Streets of Plenty (Social Experiment Documentary) – Vancouver, BC

Hi all,

Since we are talking about homelessness in our next film study video, I thought it would be important for you to understand homelessness in our own backyard. As many of you may know, homelessness is most prevalent in the Downtown East side, close to Main and Hastings area. Anyways here is a video of a man trying to live in and survive in that environment for 30 days. 

When you are done, I want you to think about these questions and then respond with a thoughtful post. I will try to read them over the weekend and respond to your comments.

Discussion Questions:

  • How does someone become homeless?
  • Are they a bad person? Were they uneducated or didn’t finish school as they were growing up?
  • Why doesn’t the government give them a place to live and give them money?
  • Are all homeless people addicted to drugs?
  • Do they all have diseases?
  • How can they get out of poverty?
  • What can we do to help them out? (Think of fundraising ideas that we can do).
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13 Responses to Streets of Plenty (Social Experiment Documentary) – Vancouver, BC

  1. Angela says:

    Some people become homeless because of money issues, and others because of addictions.

    Some aren’t bad people. Not all of them got or finished an education, but some of them did.

    The government can’t afford to support everyone

    Not all homeless are addicts.

    Not all of them have diseases.

    Some can’t, but others have to work hard.

    Idk, maybe a bake sale.

  2. Jefferson sing a Song says:

    Some ways people can become homeless is by addiction, lost job, divorce, etc. Just because people are homeless, it doesn’t mean they are bad people. They might have had an incomplete education, which makes it harder to get a job, which makes it harder to get money, which makes you homeless. The reason why the government can’t just take care of homeless people is because they probably don’t have enough money. I think they just don’t focus on homelessness with their money, but focus on other stuff. I don’t know if all homeless people are addicted to drugs, but I think most are. I think if homeless people stay on the streets for a long time, they will get a disease. I think they can save their money to buy ACTUAL essential stuff (not beer). We can help them by giving them food, not money so they don’t spend it on drugs.

  3. Kamsi-____________- says:

    After watching this video, I was disgusted, annoyed and felt questioned. Him doing that was unnecessary and straight-up risky, like what if something really bad happened during the course of the video, something worse than when he got a glass bottle smashed on his head. I was glad things ended well but in my opinion he could’ve gotten addicted to the drugs he “experimented” with.

    I think when someone becomes homeless is when they lose their jobs or one day owned a big time company and got bankrupted and/or got addicted to something and they wasted their money on it and eventually took over his/her life or they had to leave an abusive home. I don’t think a homeless person is necessary a bad person (well, not always) and sometimes they are uneducated or didn’t finish school because they didn’t have enough money or something bad happened for them and they just decided to give up.

    I think the government can’t give them a place to live or give them money because they honestly have enough things to take care of and its not fair to them or the homeless people. Obviously, not all homeless people are addicted to drugs or else we would all be in big trouble and obviously not all of them have a disease or else all of us would probably be infected. I think they can get out of poverty by taking a small time job (its easier said than done though) or something like that. I feel like we can help them out by donating money to a foundation specifically to help homeless people and opening back that mental hospital they mentioned in the video.

  4. Rohan:) says:

    1.I think the way someone gets homeless is if they are really sick and can’t afford to pay and gets no medical help and are forced to sell their homes to get treatment.

    2. Being homeless doesn’t mean that you are a bad person it could just mean that you didn’t have enough money to keep your home or was born on the streets.

    3. Like the guy said in the video ” If you give homeless people a place to live they will die in their homes rather than on the streets but they will still die “. And if the government gave homeless people money for no reason that doesn’t make sense. Because then why would the rest of the population have to work.

    4. I don’t think all homeless people are addicted to drugs but the majority of them are, as the guy showed us in the video.

    5. I’m pretty sure not all people living poverty have desieses but they have a much higher chance of getting desieses than an average person in Vancouver. I think this because they live in dirty environments and are exposed to the elements very often which gives them a higher chance of getting sick.

    6. Some ways homeless people can get out of poverty are:
    a) If you are addicted to drugs get out of it.
    b) Then do some community services.
    c) Next get a job at a fast food restaurant (the community services will look good on your resume)
    d) Lastly all you have to do is save up enough to get a very small apartment the BOOM your out of poverty.

    7. Some things we can do to help out homeless people are donate some clothes that don’t fit you, if you see a homeless guy on the side of the road and he asks for money give him some. What’s 25cents going to do to your wallet.

  5. AdenVu says:

    1) how does someone get homeless? Well, there are many reasons why people get homeless. Mostly it is financial reasons like owning debt. Having Debt is a normal-ish thing but a survey in 2008 on Canadian homeowners it found out that 57% of them owned debt to a mortgage, family, or someone else and 47% were mortgage free. Other ways are abusive Relationships, Mental illness, Divorce and many others.
    2) No, homeless people are not bad people at least most of them. They might dress up really ugly but they all use to have jobs, families, luxury like we do today. You can never tell if someone was uneducated, didn’t finish school in till you hear there story.
    3) The Government can’t just give out free money to homeless people because they can’t monitor what they do with the money good or bad, and the government has tried to give them a place to live in Canada but it is hard with so many homeless people and not enough government land to house them.
    4) No, just because you are homeless doesn’t mean you are a Drug addict. Some are addicted but not all. Homeless People are the most vulnerable to rug addict because they don’t have the basic needs like a roof over there head, a cozy bed to sleep in, and not be ignored.
    5) This is obviously not true they don’t all have diseases, some do and that should be taken care of but I don’t see the government trying to do that.
    6) Well society doesn’t really accept them but how to get out of poverty is contact a friend, family and ask them to help out or get a job and start rebuilding your life.
    7) Give them sleeping bags, give them a backpack filled with basic needs and a flip phone to use, let them volunteer for something and pay them enough for a hotel, food, entertainment for a day.

  6. Victor says:

    1. Someone becomes homeless by not making enough money, or not finding a house to live in.

    2. Being homeless doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, it just means you are going through a rough time. Some homeless people come from good families but they just went the wrong way and lost their houses.

    3. The government actually does give homeless people a place to live and they do give them money to spend. So this kinda confused me, but some of the homeless just didn’t want to stay there.

    4. No, not all homeless people are addicted to drugs, but most homeless people are.

    5.No not all homeless have diseases, but they can easily get one.

    6. Homeless people can get a job and be smart about spending their money so they can save up for things they actually need.

    7. We can donate to shelters or just give healthy food and warm clothes to the homeless.

  7. Lauren 😊 says:

    To be honest there is so many ways that people can become homeless. They could have lost their job and can’t pay for a home, spend all their money on useless things, or just grew up homeless etc. Being homeless doesn’t mean that you are a bad person. They could be uneducated or did not finish school as they were growing up. I do not know why our government or any government does not give the homeless a place to live or money. There are some homeless shelters in Vancouver, but I do not know about any other provinces or countries. I think that the government does not give any money to homeless people because the government might think that they might spend it on useless stuff like drugs if they are addicted. All homeless people are not addicted to drugs. Just because you are homeless does not mean that you use drugs. In the documentary the man took the drugs because he needed something to comfort him and I guess the drugs were a comfort. Homeless people could have a disease from the needles they touch and share. I do not know how homeless people can get out of poverty. Maybe they can try to get a job that could make them enough money for food and water. Then save up the money to buy a home. I know this does not sound easy but they could give it a try. We can help them out by maybe make care bags that are filled with a healthy meal with snacks and water. Also we can do a fundraiser like a bake sale to give the money to charity that helps with homelessness.

  8. Zoe :( says:

    Hello! Mr.Wu

    Question:How does someone become homeless?
    ANSWER: There is a lot of ways to be homeless. Like Some might have depression or some people might have no job or they did not go to school when they were a kid. Some might have sickness like physical or mental disabilities. Some people their family left them or some might have gotten divorced or lost someone very important. And Even some people might got kicked out of there house by their parents.

    Question:Are they a bad person? Were they uneducated or didn’t finish school as they were growing up?
    ANSWER: Well I`m not sure but some are okay. I`m not really sure but in the video all those people had a reason why they are homeless and I understand why they are homeless, and some I might not know. And some might have dropped out of school and some might have not finish school as they were growing up.

    Question:Why doesn’t the government give them a place to live and give them money?
    ANSWER: Not sure But all I know is. The government doesn`t give a home or place for the homeless people because he thinks some homeless people are bad or drug dealers and gang gang people but that is not sure some people just don`t have money and they are too depressed and I think the government needs to change that,Right here Right now. Everyone should pick their choices and think positive even though somethings might now be the best for you but you should be happy your alive and keep the kindness going! and I do believe in hope! if I could announce something to the whole world I would! tell them something positive, tell them a note before I die one day!

    Question:Are all homeless people addicted to drugs?
    ANSWER: Some of the homeless people are addicted and some are not.
    There is always a reason why people does bad things, Some people does drugs because they are probably lost or they feel like they are in pain and they want to get high on drugs. Because they feel like they will forget the past when they do drugs,Cocaine.

    Question:Do they have all daises?
    ANSWER: Some homeless people does and some people doesn`t It`s not their fault it`s just they way it is when they are homeless. 🙁

    Question:How can they get out of poverty?
    ANSWER:They can get out of poverty By getting a job. They can also get out of poverty if someone helps them or pay them money.

    Question:What can we do to help them out? (Think of fundraising ideas that we can do).
    ANSWER: I think we can help them out by taking everything we don`t need or want and give it to the homeless people Or make a bake sale for then.

  9. Luca says:

    1. People may became homeless from different reasons, addictions, lack of education, mental illness, marriage problems.
    2. They are not all bad people, some of them are nice and polite but some of them might be having legal issues.
    3. The government cannot provide money and free housing for all these people. The government gives them shelter and some social welfare to people that people qualify.
    4. Not all homeless people drugs addicts.
    5. No, not all of them have diseases.
    6. They can get help in the community trying to hold a job, do some volunteering, trying to get into rehab.
    7. We can try to help homeless people by donating food, clothes and money to the shelters and by encouraging the homeless to use the shelters.

  10. Abby says:

    1. I think people become homeless because of lots of reasons. It could be because of poverty, abuse, low pay job, runaways, war and lots more reasons.

    2. Not all homeless people are bad. I had a “nighbor” they were 2 teenagers that ran away from home but they did have their uncle’s van to live in.

  11. Wesley says:

    1. When someone becomes homeless it is because it can be a very bad accident because there is not as many basic needs. It is also occurs when people do not have health coverage or other types of insurance.2.when someone becomes homeless it does not mean that they are a bad person ,it just are going through a bad stretch and end up homeless. 3. I think the government would know much about them or they are just putting more money into the shelters for the homeless. Although if they give them the money they might spend it all on drugs.4.not all homeless people are addicted to drugs. 5. All homeless people may or may not have diseases .6.they can get out of poverty by giving them money,food ,water, and shelter .7.ways we can help the homeless raising money for them so they can afford a house and get a job.

  12. Bernice (≧∇≦)/ says:

    1. Someone can become homeless if they are divorced or lost their job.
    2. Even if someone is homeless it didn’t mean they are bad people. Being homeless doesnt mean they haven’t finished school.
    3.Because the government can’t support some many people.
    4.Not everyone is addicted to drugs.
    5.they don’t all have diseases.
    6. Finding a job,getting food with the money,and having a home.
    7. We could fundraise money for them.

  13. Diego :)))) says:

    1: People become homeless maybe from doing drugs or getting kicked out from your house or dropping from school and stuff like that
    2: Not all homeless people are bad. Some just could’ve gotten in a mix up or something are they just didn’t have a good job and couldn’t pay their rent.
    3: Because they cant afford houses for every homeless person.
    4: Nope. Most do it though probably because they are depressed that they are homeless.
    5: By getting a good job and working hard
    6: We can help by donating money to homeless shelters to buy them food and stuff.

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