All I want for Christmas … is another two weeks of Christmas break

Welcome back Division 2,

Sorry I didn’t post anything this winter break, I was busy in New York without wifi becuase the hotel thought it was a “smart” idea to charge $14.95 USD each day for using wifi. New York was a good experience for Aimee and I, mostly because the food was so good, but I don’t think I’ll ever go back to visit it again. It was far too busy for my liking and quite frankly, it just reminded me of Vancouver but waayyyyy overpriced. Thank you all for your suggestions on what I should do while I was in New York. We didn’t accomplish everything but here are some of the things we did: went to the Empire building, ate dim sum in China Town, visited the Brooklyn Bridge (but I was too scared to walk all the way across), saw the World Trade Centre and the Memorial, went on a boat cruise to the Statue of Liberty, rode on the Big Bus double decker tour bus, cycled around Central Park on tandem bike, and finally watched a hockey game at Madison Square Garden. We didn’t bother waiting in line for the ball drop in Times Square because people were outside in the rain at 7am waiting until 12 am for it to drop … that is like 17 hours of waiting. A man told me that he was wearing a diaper because they couldn’t leave and there were no bathrooms, and I didn’t believe it until he showed me … gross! Here are a few pictures from my adventure:




























So, let’s hear what you did this break! Please write me a detailed short story (2-3 paragraphs). I look forward to your responses.

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19 Responses to All I want for Christmas … is another two weeks of Christmas break

  1. Angela says:

    This winter, I didn’t do much, but my dog was a bit troublesome. We got her spayed, which means she can’t have puppies. She had to wear a cone around her head for 12 days afterwards to prevent her from licking the wound. She got her cone off on new year’s Day.

    2 days ago she had to go to the vet because she somehow cut herself and the wound got infected. Now we have to give her antibiotics and her cone’s back on for the next 2 weeks.

    And I went ice skating just this week. That’s it

  2. Vinh Le says:

    Christmas is gone and new year is coming. In winter breaks me And my sister have a present in Christmas, if we have more time in winter breaks i will do:
    1. I go to Vietnam to visit my grandma and grandpa.
    2. I will play something fun with my friend in Vietnam
    3. I will play video game with my friends in Vietnam
    That is all about my comment thank to read my comment

  3. Jefferson sing a Song says:

    This winter break I mostly just skiied. I also learnt how to snowboard, but I like skiing better. I had a ski camp that was supposed to be 5 days, but because of the wind the skyride was too dangerous. So the 5 day camp became a 2 day camp (I got a refund). But before the ski camp I had a snowboard camp, which is supposed to be a 4 day camp. Of course the wind had to be annoying again, so it became a 3 day camp. Anyway, that’s enough about snow sports. I had a Christmas dinner at my friend’s house along with some other friends. We had a Christmas dinner, stayed up until 12, and had a “secret santa” gift exchange (it wasn’t at all like secret santa, it was just the name the parents gave it). I ended up getting twister (the board game) that wasn’t intended for me at all. I won’t mention the names of the friends to make it not embarrasing. That is what I did over winter break.

  4. Kamsi-___- says:

    This winter was pretty OK for me, (it could’ve been better though). The first few days I went to a lot of dinners and came back late a lot. Then, on Christmas I opened my presents (of course), I got a pair of shoes, some money, the world’s comfiest pj’s and few other stuff. Then my friend and I went to Starbucks, bought a lot of junk food and went to my house to watch a movie. My aunt came over to visit a few days later and that was really fun, her and I stayed up till two-three am watching movies and eating junk food the five days she was here (so I wasn’t really sleeping properly;() Then on New Years’ I had this church service which went on from 9:00pm to 1:30am but I was so tired that my family left at 1:00 am instead. Since we had church service and I didn’t do a countdown with my family, we opened wine instead. The last few days of my Christmas break were pretty chill, I bought some clothes and chicken with some of the money I got for Christmas and I caught up on the sleeping I’ve been missing;)

  5. Diego :) says:

    I played a lot of video games in winter break and on Christmas I got a gaming chair and video games. I ate food and spent time with my family. My Uncle, Aunt, and Grandma came over for Christmas. My winter break was really fun and great!

  6. MADDIE! says:

    This winter break was less eventful than last year because me and my sister were both sick for Christmas. For example last year we went to Ontario and built an igloo that took 5 HOURS! This year we went on a hike that took 1 hour, but it was still a good Christmas.
    My favourite Christmas present that i got this year was an ice cream maker. I was going to get the ice cream ball,(the little rubber ball that you put salt and ice cream “batter” and than kick around) but we heard that leaks everytime you kick it so instead I got an aqua ice cream maker.
    One thing that i did do a lot of is ski. This year i skied a lot more than last year. We ski on grouse mountain but we like cypress better only because it doesn’t have line day we went with our cousins (who snowboard) but they don’t really know how to so that took a lot more time than it needed to. Overall Christmas was a bit less exciting than last year but it was fun.

  7. Pavyn says:

    i had a good winter break this year. first, i went to abbotsford to get together with my cousins. we had fun with each other and played games like, cherades. then we did secret santa. then, on christmas day we opened our gifts. i got jordan pants and a limited addition Ahsad Kaled jordan hoodie. then i went over to my other cousins house to have a big party with all my siblings. we ate pizza and had homemade punch. then we opened more presents. my baby cousins got a really annoying paw patrol dog toy that would always sing the theme song. and then my brother got an ipod touch. then my cousins got me a ferrari watch and a cool gaming monitor. and then we played as everyone was there. then my baby cousins left. so then we did cherades which was awesome. then we all went home. probably the best christmas i have ever had. then the next week, i had a poco hockey tournament. and we won undefeated. then three days later, i went to the world juniors cup game canada vs finland. it was sad that they lost. one time during the game the puck flew out of the rink and almost hit my head! luckily i ducked and it hit the guys beer behind me and he took the puck. and then he showed his beer to everyone and his beer dripped all over me. then i went home and played video games for the rest of the break.

  8. Aden Vu (9922 shark ave) says:

    Well, what I did for the winter break was pretty good! My friends came over for Christmas, and New Years!! I admit I played a lot of video games almost everyday. I had some presents like a drone and some Fortnite pack. I had alot of fun over the break like going to my friends house and winning 50$. I had a lot of fun and ate at a pretty good Japanese restaurant but service was kinda doo doo. But I ate some wagyu beef and saw Aqua man that is pretty much everything so yeah how was yours

  9. Victor+~ says:

    So this winter break the main thing I did was go skiing with my cousin from Houston, his name is Eddie he is good at skiing and I am not. I also started building my app,it is not done yet but it will be done soon. I celebrated my birthday at my grandmas house but my cousin want there. On New year’s day we went out to eat at a dim sum place and there was so many people we had to wait for 1 and a half hours.

    Overall I had a very fun winter break and I got a lot of sleep. I’m happy that I did my piano recital and that I didn’t mess up.

  10. Zoya 😇 says:

    My break was kind of boring. I basically just movie iwatched movies. I don’t know how to write two paragraphs of that, so I’ll just summarize the movies I guess.
    The first movies i watched was White House down, and London has fallen. They are both about the secret service in the USA, and people wanting to kill the president.
    The next movie was called captain Phillip. It was about a cargo ship getting pirated by Somalians. Who take $30000 and kidnap the captain on the lifeboat.
    2012 and inferno were about the world ending.

  11. Zoe 💕💕~(❤️,v,❤️)~💕💕 says:

    Hi Mr.Wu. On My Christmas break I went over to my mum for my little brother birthday and after that I went over to surrey and hanged out with my mum for the first weekend of Christmas break. After that my dad came to pick me and my older brother. After he picked us up we went to pick up our younger sisters and later that day we went to the mall and hanged out and bought popcorn from kernels. “Sweat and salty” my favourite flavor 😋 He-He. after that we went home and handed out and we went to watch the movie “The Grinch” I`m not a fan of it but eh, it was okay not so bad. After that there was like three parties so it was alright I saw my uncles and aunties and stuff like that. THERE WAS FOOD!!! AND DESERTS!!! It was Suhhh! GUUD!! (^,3,^) My favourites was the deserts. 😆 after that we went home. and the other parties went by. after on Boxing day my dad dropped me and my older brother at my mum and I just chilled with my friends and family. And on the last week I just hanged out with my grandma (❤️ ,v,❤️) My favourite part of Christmas was family time He-he! 💕💕

  12. Lauren 🍜 says:

    This winter break was not the best. My family was sick. 😢So that meant that I could not do anything! But here are some things I did over the holiday’s to make them better!

    The exciting thing was celebrate Christmas with both sides of my family. On Christmas Eve i spent it with my mom’s side of my family and we ate Chinese food. On Christmas Day in the morning I just open presents with my sister, mom ,and dad. Then at night I had a big Christmas dinner with my dad’s side of the family where we had prime rib, turkey, and vegetables.

    The second thing I did was going to Grouse Mountain to snowboard which is one of my favorite sport! Me and my dad went and did 9 runs in about 3 hours. On the first run I fell down a lot and then later on I became better which was really good and by the end of the day i was beginning to carve already! Just in one day!

    The third thing I did was going bowling with my cousins Marcus (10) and Elizabeth (7) who are originally from Hong Kong but moved back this year to Vancouver. We went to Rev’s bowling and did two games of bowling. I had so much fun! Also my dad got a 4 strikes in a row and i think the whole bowling alley could hear us because we were all screaming! I hope that we can go bowling with them again.

    Well, those were some of the things that I did over the winter break! 😊😊😊😊😊😊

  13. Samuel says:

    My break started pretty good with my brother coming back for Germany on the 23rd and my family does Christmas on the 24th because of European tradition or something along those lines. So he was just in time for Christmas. On Christmas my brother got me a No. 30 Sommerfeld hockey jersey exactly like the one he wears on his German hockey team. My brother spent some time at his moms house for a few days and we played a lot of nhl 19 on Xbox. Than my parents went to the states for a few days and left me with my brother to take me all my tournament games which was really fun for me getting to see me play considering the last time he saw me play I wasn’t very good and over the summer I really improved my hockey skills. My team didn’t do very good we lost 2 won 1 and tied 1. Pavyn’s team won the whole tournament which was nice to see another Burnaby team win it. Lastly me and my friend Laithan went to 6 world juniors games(the biggest under 20 hockey tournament in hockey). It was a lot of fun to see the best 19 and 18 year old hockey players in the world. And other than that I just stayed at home and played Xbox so I had a pretty event filled break.

  14. Luca says:

    First of all I hope that everyone has had a great winter break, I know I had.
    Just before Christmas my family and I went to Gresham, Oregon USA. We stayed there for 6 days and came back just before New year’s.While in Gresham we have visited friends, we had Christmas dinner, which was prepared in a romanian tradition, and we openned gifts.
    For New year’s eve we have attended a romanian party, about 360 people all togheter. There I have had a great time playing and meeting one of my best friends, Robert. We have cheered at 12:00 for the coming of the new year, and sipped some non-alchoholic champaine:). After that we all went home and got a long, restful sleep.

  15. Cheryl says:

    My winter break was pretty good, my aunt came over from Malaysia. I also got to go to my cousin’s place for a sleepover. It was a lot of fun! I woke up at like, 10:50 everyday, which is super late in my opinion, and my sister and I had races to see who could finish a 300 piece puzzle in 30 minutes. Christmas was pretty awesome cuz there was so much food andpresents.
    So yeah, that’s my winter break.

  16. rohan:) says:

    My winter break went pretty well even though I didn’t do that much. So a day after winter break started I went to Costco with my dad to get a Ps4. They didn’t have it at the Costco we were at so we had to go to a different one. That’s all I did until Christmas. For Christmas I got a whole bunch of stuff Including an alarm , saxophone cleaning supplies, and some chocolate. On New Years my grandparents, aunt, and uncle came. About 5 minutes before New Years I set the alarm to go off. When it goes off it makes a loud ring but it never did. So my dad said he was going to return it. That’s is how my winter break went.

  17. Bernice says:

    Over the winter break, I went to Osoyoos to go skiing with some of my dance friends.I didn’t like the car trip there and back because my friend got car sick and it was boring. But, I also got a hamster a few days before the break ended.

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