What would you do?

Good morning division 2 … (good morning Mr. Wu),

In the scene where Elsa is receiving hate messages, I want to know what you think caused her peers to act that way. Remember, the story begins from her DM’ing Dan to ask people to follow her. What would you do to deescalate the situation? How would you respond to the hate messages? Would you tell someone about the situation? What are some dangers about adding people you do not know on Instagram?

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27 Responses to What would you do?

  1. Angela says:

    Good morning Mr Wu.

    I guess I would delete Instagram for some time until it all cools down. I would let the haters hate, like they’re just wasting their time. I don’t have the time for petty stuff like that. But if it really bothered me I would probably delete the comments, block the people, or set the account to private then delete them. I would tell one person I really trust I guess, and use their advice. There’s a threat of being stalked online, blackmailed, and victimized in other ways

  2. Jefferson sing a Song says:

    I would put my account on private so I can control who follows me or not. I think that would help a little. To respond to the hate messages, I would probably block whoever was sending them. If the bullying was getting too serious, I might tell a parent or someone like that. If you add someone you don’t know on Instagram, they might be able to hack you. Or they might blackmail you for stuff.

  3. Vinh Le says:

    I think sometime in Instagram is danger because we just add friend the people we don’t know, and the people don’t know you to all we need to do is.

    1 do not share you information about you
    2 do not add friend people we don’t know
    3 do not share what your school , because people can find you and bully you.
    4 delete your app if they bully you.
    that is my thinks about this blog post.
    last one do not share your important about you information

  4. Cheryl says:

    If I was Elsa, I would delete Instagram the moment the hate messages started coming. Adding people you don’t know is dangerous because they can use your pictures and you wouldn’t know what they’re doing with them. Also, people who don’t know you in real life tend to be mean(er) than if you actually knew them, and that increases your chance of being trashed.
    Elsa should have blocked those people!!

  5. wesley says:

    The reason I think her peers are being mean to her because it could have been something she sent. What I would do is
    1.block the sender if it is possible.
    2.Delete whatever sort of app you were using and you will not have to see your problem.
    3.Or go confront the person who is bullying you.

  6. Pavyn says:

    if that would ever happen to me i wouldn’t be happy. i would just report the person and block them. then just forget about it

  7. Zoe🥀 says:

    The bad thing she did was asking her friend “Dan” to give her a shoutout for people to follow her. But why though? Like if I was her I would just earn in and don’t ask her friends to give her shoutouts. And if I was her she should of put her account on private. And think before you post, Don’t just post things. I would just ignore then, report the person who posted anything about me. It depends on what they say to me. If they tell me “your ugly” I would just say “Thanks haha!” Because it won’t hurt me and its other people opinions not mine. Would I tell someone about the situation? Again it depends, if it’s really bad then yes I would but if its it’s not then no. What are some dangers about adding people? Don’t add people you don’t know, if your just posting like sunset,clouds. E.t.c then it’s fine.

  8. Bernice ( ˘•ω•˘ ) says:

    What I would do is I would unfollow everyone I don’t know. I wouldn’t respond to the messages at all cause it might get worse. I would tell my parents I guess. The dangers of adding people you don’t know is that they could use your photos to make a fake account and they could make fun of you and you wouldn’t know who.

  9. Kamsi- chuka-waka-flocka-mocka-wow_____- says:

    How Elsa took the situation was down-right pathetic she became obsessed with the app and she answered the dm’s of people saying rude stuff to her. What I would to deescalate the situation is to either report the account that was saying it but if it became way more than 1 then delete the app straight-up! I wouldn’t respond to the hate messages in the first place because I don’t want to waste my time and phone battery on someone whose just mean (I know from experience). I probably would tell someone about the situation if it escalates badly or if it was just bothering me too much. As you can see from the video some dangers of adding people you don’t know on Instagram or basically ANY other social media app are the person can be hacker and look at what you do, they can be a sex offender (it may sound unrealistic but its true!), or the person is the type that hates you or something like that.

  10. Rohan :) says:

    I think that her peers started sending hate messages to her because she asked someone to tell other people to follow her on Instagram. If I was in this position I would just block everyone, because then you can’t see all the hate messages. If I was her I’m not sure that I would tell other people about it because it was kind of her fault in the first place and it would be pretty embarrassing. Some dangers of adding people you don’t know could be if you posted something private about yourself and then they find out.

    • Zoe 🥀🌠 says:

      I agree with Rohan. She should of look at the danger of social media on Instagram. And she should of reported and blocked the haters and told her parents in the first place.

  11. Victor says:

    My instagram account is on private, I would just block the people if I was her. She should just be more careful on the internet and don’t ask weird questions. She really shouldn’t force people to like her post or follow her. ashe shouldn’t have responded to the hate messages. You should tell someone as soon as possible because it is dangerous. It can be super dangerous adding people on instagram that you don’t know you can get hacked.

  12. Diego :) :D says:

    If this situation ever happened to me, I would report the bully and block them. I always put my account on private so I get to chooses who follows me and if a random person tries to follow me I can just decline. If the bullying gets worse and worse I would tell my parents what is happening with the cyber bullying. If I would ever get hate messages I would probably ignore them and carry on with my life. If I had to answer I would just tell them I don’t care at all and then just block them. I would never try and bully them back because that is never the answer. If I also know the person who was cyber bullying me I would screenshot the bullying before they delete it and show the principal or and adult. The dangers of adding people online is that they can see everything you post and they might be able to track you down and find out where you live, who your family is, who your friends are and a bunch of stuff strangers don’t need to know. In conclusion, never let cyber bullying get to you and don’t let strangers follow you on any social media. :))))

  13. luca .________. says:

    If I had Instagram i would delete it because I read somewhere on the internet that it can be dangerous for people that have bullied in the past. I would stay off Instagram for at lest 3-6 months and if get bullied at that you stay for being ugly just ignore that person and make sure that you tell a adult what the problem is and they talk to that to stay off any social media apps.

    • wuj says:

      Sometimes it is hard to ‘just ignore’ something, especially when you’re a teenager and want the approval of your peers. When you tell an adult, what do you want them to do?

  14. What I would do to deescalate the situation is turn my account on private, delete the followers that are not real or making fun of me. After that i would report them then block the people and i hope that would fix it. I would respond to those hate messages with a block, or report and a remove. Well I wouldn’t really tell anyone because i could deal with the situation easily. 😉
    Well adding people you don’t could be bad or good. Mostly don’t even though they have a lot of followers. Adding other people you don’t know could be dangerous because they could stalk you and find out where you live. Other things are that some people can find out personal information and some other people could rob you.

    • wuj says:

      What do you consider a lot of followers? Many people have the aspirations of being famous on social media or YouTube, but very few actually make it a career. Also, many people try to be someone they are not online. What are your thoughts on this? For example, Lil Tay pretends to be the ‘youngest flexer’ in the game, but she’s really just a 9 year old girl who became famous for doing questionable things at her age. Since the ‘one hit wonder’ she is no longer relevant and her actions can/will affect her life in the future. Future employers will be able to see her videos and that could potentially ruin her job employment. What are your thoughts?

  15. Lauren 😊 says:

    I think if I were Elsa I would delete Instagram. Also I would keep my account on a private account so I choose who to follow and not to follow. Adding people you do not know at all even if they go to your school is still dangerous. I myself I check who it is and approve with the person the next day so I know 100% instead of the “person” knowing all my personal information. If I feel mostly safe keeping the app I would block the people who are saying mean comments and keeping the people I know for sure.

    • wuj says:

      What if the mean person was someone from your class? You knew the person for many years now and all of a sudden they decided to respond to your posts inappropriately. What do you do in this case? Do you laugh it off, delete the comment or block the person? If you block them, rumours and tension might flare up in class. How would you solve this?

  16. nandO says:

    I honestly would really like to deescalate the situation, but I always screw it all up and make it even more heated then it was before. I always try my best to ignore them but it never works. My mind just always wants to fight back. I try to ignore hate messages and block them, but right before i go to block them, they always say something and I go right back at them. I try to minimise my chances of talking back to them but it never works. I usually don’t tell anybody about my problems. But if i did, it would most likely be my brother because I would say he would stick up for me. I wouldn’t tell my parents because if they got in the situation, I am pretty much just making the problem bigger. The dangers of adding people you don’t know on instagram are, what if they are stalkers? What if they know where you live somehow just off your account? There could be a lot of problems.

  17. zoya says:

    hi mr. wu,
    i personally think that in this situation i would have made a private account. i would have blocked the rude people. sometimes the best thing to do is just to walk away. bullies bully to get a reaction out of you. if you don’t give a reaction, there is no point.
    i would definitely tell my parents and ask them for tips on how to deal with cyberbullies. dangers are anywhere from being hacked, or people pretending to be you.

  18. Abby says:

    I think Elsa should’ve put her Instagram on private and not just let people follow her. Elsa also could have just ignored them. But she did delete her Instagram so she didn’t let the cyber bullies get to her too much and knew how to end it

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