moola to pay rent for an apartment and a decent starter job. Soooooo, yeah. I want a good apartment but not a poopy one. And I don’t want the type of job like de McDonalds.

  2. Vinhle2006 says:

    When to kick the kids out of house
    because when the kids is grow up have a job and have much money to buy a house, exactly when kids is 18-21
    why kids got kick out of home?
    because they doing job, go to school and anything else or may be because a kids already grow up so they want that kids find a good job, they can live with their until they can find a house.

  3. GuessWho says:

    After you get married!!!!
    I think you should move out after you’ve been married for a few weeks. Or, if you don’t want to get married, move out when you’re 22-30 years old. That way you can avoid the whole parent-husband/wife awkwardness,if you know what I mean.

  4. kAMsI-__________- says:

    Honestly, if someone still lives in their parents house at the age of 32 then they have either have no money or have given up on life or both. For me I feel a good age to move out of your parent’s house is 19-25. I would move out when I finished those first four years of college because they can be really stressful and I’d rather use that money for rent on school fees.

    Some advantages/pros of moving out of your parent’s house are:

    1.You have developed a form of independence and self-reliance when you do.

    2. You have more privacy and freedom, (i.e coming home late and not being asked a bunch of questions like where have you been?)

    3. You have plenty of time and space for yourself.

    4. You expand your life skills and general knowledge.

    Some disadvantages/cons are:

    1. You may have some financial difficulties and stress depending on the situation and place.

    2. Having to worry about paying for rent, utilities and I haven’t even mentioned the security deposit.

    3. Paying for your monthly dose of groceries, toiletries things that are necessities.

    4. Figuring out how to pay for any loans or debts you have (though some may get financial help from their parents.)

    5. Paying for any additional expenses you like for entertainment, gifts, trips, or anything else

    6. Doing the housework all for yourself.

  5. Lauren says:

    I think that kids should leave their parents house when they probably make some money or a few years after college. I think this because if kids don’t have an education to get them a job to earn money how will they pay for the house. Or if they buy an apartment how will they pay for the monthly income? With a job at least we can afford to buy a house including the needs like food, water, clothing, and stuff that we want.

    My parents said that I can live with them till I get a job or if I want to live with them I would have to pay the rent to live downstairs. In our family we haven’t really talked about it because I am only 11 and there is a long way to go for my education before I go to college. So, I don’t think we will ever talking about it for a while…

  6. Rohan:) says:

    I think the main advantage of satying at home is majority of your expenses are covered. For example, free food, living space, and laundry to name a few.
    Some disadvantages of never moving out or moving out when you are 40 is that you are never really going to know how to be independent. You are not going to be able to have your own real space and your parents will most likely get sick of you.
    I think a good time to move out is when you get a job and you have a stable source of income so you are able to get a place of your own

  7. maddie :) says:

    I think that it depends on how much money they have. Because housing is so expensive in Vancouver sometimes one salary isn’t enough to buy a house,condo or apartment. It also does depend a lot on age. I do think that 30 is too old to still be staying at your parents house. Why? Because if you are at that age or older i feel like you wouldn’t feel independent, and encouraged to go to work everyday or try to accomplish things you wanted to. But if you have your own house/place to live you wouldn’t depend on your parents as much and you could focus on the important things.

    I think the positives of moving out is you have a place to call your own. If you want to have friends over for example you have your own space and you can feel happy about it instead of a small basement or wherever you’re staying at your parents house. The downside is you lose that “security blanket” of your family. You have more to worry about when your on your own, in your own house. For example taxes, bills, expenses and more. Overall i think you have more to gain from moving out than you do staying forever. Also your parents would probably be happy if you moved out. 😉

  8. Victor says:

    I think that the main advantage to moving out is more space and the disadvantage being money and food. I think that most people can’t cook as well as their parents and they won’t know how to keep the house as clean as they had it when their parents where there.

    I will move out when i have enough money to buy a house and buy a car. i want to watch the movie so….

  9. Samuel says:

    I think it’s good to move out earlier because you can have your own independence and are responsible for your own house/apartment now. I also feel when you have your own house or car that is well kept you get a feeling of accomplishment. I think my brother has a cool situation where he is living in Germany for his first place by himself I could definitely see the struggle that comes with it because you have no family within 20 hrs of you. But it kind of just sets you there in a situation where you have to figure it out. Plus he has roommates which would be cool. I hope to move out early but me and my mom have a habit to procrastinate plus I feel she won’t want me to leave and when I do move out she’ll be at my house all the time to help me out

  10. wesley says:

    I would say around 21-25 because I think it is a good time to kick your kid out of the house because the kid is just taking advantage of you and you will get very angry. Your kid will have little to no idea of how to take care of himself. The only problem is that he will take forever to move out and just can’t make up his mind on where to go and he won’t find a place for a few months and will still end up living with you. This is my thoughts on when kids should move out.

  11. Angela says:

    Advantages: You can actually make your own decisions (if your parents aren’t too protective), you don’t have to deal with crazy siblings, and you get freedom.
    Disadvantages: everything is really expensive, and if you move out early on, you can’t really get a high paying job until you finish college.

    Personally I would move out as soon as possible, mainly because I want my freedom and because sometimes people in my family including me get really upset and I just wanna get away from that.

  12. Bernice says:

    The advantages of moving out are that you have more space for yourself and you could always choose how you want to decorate your house. Honestly, I don’t know what other advantages there are. A disadvantage is that you don’t see your parents as often(for some people this is a good thing but some people think it’s a bad thing. I don’t know I just put this under disadvantages)

    I think the most reasonable age to move out is around 30? I’m just guessing 30 because most of my cousins moved out at an age of around 30.

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