I may be young but …

Hi all, please use this to post your speeches and to receive constructive feedback from your peers and myself. Remember everyone, this is a rough draft and that every speech is a work in progress. Here is a sample intro I wrote today in class. You may start by giving me any suggestions or things you want me to include as I continue to write this speech:

I may be young but I have so much to teach the world. Have you ever been told that you were too young to do something and that you’ll never make it? I was… I was told that I was too young to be a teacher and that when or if I ever became one, I would NEVER be a good one. Hi my name is Justin and I proudly stand here today as a Grade 6/7 teacher at Cascade Heights Elementary. Perhaps I was told that because I came to school with ripped jeans and a Lakers jacket. Or maybe it is because I wore a hat in school, knowing fully that the school rules state that we are not allowed to. Or maybe it was because I spent my mornings and breaks with the kids instead of spending it in 4 walls surrounding myself with teachers gossiping. Does that make me a bad teacher or person, because of what I wore and how I spent my ‘unpaid’ breaks? Was I ignorant or was I just being myself? My authentic self. When I got into this field, I told myself that I wanted to be the same person in the classroom as I am outside the classroom – the goofy, sarcastic, hardworking and driven individual.

Happy writing everyone!

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3 Responses to I may be young but …

  1. Kamsi-________- says:

    I may be young but I’m capable of helping our community, I believe that everyone has rights and can do anything they want to do if they set their mind to it. All of us have different personalities, different mindsets, different opinions and understandings but there is one thing all of us have or should have which is the right to be able to do anything no matter how young or old you are which is what is what my speech is going to be about. As a child there are lots of people who will tell you “that’s pathetic” or “you will never make it” but that is only true if you do not work hard.

  2. Vinh le says:

    I May Be Young But…. (Speech)
    I may be young but i can help mom do every things. In weekend i help mom do a lot of things like help mom wash a dishes, wash clothes and help my mom clean a house. I tell my weekend with my friend. Someones say me i very good and keep doing, someones say I’m to young and say don’t do it you need to play and let your mom do. But i don’t care, i help my mom that is a good things to do i can learn how to wash a dished , wash a clothes, clean a house, and cook a food. I may be young but i can can help mom, my family and everybody that is my jobs to do. That is all my speech thanks you to reading.

  3. aden vu says:

    I may be young but I have stories that you would never expect a person like me would have. I am here today to talk about one story that saddens my heart everytime I think about it. It is about a girl, a young one, who was my sister. She never got the opportunity to crawl, walk, play. Her name is Ocean, and she passed away on February, 13, 2016. She was five and a half months old in my mother’s stomach when she sadly passed away due to the umbilical cord falling off because of not enough nutrition. You are probably thinking well did she not eat? Well, yes she did. But my mother had the most horrible morning sickness. Take a second to imagine this okay? Having the feeling of the flu, being very tired, spitting every 10 seconds, and having the toilet as your best friend. Ocean had brain damage which would’ve affected her life expectancy as she may have only lived up to 12 years old. We really did not know how it happened but it was something to do with the genes. Her genes were configured where there was one more gene of one kind than the other which took away a life that would have been filled with love, surprizes. My mom was very sad about what happened and she thinks about the baby every day and night for many weeks, and soon finally had overcome it and gained the strength in her body to push through it and come to an understanding that the baby is gone but will always be in our hearts. As i read this it makes me very sad so please understand.

    Our family stayed strong until the day she passed away. We grieved her loss and I remember I was at home with my grandma. I was watching something and she got off the phone with a shocked look and slowly told me that the baby had died… My family was in a state of shock and depression for many weeks. When they cremated her we took Ocean’s ashes to a park in North Vancouver. I remember that day. I was on a swing and then we walked to the ocean. My mom took “Ocean” to the edge of land, and the ocean and she slowly walked the ashes to the rocks and scattered all of my sister’s ashes into the ocean so she could travel freely and see places I have not. After this speech i hope you guys heard the speech and take in what i have said. Ocean, my first sister is turning 3 years old this february 13. It would probably be over when i read this speech but if you can see this i would like to say I love you. My second sister, Aveaocean is turning 1 years old soon! She is my little sunshine. She was born on February 13, 2018. Aveaocean, got her name from ocean. We wanted to honor her and remember some way so we named her Aveaocean. I have never seen my sister face, the place they cremated her or the bed she was given birth in. I do still think about this and when i do it really brings my heart and mind down to another level. This will probably be the only time i will speech of this publicly. Thank you for taking your time and hearing this heartbreaking speech and stay strong no matter the circumstances that you are in.

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