Blood Moon: January 20th

Good Morning my wonderful class,

I was so tired this weekend that I slept through this blood moon thing. I have no idea what causes the moon to be this colour but it reminds me of Mars. Okay, my guess-timate is this: I think that this happens every 7 years when the moon gets close to Mars and the colour from Mars gets reflected onto the moon. 

Please read the article below and explain to me what a “Blood Moon” is. I have no idea what it is and it is your time to teach me … Huh! How the roles have been reversed. Please share what you’ve seen and what you thought caused this to happen. 


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14 Responses to Blood Moon: January 20th

  1. Agcaoili says:

    It’s when the sun is behind the moon

  2. Kamsi-______- says:

    ”Blood Moon” is the phenomenon whereby the moon in total eclipse appears reddish in colour as it is illuminated by sunlight filtered and refracted by the earth’s atmosphere. It is sooo cool how this universe can do this, I myself watched and it was really interesting, cool and it makes me wonder if the moon can turn into other colours, loll><o. I wish these could've happened Saturday because it is an inconvenience to people that have school the next day. In conclusion I hope to see many more of this in time to come.

  3. Pavyn says:

    i also slept through the blood moon too lol. it does that because the moon is on the opposite side of the earth and it says that it has to be aligned with the earth and the sun. when the moon goes into the earths shadow, it gets dimmer but doesn’t disappear. the sunlight passes through earths atmosphere giving the moon its red colour.

  4. Aden Vu says:

    Well the blood moon is just the first full moon of January and is pretty darn nice to see it has a pretty spooky looking colour, anyway getting to the point The only reason we got to see a lunar eclipse is because something happen at the right time. Yes the moon,sun, and earth were aligned, and when the moon was moving closer into the earth’s shadow the moon didn’t disappear but turn into a really nice red. This amazing eclipse only happens when the moon is closest point to the earth and moving inside the shadow. Astronomers say you have to wait till 2036 to see another super blood moon so in till then we will wait

  5. Rohan :^) says:

    A super blood wolf moon happens when sunlight passes through the earth’s atmosphere and hits the moon which makes it look red.
    I didn’t see the super blood wolf moon on Sunday night but it does leave me wondering what is the difference between the super blood wolf moon and a hunters moon.
    Since the article already tells us what happened to cause the odd colour of the moon I’ll just make up a story.
    So basically every once in a while Jupiter releases some of its gas and slowly makes it’s way toward earth but can’t get into the atmosphere so it covers the moon.

  6. Abby says:

    I think a Lunar Eclipse is more like shadows because it basically is. The sun shines on earth so the earth casts a shadow on the moon.

  7. Angela says:

    Basically, the article says that sunlight passes through the earth’s atmosphere, and hits the moon at an angle, causing the strange colour. That’s a blood moon. And I did not see the blood moon and eclipse

  8. Luca says:

    Hi Mr.Wu, my guess is that the lights from earth reflects off the moon and that red is formed by small particles that float in space and are very small. When light hits these particles they make a red colour that hits the moon in opposite angles that are unusual to people around the world and scientists. I think this happens but its just guess. Have a good week Mr.Wu.

  9. Lauren 😁 says:

    I saw most of the “Blood Moon” on Sunday night but did not see all of it. It was very cool to see how the moon disappear and then turn into the red color. The blood moon is the first full moon of January. The cause of the redness of the moon is when the sunlight passes the earth’s atmosphere and hits the moon that is how it becomes that color. this “blood moon” is also called the “wolf moon” because apparently in the month of January inspired villagers of hungry animals who howled outside of their village a long time ago. (according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac)

  10. Victor says:

    Wow people got some good shots of the moon on Sunday night. I ran outside and I got a few pictures of the super blood wolf moon. It is crazy to believe we have the technology to alert us about these types of things. This happens because when the sunlight hits the atmosphere it ricochets off and illuminates the moon.

  11. Jefferson sing a Song says:

    I was sick when this happened, so rip :/. I’m pretty sure a blood moon is when the sun, earth, and moon are all aligned. Then the sunlight from the earth reflects on the moon, making it red. I remember around summer 2018 there was an eclipse that supposedly happens every 100 years. What’s annoying is that the clouds were blocking it. Anyway that’s what I think about blood moons.

  12. wesley says:

    I saw the blood moon on Sunday and it does not occur very often. This happens when sunlight illuminates the moon after it bounces off our planets atmosphere. Even though it happens every something years, this is a very odd sight. I thought those photos were really good.

  13. vinh le says:

    i tthink is sun and moon together

  14. TacoBoi aka Diego says:

    I think it is when the suns light hits the moon and causes it to go orange

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