Maui (Ka’anapali) Summer Vacation

Hi all,

I just booked a vacation to Maui and I’m staying at the Regency Hyatt Maui, in Ka’anapali. I’ve never been here, but maybe you all have. Can you please find me some day time activities, places to eat for lunch and dinner, and any other cool things you come across? Mucho gracis!



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8 Responses to Maui (Ka’anapali) Summer Vacation

  1. Angela says:

    I’ve never been there before, but I did a bit of research and this is what I came up with

    1 snorkeling-
    2 zipline
    3 biking (if you have your bike or don’t mind renting one for an outrageous price)

    Food- don’t ask me. Most of the things I could find are like SUPER expensive so yeah…………………..

  2. Żøë says:

    Hello Mr.wu
    I do suggest you to go surfing, hang out at the pool or just hang out around at the beach, at night you can watch the sunset. If you do still have time you can watch some parades like people who does tricks and all.

  3. Victor says:

    Hey Mr.Wu,

    1. It is probably going to be hot so you should get shaved ice. When I think of Hawaii I think of getting shaved ice.

    2. If you are thinking of going to another place on the island you should think of also bringing a jacket because not sides of the mountain are warm.

  4. AdenVu says:

    Umm Fancy!!! anyway nice 4-star hotel but i never been so i don’t know

  5. zoya says:

    also, i don’t know much because I’ve never been there but i heard that a good restaurant is rav’s. unfortunately i didn’t see where in Maui you were going, so rav’s might not be an option.
    also, you should try a traditional dish called Loco Moco. I can’t remember exactly what it is, but I’m pretty sure it’s a beef patty with a fried egg on top, on rice.

  6. Lauren 😁 says:

    WOW! I hope you have fun in Maui this summer! Here is what I found that you can do in Maui…

    Some activities that you can do in Maui are…

    Enjoy your day at the Ka’anapali beach there are some pretty big waves that may knock you out if you are not being cautious. but the beach has beautiful views of the sunset.

    If you like coconuts go to the Punakea Palms Coconut Farm. they have an educational program where you can taste various types of coconut and learn about them. This tour is in Lahaina, Maui which is a 17-minute drive from your hotel.

    Some places to eat in Maui…

    Ohana Tacos is a Mexican cuisine restaurant in Lahaina also but it is a 4.2 stars review restaurant that is not very expensive in the photos and reviews the food looks pretty good.

    ROCKsalt is a 5-star restaurant and is a Hawaiian cuisine restaurant. it is more expensive than Ohana Tacos. Some people say that is is an amazing restaurant with fresh fruits and veggies and great food. On the other hand, some people say that it is an awful restaurant that has no selection and nothing comes with the meal.

    And finally, for dessert, I would recommend shaved ice. The place that I found that is a 4-star review shaved ice company. It is called Breakwall Shave Ice Co. It is cheap and comes with a ton of flavors and if you want you can add some liquor. In the shop, they also serve Acai Bowls, Ice Cream, and Smoothies.

  7. Rohan:) says:

    I’ve never been to Hawaii but here’s some stuff I’ve come up with.
    1. Whale watching. This activity ranges from about 40-70 dollars.I think this activity would be a good experience as well.

    2. You could go on a helicopter tour. These tours are pretty expensive (around 500 dollars) but if you dont mind spending the extra money I think this is a great option.

    3.The last thing I recommend doing is snorkeling. This event costs around 100 dollars but would be (at least I think) a super cool experience.

  8. KAMSI-_______- says:

    That’s pretty cool that you’re going to Maui, I have never been to Hawaii but I would love to since people say its a pretty fun experience. Some places that I recommend you should go are:
    1. Taking a surfer lesson, you don’t have to buy the gears for it they lend you.

    2.Watch the sunrise on Haleakala, even though you have to wake a bit early for this one it will be worth the lack of sleep because it is very beautiful to watch. In my opinion, watching any sunrise is beautiful.

    3.Experience a traditional surfing canoe.

    4.Visit a pineapple plantation, when doing that I’m pretty sure you’ll find a lot of JUICY pineapples plus as a bonus its nutritious.

    5.Go whale watching, I’ve only ever seen those big beautiful animals on TV and I’m pretty sure it will be an exciting to see one up close as you can get.

    I really hope you try a few of these things.

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