Boys rescue teen on Grouse Mountain

Here’s what happened

When five boys from Vancouver went out to Grouse Mountain for a day of skiing last week, they never expected to become internet sensations. But that’s just what happened to the group on Wednesday afternoon, when they helped save a boy who was dangling from the chairlift. The incident was caught on video and has been shared thousands of times, turning the five kids into celebrities overnight. Even the premier of B.C., John Horgan, applauded their efforts.

The kids, who are all home-schooled, got together again for a Skype interview with CBC Kids News to tell the story about what happened. Joshua Ravensbergen, Gabriel Neilson, James MacDonald, Ethan Harvey and Sam North were on their way down the hill when they looked up and saw the boy, who was being held up by his dad.

“Everyone was sort of just standing around looking up at this poor kid,” said MacDonald. “I said to the lady next to me, he’s not going to be able to hold on for much longer, because he was struggling.”

The boys looked around for material on the hill they could use to catch the boy. Their quick thinking paid off. MacDonald said he sent someone to get some out-of-bounds netting, and he and Ravensbergen found a yellow mat to use as padding. The mat had been wrapped around a pole to prevent injury if someone skis into it. They put the mat on the netting to “cushion the impact,” said MacDonald. Neilson showed up next and tried to calm the boy down. “And then at one point, I told him to take his skis off,” said Neilson. “So that he could fall without them on.” Neilson thinks the boy could have hurt himself had he kept his skis on. Eventually, the man holding onto the boy let him go, and he landed with a gentle bounce on the netting below.

A spokesperson for Grouse Mountain Resorts said in a statement that the boy was uninjured in the fall. He was taken to hospital as a precaution. As a way to say thanks, the boys were given season passes to the mountain for next season, or cash if they already have a pass.

Being called heroes

They have been getting a lot of attention, which is not something they anticipated when they sprang into action to help. “I got in the car the other day with my dad and then we turned on the radio and they’re talking about it,” said Harvey. “I don’t think I realized how many people have seen it and how big it is. It’s pretty insane.” And they also learned a few valuable lessons. “Teamwork,” said Neilson, “and staying calm.” “Communication,” said MacDonald. “Telling everyone the plan and pursuing it.” “Put the bar down,” added Harvey, referring to the security bar on the chairlift.

WHO IS YOUR HERO AND WHY? (Please answer in a full paragraph)

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6 Responses to Boys rescue teen on Grouse Mountain

  1. •´¯`•. zσєч wαs hєrє! .•´¯`• says:

    I think my hero is my oldest brother because…His always there for me when I need him, his always helpful but sometimes he is very annoying but. I still love him no matter what. I remember when I had hurted myself and I was bleeding pretty bad. My brother ran to me with my mum, he saw blood all over me and he was pretty shocked, as far as I can remember, and my mom was pretty scared that I would faint and it was not a very good day because after that we have to go to the emergency. But YEAH MY OLDEST BROTHER IS MY HERO! Ahem! Anyways my brother is the best person I could ever have and WHOEVER got to judge then back off cause I don`t care I`m sure you have someone you love! (–,–)
    (I honestly regret my life choices haha! Also idc I felt like adding a “y” in my name xD)

  2. AdenVu says:

    My hero is my mom and dad why both it is because they risk everything for me and my brothers and sister. My mom is a hero because she has brought me up from the start without her I wouldn’t be here. She cooks food for us, cleans for us, helps us with everything including what we wear. My dad is another true hero he helps me with schooling, manners and teaches me from right and wrong. They both do things for all of us and without them i don’t know what i would do without them

  3. ZOYA says:

    i think that what those five kids did is pretty crazy and shows that you ca actually change a life, or help someone. even if it’s not as grand as saving someone from a ski lift.
    my hero would have to be my dog. now i know that sounds crazy, but its true. My dog puts up with a lot. only two meals, other doggos on his territory. also, my whole family is guilty of yelling at him, when he barks, sometimes we eve use this really loud duck whistle. thankfully, now that he is sick of it, when i bring it out, he stops immediately. i love my dog, and no matter what, he still loves us.

    god, that was weird.

  4. Angela says:

    I think my heroes are my closest friends. Some of them you don’t know, some of them you do. I’m not going to use names, but you know who you are. All of them are SUPER supportive.

    My first hero gives really good advice, and is always there for me to talk to. I know I can always count on her to do something to save the day, but it’s been some time since I’ve last seen her (16 days).

    My next hero is someone who can tell right from wrong really easily. He’s also really honest but a bit too sarcastic sometimes. He’s a really good friend.

    Next, there’s someone from this class. She’s super flexible and fast, and can jump. I bet you can guess who that is. Anyways, she can make you smile when you’re upset, and that’s a really valuable strength. She’s amazing.

    Also someone from this class, she’s extremely smart. (I’d say super but I already said that and I don’t want to overuse that word.) She has the best ideas, and her logic makes them work. She’s super friendly to everyone, and can learn every language in the world if she wanted to. Keep being awesome!

    Another girl in this class, you’re super creative. You’re really capable of doing a lot, like someday discovering unicorns and being the first person EVER to see one. Keep loving (and drawing) unicorns!!!!!!!!

    There are two of you who seemed really quiet at first, but soon revealed yourselves to be some of the most exciting people I’ve ever met. One of you is super artistic and really creative. The other one is a really good dancer (I know even though I’ve never seen her dance). Together, you’re two of the closest friends I’ve ever seen.

    And last of all, someone who I can talk to is there. She loves dogs, and animals overall, just as much as I do (even though I like cats over dogs) so almost every time I see a cute animal picture at school I show her.

    I’m so thankful for all of you, and keep in mind that this was not in order. Keep being the best person you are, and I’m always here for you (unless there’s some big emergency elsewhere).

  5. Rohan:) says:

    I think my hero would have to be my dad because he is really kind and always goes out of his way to help me. If I ever an issue that needs fixing he’s always there to help and I really appreciate that.

  6. Lauren 😊 says:

    I think my hero would have to be my parents. Why my parents are my heroes is because they always set a good example for me and my sister and always inspires me to be me. They are always supporting me when a need it and tell me to always follow my dreams even if I do not. When I become older I wish to be like my parents because they are my heroes.

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