Invisible – Uncovering Mental Illness movie

Hi all, 

We will be watching this video on Thursday and there will be a follow-up activity that we can talk about regarding mental health week. Enjoy!

Discussion Questions:

(1) What comes to mind when you hear the term ‘mental health’?
(2) What do you think your mental health will be like in the future?
(3) What do you do to maintain or improve your mental health?
(4) Are you worried about the mental health of anyone you know?
(5) Is mental health more important than physical health?
(6) Are there many people with mental health problems in your country?
(7) What does your government do for people with mental health diseases and problems?
(8) How can society help people with mental health problems or stop people from developing them?
(9) Do you think modern society increases the likelihood of mental health problems?
(10) What advice would you give to someone with mental health issues?
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10 Responses to Invisible – Uncovering Mental Illness movie

  1. Diego 🤡🤡🤡🍛 says:

    1 when I first think of mental illness i think of a disorder inside of your head

  2. Angela says:

    1 When I hear the words ‘mental health’ I think of down syndrome, depression, and anxiety. People suffer from all of these, and most of the time in these cases, there is bullying involved.

    4 Yeah, if dogs are allowed. My dog seems kinda lonely like she wants a new friend, but my dad won’t agree with us. And if dogs aren’t allowed, I guess it would be my best friend. She’s been having arguments with our other best friend, and she’s been feeling really left out and alone, from what she’s told me. I think a few people are bullying her, too. I’m not certain, but it’s just a guess. I feel bad though, like I should be able to help her, but I’m just not there.

    5 In most cases, yes. Unless someone is affected by a serious disease that might cause them to feel depressed or suicidal, I feel mental health is more important. It’s important for people to have a good mental well being, because if they don’t, they might not be able to do a few things, and the conditions can sometimes lead to suicidal death.

    6 I believe so. Canada is a big country, and with that comes millions of people. There’s bound to be a percentage of people with mental illnesses or disorders, and from what I’ve researched, 20% of the people in Canada have or have had mental illnesses or disorders.

    And that’s about it, I think

  3. Adrally says:

    To maintain my mental health Is by playing soccer because I don’t think about anything else but soccer

  4. Rohan:) says:

    1.when I hear mental illness.i think of people who have something going wrong in their heads and need something or someone to help them.
    2. Hopfully in the future people who suffer from mental illnesses will be able to get better much faster and easier.
    3. I don’t really get that stressed out or anything so three is not that much I do to improve my mental health.
    4. I’m not really worried about anyone I know and their mental health because not a lot of people I know have mental health issues.
    5. I think most of the time mental health is more important than phiysical health because then you will at least be able to feel good without having a something always bothering you.
    6. According to my reaserch about every one 1 in 5 people will have a mental illness in their lives.
    7. I’m not exactly sure what the government does to aid people who have mental illnesses but I do know that we have programs to help the victims of any mental illness.
    8. We can try to comfort those who feel unimportant or feel like their worthless.
    9. I definitely think that the modern age has increased the likelihood of mental illness because these days you can just text someone instead of meeting them in person and seeing how they are doing.
    10. If I had to give advice to someone who has a mental illness I would tell them to go get help or go see a counselor.

  5. Lauren says:

    1. When I here the word mental health I think of a person who is struggling in life like maybe with depression, anxiety, and disorders
    2. I think that mental health in the future may be less common or maybe easier to treat
    3. When I feel depressed or stressed I take deep breaths to calm myself down and think of the positive side of the issue
    4. I do not know anyone who has a mental health issue
    5. I find in most cases mental health can be more important than physical health. I think this way because feeling depressed, stressed, anxiety, suicidal thoughts can be worse than just getting some exercise
    6. I bet that there are a lot of people with mental health in a big country like Canada
    7. I do not exactly know what the Canadian government does to help with the mental health society
    8. For the people that have mental health issues around us we can cope them and tell them that everything is going to be good also we can bring positive feelings instead of negative feelings
    9. I feel like the modern society is a big impact on the mental health society today and the problems that come with it
    10. The advice that I would give someone is that to always feel positive and don’t ever feel like you are alone

  6. zoya says:

    1) I think mental health automatically makes me really great full for my parents and my life because I know that people are going through this sort of thing.
    2) there probably won’t be mental illnesses because our brains will be replaced by robots! No but seriously I think that mental health problems won’t be such a real thing anymore. People are getting cocky and selfish and I think they’ll just have like a shot to like make people think they’re all so great and won’t be depressed or something.
    3) I always take some time everyday to think, relax and forget absolutely everything, by listening to music. Music helps me think and I just go into this zone where everything is fine.
    4) I think my grandparents are my main focus. You know, they’re getting older and it’s not so easy to keep healthy.
    5) I think they are both important but I mainly focus on mental health more because you could be depressed, crazy, but your SKINNY. That’s not right.
    6) according to the interweb, “In any given year, 1 in 5 people in Canada will personally experience a mental health problem or illness. Mental illness affects people of all ages, education, income levels, and cultures. Approximately 8% of adults will experience major depression at some time in their lives.” (btw I copy/pasted that)
    7) also according to the interweb, “The objective of the Canada Health Act is to protect, promote and restore the mental and physical well-being of Canadians and to ensure reasonable access to health services regardless of personal factors such as income, education or cultural differences.”
    8) I’m not really sure because the mind is more of a personal topic. You and only you is in charge of your precious brain and what you think may not be real, but you can’t fool your body you can only fool your mind.
    9) ABSOLUTELY. In this time, everybody is worried on how they look. To impress people, whether it be the opposite gender, or a popular kid at school that they DESPERATELY want to be friends with.
    10) just watch these videos and don’t give up.

    • wuj says:

      You are so positive Zoya. I can understand your situation with your grandparents. I only have a grandma left and she is getting really old and more needy. She doesn’t remember too many things anymore, but all we can do is make the rest of her time here as enjoyable as can be. Stay positive right?

  7. Kamsi-_________- says:

    1.For me when I was younger when I heard the term “mental health” I used to think it was people that were crazy. I remember my mum asking me that same question and I answered, “It is people that are crazy.” After that my mum sat me down and explained so ever since then I look at people with mental health much differently. Mental health is our physical, emotional and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel or act.

    2.In the future, I feel like there will be new discoveries to help people with mental health. There will probably be also new advanced technology, medication and procedures that would help a lot too.

    3.To maintain my mental health for me is interacting with the right people, joining activities, eating healthily and enough and lots more!

    4.I am worried about people like my grandparents. When people get older things can change and sometimes not in a good way. They have more risk of getting sick or dying and it scares me. My grandma has a bubble fun personality that I’m pretty sure anyone would love and I’m afraid being old would change that. I just hope she doesn’t become one of those ill-natured grumpy old person.

    5. Mental health is definitely much more important than physical health. Without having a good mental health how would you be able to do things physical? When I think about the word mental it means the brain and the brain is one of the most important part of the body it orders the body to do everyday life stuff. So if its danged what’s the point of doing physical stuff.

  8. Nando says:

    1. When I hear mental health I think of how your memory is. My grandmother on my dad sides metal health is terrible and she needs major health. She gets very confused and I really think of her mostly when I hear mental health.

    2. I think my mental health will be very good in the future because I do a lot of exercise and I also eat healthy.

    3. To maintain or improve my mental health I usually,

    (1) Eat healthy.
    (2) Do sports.
    (3) Learn some new things like other languages or math problems.

  9. aden vu says:

    When I hear mental health i think of depression or my brain health. I think in the future my mental health will be some what healthy. to help my mental health i take breaks to play outside or walk. I do they are in better shape know. yes and no like if you have good physical health you might have better mental health because you feel good about yourself and your body.

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