First Snow Day in a Decade

Please read the following article. Why do you think that BC hasn’t had a snow day in over a decade?

Think of some reasons why you think Vancouver doesn’t experience the same amount of snow as it did 10 years ago. (Hint: Global warming, by the water, etc.)

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12 Responses to First Snow Day in a Decade

  1. Victor says:

    I think that Vancouver doesn’t experience the same amount of snow mainly because of global warming, actually completely because of global warming. As the world gets warmer because of climate change, we will experience more harsh weather changes. I think that one day there will be no icebergs left because of global warming, it sad but I actually think its gonna happen. I think that our kids or grandchildren are going to have many snow days because of climate change and global warming. Nasa reported that 1997 and 2007 were the hottest ten years ever recorded.

  2. Angela says:

    Well there are many reasons that there’s not as much snow in Metro Vancouver, but I think it’s mainly because of global warming. The reason there hasn’t been a snow day in a decade is because the snow hasn’t been bad enough or met the conditions for a snow day.

  3. AdenVu says:

    I think vancouver has not had a snow day in so long is because the climate has changed because of some reasons that i don’t wanna go into. But another thing is horrible drivers, we do have a rep for the worst drivers. They just drive really a slow and dangerously so that is why

  4. Zoe UwU says:

    Maybe the snowstorm happened by fluke. Or maybe global warming has changed our weather patterns. People are noticing a change in the weather patterns season to season.

  5. Zoe says:

    Maybe the snowstorm happened by fluke. Or maybe global warming has changed our weather patterns. People are noticing a change in the weather patterns season to season.

  6. Rohan:) says:

    I think the reasons why Vancouver and Burnaby haven’t been experiencing as much snow in the last decade is because of global warming. Although it was a snow day I still think it would have been fine if we still had gone to school.

  7. Lauren :) says:

    Maybe Vancouver had this snow day after a decade because of global warming. When there is global warming happening the worlds weather conditions become worse. Me, myself I have never had a snow day because it never happened in 10 years. But my mom told me the last time she ever had a snow day she was at the age where she just had started teaching as her job. In my opinion I do not know why Vancouver did not experience the same snow day as it did 10 years ago.

  8. wesley says:

    I think Vancouver gets less snow than ten years ago because of climate change and that is making the temperature warmer lets say it is maybe 3 degrees outside and raining, ten years ago it would be snowing at minus 2. Another factor might be that people are more prepared so there is not much snow on the roads because they used salt or got around to getting the snowplows out earlier. We are also closer to the pacific ocean and being closer to a body of water makes the temperature go up 1 or 2 degrees. So I do not know the answer but this could possibly be the answer to why we have a not had a snow day in ten years.

  9. Cheryl says:

    I think that there isn’t as much snow as there was before because of Global Warming. The earth is getting warmer all the time and by the time we grow up, there might not even be snow anymore!! Maybe conditions were not bad enough for Vancouver to have a snow day…

  10. MADDIE._. says:

    although Burnaby is on a hill I don’t think that we have had a snow day in over a decade because of a few different reasons. the first one is of global warming. though this is happening all over the world it is still quite bad here because of the population and all of the car pollution. even though there was a lot of snow here a few years ago they still didn’t have a snow day. but now when there isn’t much snow on the ground but it snows a lot there is a snow day. I think that this is because on the day of the snow day it was supposed to snow all day and night, also the snow was very thick and the roads were covered. lots of people wouldn’t be able to drive their kids to school so it would be a bit chaotic. those are the reason why I think the burnaby schools closed for the first time in a decade

  11. zoyamoyaloya says:

    i honestly don’t know why we haven’t had a snow day in ten years. this was my first snow day, so i think its because maybe we just got used to it. i mean technology is advancing and we have new ways to deal with this snow. i personally can’t remember when we’ve had snow in Feb. i just think i wasn’t prepared for the snowfall in February, and maybe the schools weren’t either.

  12. Jefferson sing a Song says:

    I think that there’s not as much snow nowadays is mostly because global warning. Global warming is effecting the whole world, and makes it so the whole world is warmer. This makes the snow melt, so that is why we have less snow. That is my opinion on Why we have less snow now.

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