Word Problems: Fractions Edition

Here are two word problems. Figure it out please! Best of luck!

  1. Addie bought 9 candy bars and ate 1/3 of them.
    Frannie bought 6 candy bars and ate 2/3 of them.
    Who ate more candy bars?
  2. There are 24 hours in a day and scientists tell us that we
    should sleep for 3/8 of the day. How much time should we
    spend sleeping?
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12 Responses to Word Problems: Fractions Edition

  1. Angela says:

    1) Frannie ate more.

    2) 9 hours/day

  2. Aden Vu says:

    addie ate 33 bars, Frannie ate 44 bars so he ate more.

    2) 9/24 9 hours.

  3. Victor says:

    1.Addie: 1/3 of 9 = 3/9
    Frannie: 2/3 of 6 = 4/6
    Frannie ate more candy bars than Addie.

    2. We should be sleeping 9 hours of sleep everyday.

  4. Kamsi-_______- says:

    1. Addie= 1/3 of 99 =33
    Frannie= 2/3 of 66 =44
    Therefore Frannie ate more candy bars than Addie.

    2. 3/8 of the day (24 hours) = 9 hours
    Therefore we should be sleeping 9 hours.

    Hope my answers are right;)

  5. NANdo says:

    1. Frannie ate more than annie.
    2. We should spend 9 hours a day

  6. Jefferson sing a Song says:

    1. Addie ate 33. Frannie ate 44. So Frannie ate more.

    2.We should sleep 9 hours a day.

  7. Rohan :) says:

    1. 1/3 out of 99 = 33
    2/3 out of 66 = 44
    Frannie ate more.

    2. 8 ×3 = 24
    3 ×3 = 9
    We should sleep for 9 hours of the day.

  8. Luca says:

    1) Frannie ate the most bars, 44 candies.
    1/3 of 99= 33
    2/3 of 66= 44
    2) 9 hours.
    24: 8=3

  9. Mahek 😉 says:

    1/3 out of 99 = 33
    2/3out of 66 = 44
    So Frannie ate more.

    We should sleep 9 hours a day.

  10. Bernice says:

    1. Frankie ate more
    2.9 hours a day

  11. Joanna Banana says:

    1) Addie ate 33 candy bars, while Frannie only ate 22.
    Addie ate more candy bars.

    2) 9 hours. We should sleep 9 hours per day

  12. Zoe UwU says:

    1) Fannie ate more candy then Addie.

    2) every single kid should sleep 12 hours per a day.

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