New York New York …

Hi class,

Sorry I cannot be with you today for Cultural Day. I was playing hockey last night and “think” I broke my ankle … literally. Anyways, enough of feeling sorry for me, but here is the blog post for today. 

Since I’m going to New York soon and is a little lazy to do some planning, I thought what better way to plan then get you guys to do it for me! Ha! Your job today is to research 3 things that I should do while in New York, whether it is a Broadway show to watch, a place to go eat pizza/cheesecake, or a specific landmark that Aimee and I HAVE to see. Please explain why I need to go to the place, and no Diego, you can’t say “because it is epiccc.” I need legitimate reasons for going.

I hope you all have a wonderful day in class and please treat our TOC with respect. I shall try my best to see you tomorrow. And I will bring in my cultural foods too!


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10 Responses to New York New York …

  1. Zoe (-.3.-) says:

    OOOF! Mr.Wu I hope you feel better soon!
    You could try and do these Ideas if you want.
    1. Ice skating central park (if your ankle Is not broken!)
    2. Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree.
    3. Holiday Marks (sounds fun!)
    4.The Radio City Christmas Spectacular.
    5.St. Patrick’s Cathedral (If your like a X-mas person then you might like it!)
    6. New years eve party! (if your still there in New York!)
    7.Festivals & Shows ( again if your a Musical person!)
    Alright that`s all I got BYE!

  2. Kamsi-________- says:

    Mr. Wu regards about your hockey “incident”, hope it isn’t broken:)
    You are so lucky you are going to New York especially this time of the year, I’ve been there and it was fun so I hope you enjoy it. Some places I think would be a good place to see in New York is:

    1. Times Square to see the ball (if you are staying till New Years)
    2. Central Park (cuz that park is HUGEEEEE! in ym opinion)
    3. 9/11 Memorial and Museum
    4. A Broadway show called “Come From Away” there are shows form Dec.13- 18
    OOPS I did more than 3 but I hope its useful tho;)

  3. EpicGamer 2006 ( Vinh le ) says:

    i thick 3 things i will do if i come in New York is:
    i will going to London eye so i can take a picture and see a city.
    i will go to a tour of London to visit all the city in London
    Last i will do in london is watching a sport or go around in london.
    That is my comment how about you mr.wu have a good day

  4. Angela says:

    I’m glad to see you still have a sense of humor, making us do the work. Anyways, here are three things you could do in New York.

    1) Take your girlfriend shopping. I don’t know where or anything like that, but get her something. Depending on when you’re going, you could get her a Christmas present.

    2) Maybe enjoy the view at Brooklyn Bridge or take a walk at the high line, but with your possibly broken ankle I don’t think walking a lot is a good idea.

    3) Maybe go to the Metropolitan museum of Art if you like that sort of thing. I don’t know what else so yeah……….

    Anyways that’s about it, and I hope you’re okay.

  5. Victor ༼ʘ̚ل͜ʘ̚༽ says:

    I have been to new york once so these are my top 3 places you should go to in New York.

    1. The statute of liberty; the statue is extremely tall. You take the subway there and once you get out there you take the escalator up right away a bunch of people to tell you to go one way or another to get tickets.

    2. Times Square; Times Square is always filled with people remember to go to Hershey’s and M&m world. Times Square has a really big H&m and Footlocker, the store was like 5 or 6 floors, t. I remember that there is a pizza that is extremely expensive like 6 or 7 dollars a slice.

    3. Black tap restaurant; You have probably never heard of this place, the restaurant has the best milkshakes in the world. The chef used to be a private chef for Donald Trump, but only one thing, the milkshakes cost 15 dollars. 💵

  6. AdenVu says:

    1) You Should go to the Lincoln Center for the performing arts. It is the largest and I mean Largest Performing Arts Center in the world! Go in and watch some ballet or what ever you want or just tour yourself inside.
    2) So one tip in New York, Don’t eat food chains!! eat food like Di Fara Pizza i heard it is the best in New York! OMG I’m getting hungry anyway I’m gonna stop complaining. So it has Square pizza and normal and a variety of different toppings and fresh basil snipped with scissors over your mouth watering pizza.
    3) its epicc! I’m joking well North River Lobster Company is a great place to see the city and it is only 10$!! now that is a saving! They serve good beer, cocktails, wine and amazing Seafood!! That is all and hope your foot feels better and have a nice night/day @adenvuvu on insta

  7. Jefferson sing a song says:

    1. You should go to the Statue of Liberty. It was dedicated in 1886, making it 132 years old. It is very huge and is a great sight to see.

    2. A restaurant you can visit in New York is called Frenchette. It has a lot of variety of food, and has good service too. Reservations are reccommended for this restaurant.

    3. A hotel you could go to is the Moxy NYC Downtown. It is a newly built hotel. The cost rate is pretty high, but it would be worth it for the luxury.

    HAVE FUN MR. WU IN NEW YORK!!!!!!!!!

  8. Lauren :) says:

    Here are some things for you to so in New york Mr. Wu…

    1. Go to central park to do some ice skating. ( if your ankle gets better) Apparently they have two skating rinks and do hockey lessons as well! While your at central park enjoy the city skyline.

    2. Times Square; in times square you can go to the great shopping stores and get something for yourself and your girlfriend! If you are in town for New Year’s watch the ball drop. ( if you want to stay from 11:00 am to 12:00 midnight)

    3. Go to the Statue of Liberty! The Statue of Liberty is the iconic statue that is on a little island which is called “Liberty Island”. The famous statue is made out of copper and was a special gift from the people of France. The Statue was given on October 28, 1886.

  9. Rohan :) says:

    1.Go to the statue of liberty. You should do this because it’s a big landmark and you can tell people about it.
    2.Times square. You should go there because it’s really cool and has really big billboards and stores.
    3.go shopping with your girlfriend.
    Those are the things I think you should do.

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