Cystic Fibrosis

Hi all,

Since we are reading the story “Five Feet Apart,” I thought it would be good to learn a little more about CF. Below is a video about the disease. After that, I will post a few discussion questions for you to follow. 

Film Accuracy

  1. How do you feel about seeing CF featured in a Hollywood movie?
  2. How are the characters you saw in the movie different from your
    experience with CF?
  3. Let’s talk about how a hospital stay looks or feels different than
    what the movie portrays.
  4. What part of the movie felt the most realistic to you? What felt
    unrealistic? What would you have done differently if you were
    making a film about CF?
  5. What questions do you have about the movie?
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4 Responses to Cystic Fibrosis

  1. Cheryl says:

    Umm, is it just me or is the video speaking in Scientifician? Sorry, but if anyone knows how to speak Scientifician, please translate!
    I think all i got from the video was ‘cell’ and ‘panda’…

    • wuj says:

      It’s just telling you how the cells get stack from simple things such as a cold. When we read more of the story you’ll understand how CF actually affects someone and why Will and Stella need to be 6 feet apart from each other.

  2. Kamsi-_____- says:

    I feel like after knowing what cystic fibrosis is I feel like I’m lucky. It can be a pretty deadly disease and sometimes one can just get it

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