Post your short stories here:

Hi everyone, 

Please post your short stories here (2-4 paragraphs). Pick one of the topics befow: 

  • A Great Accomplishment 
  • Someone You Admire
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27 Responses to Post your short stories here:

  1. Jefferson sing a Song says:

    People I Admire
    2 people I admire are my parents. They do lots of great things. They are also great role models and they have taught me lots of important lessons. They also take care of everything for the family. This is why I admire my parents.
    Since I was little, I always admired my dad. He would work for long, hard hours and still be able to spend time with his family. My dad has his own company, called something in Chinese that I don’t know. He is basically a carpenter, because he helps fix problems in houses and also renovates them. My dad would sometimes get injuries, but not big ones. One time he came home with a huge cut on his hand, which I think was a scar. My dad is also generous. He is always making food and other stuff for his friends. He also always volunteers to drive me to an extra-curricular activity or something like that. That is why I admire my dad.
    Another person I admire is my mom. She also works long hours and still takes care of everything for the family. She has had 4 jobs that I know of, 1st at Hilton Hotel, 2nd at Shangri-La, 3rd at a place that has a name I don’t know, and now at Edward Jones Investments. She has to wake up at 6:30 every morning, drive for 20 minutes, work for 7 hours, then finally she can come home. After all that, she still has to mop, make meals, do laundry, etc. She is sometimes so tired me and my dad sometimes have to do all her work (not that we don’t help anyway). That is why I admire my mom.
    In all, 2 people I admire are my parents. They work persistently and still have time to take care of me. They are really great people and that is why I admire them.

  2. Vinh Le says:

    The last time i accomplishment great was when my team play basketball with my uncle team . My uncle is a good player in basketball he teach my team how to play basketball. Sometime i want to fight basketball with my uncle team but my uncle play basketball to good so i can’t beat him easy. So him team win a game, he say my team don’t give up and practice harder, my team practice harder my team practice run, shot and pass . So in 2 week i got other basketball game match. So my team so every skill we got and shot my uncle team so surprise they try to get we ball but they can’t. The game is end my team is win, my uncle say good game and keep practice and hope we have other game. That is all my great accomplishment.

  3. Aden Vu says:

    A Person I Admire
    A people who i look up to is my mother and father. They are the key people who brought me up raised me and taught me.

    My mother is the best mother you can have, I look up to her because she does everything for my brothers and sisters. One example was that she wakes up every morning and makes me an amazing lunch for me everyday. After all that she drives us to school and drops off my dad. She still has to take care of my sister and do chores around the house. When i am sick my mom takes care of me and wants me to have fun. On halloween day i had a disease called HSP where my red blood cells fought my white blood cells and i was very sore. But she still carried me on her back to go trick or treating and i was like 80 pounds and she still did it.

    Since, I was a kid my parents were my superheroes no one other they would help me with anything teach me manners that needed to be learned, teaching me things that were the best for me that i taken for granted some times. My father was the key to most of my learning he taught me manners, math,how to cookish,and many more that i know and need to learn. He helps me with homework, life skills and more. That is why i look up to my parents who taught me everything that makes me who i am today.

  4. alaina says:

    A Great Accomplishment

    A great accomplishment for me was when I got a record of 269 pieces candy on Halloween. It was a magical moment for me. I knew there was no way I could finish all of it by next Fall. I was in unicorn costume. No wonder I got so much candy! There’s still a bit left from that day.
    So, this is what happened. My family was walking around the whole neighbourhood, and beyond it. As you can guess, my legs were killing me! There was about 4 kids. Remember this. Anyway, as we were walking around, all of our bags couldn’t hold all the candy, and everything was WAY TOO HEAVY. We had the adults carry our unused bags and all our full bags. There were about 3-4 adults, so we had a lot of space for candy.
    By the end of all the trick or treating, we walked all the way home, which was equally exhausting. All the kids were given there bags, and everyone started to count. Everyone had about 100 pieces of candy. The extra candy for my younger siblings was given to me, on which I gladly accepted.
    After counting all the candy AGAIN, which obviously took about forever, I had 269 pieces of candy! I was amazed on how far I got! I was shocked, and it felt like I was in heaven. I never shared a single piece, and I’m glad!
    This is why getting a record for 269 pieces of candy on Halloween was a great accomplishment for me.

    I hope you enjoyed my story!
    p.s. Mr.Wu, you spelt below wrong.

  5. LAUREN :) says:

    Someone that I admire…

    Some that I admire is my Mom. My Mom is such a important person in my life. The reason I admire my Mom is because since I was really young she has been the person I want to be when I grow up. She is a helpful, loving, caring, funny person that I love. I also admire her because always been there for me when I feel sad, takes care of me when I am sick, helps me with my homework when I need it and the best Mom she can be. These are the reasons why I love my Mom and admire her. I do admire so many people in my family but my Mom one of the people that sticks out in my life.

    My Mom has always been there for me since I was born. Helping me when I feel sad about something or someone. Like when it came to my late great grandma’s birthday and I felt really sad about that special day because I miss her so much. She told me that I can be sad sometimes but my great grandma is still her watching over our family and that made so much better that she talked to me. After that I always know that I will be okay

    The other reason I admire my Mom is that she helps me when I am sick or injured. Yesterday I fell down hard on my knee and my Mom took me to the hospital to make sure I did not have any broken or fractured bones. We had to wait at the hospital for three hours. My Mom waited for those three hours just for me to make sure I am ok instead of staying home and pretend like that injury never happened.

    The last reason I admire my Mom is because that she helps me with my homework to check it over and made sure I did it correctly instead of handing in my work with so many mistakes. Also she helps me with the work that I do not understand and re-teaches it to me so I do understand. Finally my Mom helps me study for french, math, science tests and makes a little mini test so I can prepare.

    In conclusion, my Mom is a great Mom and I do not know what I would do without her in my life. She is such an amazing Mom in helping me in what I need, being there for me, and being a amazing teacher in the future I hope that I can be just like my amazing Mom.

    • Kamsi-_________- says:

      I love that you admire your mum, it shows that you have a role model to look up to in both good and bad times.

      Now for the critics! (don’t worry its the good type)

      At the first sentence I believe you should have written- “Someone that I admire is my mum.” Then you could say, ”Since I was really young she has been the person I want to be when I grow up. She is a helpful, loving, caring, funny person and she plays such an important role in my life.”

      I would love to make more suggestions but I am sooooooooooooooooo tired :0) however have a good day.

  6. Cheryl Please Rate This Story From 1-10 And Comment! says:

    A Great Accomplishment

    My family and I flew to Hawaii a couple days ago to visit my uncle Mike, who was an expert fisherman. He told us to fly to Hawaii so we could join him in the annual Super Fisher competition! I was BEYOND excited. This was going to be sooo fun and easy! Or so I thought… The accomplishment that I was most proud of was when I caught a fish in Hawaii! But it wasn’t just any fish… it was a Fat Trout common in Maui- and it weighed more than 80 pounds!

    The first time I went out to fish, Uncle Mike lended my family a good-sized fishing boat called Ocean Raider. I am embarrassed to say that the first trout I caught, at a massive 80 pounds, tore my line in half! I was incredibly depressed and disappointed as the sun dipped below the horizon because I was literally thisclose to catching that fish!

    The next day, I begged my parents to go fishing again so I could go with them and (hopefully) catch another fish! My sister teased me about my misfortune, and my spirits sank. I decided to read about fish first, and then actually try to do it. It turned out that I was using the wrong bait! Taking a deep breath, I threw my line and waited, and waited, and waited…

    Suddenly, there was a fierce yank on the line! I reeled it in as fast as I could and almost dropped my fishing pole in surprise at what I saw. It was a Obese Trout, at 100 pounds, staring at me with wide, unblinking eyes. I pulled the fish onto the boat, dizzy with triumph, and saw my sister reel an anchovy.

    Just a couple days later, I took the 100 billion dollar prize as second-place winner of the Super Fisher competition…right after my uncle Mike! Catching that fish wasn’t easy. In fact, it wasn’t even close to easy, especially for a beginner like me.
    But I worked hard and tried my best, and now I have a great accomplishment that I can be proud of!

    • Kamsi-_________- says:

      WOAH! That’s a pretty interesting and crazy story Cheryl! It makes me want to fish (even though I probably don’t have the patience for it) By they way out of ten your short story is 8.5.

      Now for the slightly worse part- THE CORRECTIONS BY ME! (lol)

      Ha! there’s no corrections, it is really good, now I have to go check someone else’s short story. (Sorry Mr. Wu;)

  7. Pavyn says:

    Someone I Admire

    The Sedins were the people who gave me the interest into hockey. Every time they would score, I would always jump around. Sadly, they have retired. They played 18 outstanding seasons of the NHL playing for the Vancouver Canucks.

    Henrik Lars Sedin was the captain of the Vancouver Canucks. He was Swedish and was born September 26, 1980. He was born in Ornskoldsvik, Sweden. Henrik was known as a Playmaker and has more than 150 assists more than Daniel Sedin. Henrick has scored 240 goals and has 830 assists in more than 1000 games. He was also the Canucks all-time leading points scorer.

    Daniel Hans Sedin was an Assistant of the Vancouver Canucks. He was also Swedish and was born on the same day as Henrik Sedin. He was born in Ornskoldsvik, Sweden. Daniel was known as a goal scorer and has more than 150 goals more than Henrik. Daniel Sedin has scored 393 goals and has 648 assists in more than 1000 games. He was also the Canucks second most points scorer all-time.

    The reason why I admire them is because of how they play. I am always so amazed of what they can do. My cousin also played hockey too, and he made me start liking the Sedins so shout out to him. And when I started playing hockey I had a happier life. I made new friends every year. And hockey started to become my favourite thing. All because of the Sedins.

    And that’s why i Admire the Sedins

    I also like Daniel better than Henrik

    made by pavyn panglee

  8. maddie says:

    Someone I Admire

    Someone I admire is my mom. She isn’t famous or rich but she means alot to me. Since I was very small it is clear to me that she is a very special person in my world. She has been with me every step of the way and I appreciate everything that she does for me every single day. I do love my dad very much and he is a big part of my life too, but today I will be talking about my mom.

    My mom. She is very sweet and she shows it every day. One reason why I admire her so much is how kind she is. She makes a big effort into showing kindness to everyone especially her family and friends, and I think that we all appreciate how much she thinks about us. Like when I fall down and I insist that I broke something but she always takes the time to reassure me that I am fine and that everything will be ok. Or when I am struggling with my homework and she is always there helping me through it step by step making sure that I get most of the questions right before handing it in.

    Another reason why I look up to her so much is how much she helps me out. Whenever I was feeling down or needed help she would always be there weather it was on the phone or right next to me she would always help me out. Most times it would just be little problems like not being able to sleep or needed help with my homework but she would always take the time out of her day to help me.

    My mom is an amazing, kind, helpful person and I don’t know what I would do without her. She is so helpful and it is very noticable. I realize now how much time she has taken out of her days to come support me like taking time off of work to come to my basketball, soccer, piano recitals and so much more. I truly acknowledge everything she does to help me out. Those were the reasons why I admire my mom so much.

  9. rosariobo says:

    I admire Mike Tyson because he is the best boxer and boxes different from anyone else in the game. I admire him because I like his boxing skills, his motivation to push forward and break through barriers that bring him down. I think he is the best boxer of all time because he puts effort and skill into his job. When I grow up I want to box like him,

  10. Joanna says:

    A Great Accomplishment
    The last time I accomplished something great was when my team and I won the gold medal in a softball tournament. It was the provincial tournament and I was with Coach Mana, Coach Bill, Coach Mark and my team. We were playing in Coquitlam and switched to different parks. I am the starting first baseman and I’ve been with this team for 3 years now.
    The tournament was pretty fun, between games my team and I would play grounders or some other game instead of practicing for the next. My tournament was two days, so each day after the second or third game, all the parents would bring food and snacks for the team and we would spend a lot of time eating. I remember that one day after the “lunch” I had a really bad stomach ache but I still had to play because my team was short on players that day.
    The last game on the second day was against a team that we lost to earlier in the tournament, but the last game was for the gold medal. We ended up winning the game, I don’t remember the exact score but I do remember that it was very close. At the end of the tournament the mayor of Coquitlam came and awarded the medals to the teams that won the bronze, silver and gold. When my team and I got the trophy and gold medals, I felt that I accomplished something great.

  11. naNdo (0.0) says:

    I admire LeBron James the most. Mostly because of his past and what happened when he was young. When LeBron was young, he was homeless and mostly lived in his mother’s car. He had a tough life and couldn’t always go to school. Now, he is the greatest basketball player in the world. (Arguably) I think he really understands some kids suffering. I say that because he made a school called “I Promise” school. It is to help the kids in need and James even provided lots and lots of things for the kids. So pretty much, LeBron James went from some kid that had no home, no friends and pretty much no knowledge to the greatest nba player. James was actually loving football way more than anything when he was a teen, but when he got introduced to basketball, he started playing it a lot. When he was in high school, (St. Vincent-St. Mary High School), he started playing in the basketball team. LeBron James quit highschool and got drafted to the NBA by the Cleveland. He then left to play a couple of seasons in Miami and returned to Cleveland. He played 3 seasons there and is now in the Lakers.

  12. Samuel says:

    I admire Brock Boeser from the Vancouver Canucks. He is a 21 year old hockey player from Burnsville, Minnesota. He was drafted in 2015 and at the start of the 2017-18 NHL season he was on a terror and had 20 goals at Christmas 2017. I loved watching him play and one of the times he had a hat trick I was there and that’s when I really started liking him and he became my favourite player. January 2018 I bought his 1 of 150 NHL All Star jersey and I started watching old videos of him and interviews with him and realized that he seemed like a very polite, genuine, nice guy. At the end of the season I got to meet him briefly and take a photo with him and I met him again 4-5 months ago and he signed my jersey of him which made me like him even more. I think Brock Boeser carries himself professionally, the way an athlete should. In a 2018 documentary “Building Brock” it went in depth in his childhood with interviews with his parents, siblings and, friends and showed how committed he was at hockey and that’s something I admire and strive to be like. He suffered a minor fracture in his lower back and missed the last 20 games of last season. And came back this year and was having a slow start to the season and you could tell he was still battling injuries. He missed 1-2 months that bounced back and went on a stretch with a 4 point game, a hat trick and a 2 goal game. Proving that he is hard working and determined to get back to where he was, and has. That relates well to me because I am always battling injuries and work hard to get to my best even while injured.

  13. Angela says:

    A Great Accomplishment

    I started playing basketball a year ago. I used to hate it, but then I started playing with my best friend. I know how this accomplishment isn’t really a great one for some people, but to me, it’s a lot. When people compliment me, it feels like I don’t really deserve it, because I’m really not that good. I appreciate it though. So far, my greatest achievement is how much I’ve improved in basketball.

    At the start of grade six, I started playing basketball. I guess I just hated it before because I could never get a shot in and people never really passed to me. The first time i got a shot in was like a miracle. I’ll admit that I was really bad at basketball in the beginning, there’s no denying that. I guess I just got bored and started playing. I’m still really bad at it though, but I’m going to try to play more, just like before.

    As I said before, this accomplishment isn’t much for other people, but I’m not them. I don’t watch basketball or anything, so sue me. I’d rather spend my time improving my shooting method. I still have a lot to improve on, no kidding. Anyways, I’m going to keep playing and improve as much as I can, and I’m going to use all the help that I can get along the way.

    I don’t really deserve the compliments that I occasionally get when playing basketball. I mean, yeah, I appreciate it, but I’m really not good enough for that. Save those for the people who actually deserve them. However, if people would give me tips on how to play better, like how to shoot better, that would be wayyyyyyyy better. I mean, I miss like 70-80% of my shots, and that’s when no one’s blocking my shots. Anyways, thanks for compliments, but I’d rather take helpful criticism.

    So there’s my story on how I started playing basketball, and how I hope to improve in it. Also I’m sorry if this story was too long, but I had to include the details, right? And that’s it.

  14. Abby says:

    A Great Accomplishment
    One of my great accomplishment is when I climbed a waterfall without gear and didn’t fall.

    It was August, 23. 2:43. Me, my mom, my sister, and my dog had planned a fieldtrip with our cousins and was going hiking.
    The drive there was about 2 hours because it was on the other side of Coquitlam. When we got there I noticed there was a sign that said “BEWARE OF BEARS” but I remembered we had brought along a couple of bear bells if you don’t know what bear bells are they are really just a loud bell that tells the bear we are here and stay away.

    When we started hiking I saw salmon berries! Salmon berries are really good and very ripe, they look like raspberries but they are orange. they were very tasty and are very good for fishing. when we walked half the trail it was there already 3:37 there was a small river nearby so we attached a bear bell to my dogs collar and let her play in the water.

  15. Victor says:

    Someone that I admire

    I admire the tech YouTuber named Techsource because he has inspired me to have a clean workstation and to build computers. On a boring day of watching youtube videos, I stumbled across a video called “setup wars”, the video had people send in their personal computer setups and he would comment about the setup and give some suggestions. The videos are usually around 8 minutes long and there are about 200 videos in the whole series. He would also say the brand of whatever piece of tech that he goes over. The Channel has taught me extremely useful tips that I can use in a future set up job.

    The channel has 2 million subscribers and over 364 million views. I first asked my dad if I could build a computer and I followed his tutorial to make a useable clean computer. He also makes a funny series called “Worst setups war” where people would share a bad setup and he would make fun of the setup. I once wanted to send in my setup to the channel, but my setup would be in between the good ones and the bad one.

    The channel has other videos that are also about tech, some of the videos are like “Most useful free apps for android phones in 2018”, those types of videos entertain me when I’m bored. I have watched videos from the channel when it only had a bit more than five hundred thousand subscribers. Overall I think that the channel Techsource is a big success and it had made me a lot more knowledgeable when it comes to computers.

  16. yanni says:

    Two people I admire are my parents, because they help me with my struggles and try their best to guide me to the right path in life.

    1st- your struggles and how they will help you
    • I struggle with writing because I cannot get my thoughts out onto paper. They sit down with me and help me start writing my ideas down on a sheet of paper or on a computer when we get the idea.
    • I sometimes struggle with focussing on one thing at a time. For example, I putting dishes away at home and the TV is on, I will get distracted and watch TV instead of doing what my mom asked me to do. My parent’s just turns the TV off and make sure that I focus on the task, and when I’m done I’m allowed to turn it back on.
    2nd- guiding me to the right path
    • My parent’s guide me to the right path

  17. KAMSI-_________- says:

    Someone I Admire (Intermediate Question Response)-

    “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”- Martin Luther King Jr. You probably are wondering who is Martin Luther King, what did he do that made him a legend, what made me mention him as someone I admire. Well I’m going to tell you why and a little bit about him. Martin Luther King was an American baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the civil rights movement until he was assassinated in 1968. I admire Martin because he fought for racial equality through non violent resistance,he even won a nobel prize for it on October 14, 1964.

    I admire him because he was a leading American civil rights leader, he led campaigns to end racial inequality. I admire Martin because through good and bad times he showed endless courage and strength while leading a movement that changed United States forever. Martin Luther King was a peacemaker, he was man of great faith and he was brave. I admire because he gave people a reason to believe he could change America forever, he wanted black and white people to coexist in peace. I wouldn’t say he failed in doing that but I wouldn’t say he succeeded either but he did make it a slightly better America even when he was assassinated.

  18. zoya says:

    A great accomplishment

    From shoes, to finding out tomatoes aren’t poisonous, i think humans have made some great accomplishments. Now let’s narrow it down to just one human. Me! I think one of my greatest accomplishments has to do with the challenge program. What is the challenge program you ask? The challenge program is a special program that your school nominates you to go to. I got nominated three times in a row which i have no idea how i did. So basically every week (you are given a day and can choose morning or afternoon) so if you choose morning you go straight to a different school and go to your normal school at lunch, but if you choose the afternoon program you stay at your usual school and go to the challenge at lunch.

    My first year of challenge i studied rocket science. My second year we did forensic science, and that is when my great accomplishment takes place in my second year. I remember we were doing a little competition. Now this didn’t have much to do with forensic science, but it was still fun. The challenge was that we had to make a boat raft thing out of aluminium foil, straws, and four pieces of tape. Me and my best friend (in challenge) partnered up. I think her name was Aliah or something. So we got together and took our supplies. We had absolutely no idea what we were doing. So we ended up making a little square dish thing, with a straw border, and guess what we called it. You’ll never believe it. We called it the casserole dish. When everyone was done we gathered around a small little table. There was an actual casserole dish filled with water, and we took turns putting our raft on the water and then putting ping pong balls on the raft. The lowest was 3 ping pong balls. Our raft however won the whole competition and got 53 ping pong balls.
    Thank you Ms. Wood for an incredible experience.

  19. Luca says:

    The accomplishment that I earned is building a massive fort in Save The World.
    I went to towns that were destroyed by monsters that came from The Storm. I went to forests which give plenty of wood to build a fort that is good to push back the monsters. With the help of friends I got a trophy for building a big fort that protected the power shield from monsters that want to destroy it and if it is destroyed the shield would go away and then you fail to save the world. In this mode you get to build your own weapons to defend yourself from attacks that are ferocious to you and everyone that helps you with defending the fort that help expand the power shield. The good part about it is that you get to go to different areas that have useful items to help create new weapons that are more powerful and do more damage to things like walls, cars and monsters. But its more of survival than fighting monsters but it’s a good to pass the time. And at the end of it you get to fight the Storm King that is strong and powerful.

  20. Rohan:) says:

    A great Accomplishment

    The last time that I Accomplished something great was when I learned how to do calligraphy. For those of you who don’t know what calligraphy is it’s a different form of writing. In order to do calligraphy you need a calligraphy pen and ink. Calligraphy used to be much more popular but now not many people know about it. That is because it is not the easiest form of writing; or the most convenient. Accomplishing this was quite nice because it gave my writing much more variety.

    I taught myself how to do calligraphy and it was somewhat hard. This is because It was it took quite a lot of time to get all the posture and everything correct. In order for your calligraphy to look it’s best you need to make sure that you are a) sitting up straight (this is so your arm can be in a comfortable position). b) You have to have your arm and paper at a slant so your writing is smooth. That was why it was hard to start writing in calligraphy.

    Lastly, The hardest part of learning how to do calligraphy was knowing how much pressure to apply to certain points of your writing. For example, when you want to make your letters light and thin you have to apply less pressure. When you want to get your letters thick and dark you have to apply more pressure. You also have to know when you are out of ink and when to refill it. Let’s say someone was trying to make a dark, thick, line but the ink wasn’t coming out and the ink was coming out scratchy. Then you know to refill the ink cartridge. That I think was the hardest part.

    In conclusion, I really enjoyed doing calligraphy despite how hard it was. I would recommend calligraphy to people who like being challenged but who also have a good amount of patience.

  21. Bernice says:

    Someone I Admire
    Do you have a person that you admire? The person that I admire the most is my mother. He is so nice and patient. My mother works so hard at night and drives me to school. Everyday my mom only gets two to three hours of sleep each day. She has to prepare my breakfast, lunch, and dinner every single day. She never gets enough sleep. But, she is the person that I admire the most.
    First of all, my mother is nice and calm . My mother will listen to her family and friends when they are going through a hard time. For example, when my uncle was having a hard time, she would listen without interrupting and would help him out.

  22. Mahek says:

    Someone I Admire
    Is there someone you admire? I do, I admire my mother, she plays a big role in my life she takes care of me feeds my little sis. She never gets time to rest or even sit down for a while and then work ,work, work! All the work shifts then all the groceries it’s a lot of hard work to take care of a family of four.So I want to be hard working like my mother!

  23. 𝖅𝖔𝖊 𝖚𝖜𝖚 says:

    1) Helping others and making everyone smile and laugh everyday even if they were having a bad day.
    2) I admire my grandma my mom and my brothers because they have played a very big role in my life. They teach me lot of things and every single mistake I made they always never gave up. My family was always the number one role for me even though sometimes I get mad at my family but I always learn so much in my life. they were always there for me when I have my ups and downs which I love them more then anyone else in my life. Family is always important then anything else in your life, most of you guys can agree to this. (P.s. I think everyone would love their family more then anything else right?)

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