
  1. Two fathers and two sons sat down to eat eggs for breakfast. They ate exactly three eggs, each person had an egg. The riddle is for you to explain how.
  2. Three guys rent a hotel room for the night. When they get to the hotel they pay the $$\$30 $$ fee, then go up to their room. Soon the bellhop brings up their bags and gives the lawyers back $5 because the hotel was having a special discount that weekend. So the three lawyers decide to each keep one of the $5 dollars and to give the bellhop a $2 tip. However, when they sat down to tally up their expenses for the weekend the could not explain the following details:

    Each one of them had originally paid $10 (towards the initial $30), then each got back $1 which meant that they each paid $9. Then they gave the bellhop a $2 tip. HOWEVER, 3 • $9 + $2 = $29

    The guys couldn’t figure out what happened to the other dollar. After all, the three paid out $30 but could only account for $29.

    Can you determine what happened?

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6 Responses to Brainteasers

  1. Jefferson sing a Song says:

    1. the grandfather and the dad are the fathers, and the child and the dad are the sons. they each had an egg, so that adds up to 3 eggs.

    2. This teaser is pretty hard, but it makes sense if you refer to the three men as one. So, they originally had $30, -5 because of the discount, so they now have $25. Since they gave the $2 to the bellhop, that adds up to $27. They also kept 3 dollars for themselves, so in all that adds up to a final of $30. The only reason why this brain teaser is hard is because it is worded weird, so if you refer to the three men as one it makes the teaser make way more sense. (by the way I didn’t search this up Mr. Wu, I figured it out myself. Just saying I didn’t cheat)

  2. Cheryl says:

    There’s a father, then his son, then his son’s son. That’s two fathers and two sons although it’s only 3 people. Egg case solved!

  3. Victor says:

    1. There is only 3 people, a grandpa and a dad would be the fathers. The Dad and the child would be the sons.

    2. This riddle is tricky because of the phrasing. If the bellhop just gave them 3 dollars back and they each take back 1 dollar they would be fine, so in this case the 3 lawyers calculations where incorrect.

  4. Rohan:) says:

    1. There is one grandpa, one father, and one son. Booom!

    2. Okay so 30 -5=25. 25 +3+2=30. The lawyer’s basically can’t do math and did it wrong. So you have to look at the 3 lawyers as one. Instead of giving one each they gave 3. 5-2 =3.

  5. Zoya says:

    1) there were technically three people. A son, a father and a grandfather. The father counts for two. He is a son, and a father. :))

  6. Lauren says:

    1) there were three eggs that was shared among 2 fathers, and 2 sons. So the answer is that there was a grandpa and a father which equals 2 dads. And there were two sons the same father and his son.

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