Mental Illness Awareness Week

Hi all, 

Here is the link to MindChek and The Kids Help Phone for anything you may need to know about mental illnesses. If you need anything call them or talk to someone. 


Kids Help Phone:

Here are some videos you can watch. You’re welcome to comment on the videos or offer any suggestions on how to cope or ask questions that you may not know the answers to regarding Mental Health. We can inquire and learn about this together.


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2 Responses to Mental Illness Awareness Week

  1. Mahek :) says:

    Wow, I’m actually really happy for these people who have struggled, picked themselves up, and then moved on in life. It’s never right to hold things in, like sooner or later that bubble of pain your keeping inside of you will burst.


    I think that these videos and channels help these people really share their stories and people can comment and suggest ways to help or support themselves because you are in charge of yourself and keeping it in isn’t healthy. It also helps people who have gone through similar times hope and the piece of mind that it DOES get better. You just have to keep trying.

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