How much time is too much Screen Time?

Good Morning y’all,

As you come back to school over the weekend, I can probably guarantee that 75% of you spent too many hours infront of the screen. BADDDD!!!! Back in the day, there was no such thing as screen time and the only internet we had was “dial-up.” You couldn’t talk on your house phone when you were on the internet, so you can imagine how much time my parents actually let me have on the computer. Instead, we were kicked out of the house and was sent outside to play, rain or shine. Anyways, please watch the following video and read the article attached. 

Screen time addiction checklist

  1. Do you get nervous when can’t find your phone immediately? Does the discomfort continue until you find the phone?
  2. Are you constantly checking your mail, social media profile or messenger chat even when you’re not expecting a specific message or call? Do you do this even when someone in the same room is competing for your attention?
  3. Do you spend more time chatting on social media than face to face?
  4. Do you closely follow the latest news in mobile technology to ensure you have the latest devices, functionalities and fad apps?
  5. Do you find it uncomfortable to turn your phone off, even when the situation calls for it?
  6. Do you ever bump into other people or objects because your nose is in your screen while you walk?
  7. Are you the “app king” among your friends? By which I mean that you regularly download a lot of new stuff (apps, pictures, tunes etc.) but don’t use them for long (in many cases opening just once) before searching for the next thing?
  8. Do you take the phone everywhere (including to bed and the bathroom) with you (and use it there)?
  9. Is your most commonly used word “Pardon?” or something equivalent, because your attention is on your phone?

Child screen addiction questions

  1. Do you find your child spending more time playing mobile games than anything else?
  2. Does the amount of time your child spends at a screen grow? Do they notice this?
  3. Is your child constantly talking about video games, mobile apps and other on-screen content?
  4. Do you feel your child’s screen time affects their school productivity?
  5. Does your child keep a phone or computer in their room overnight? If so, are they frequently tired and could it be connected to late night screen use including message or game checking?

* * * Please respond to the questions above with a minimum of 2 paragraphs * * *

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16 Responses to How much time is too much Screen Time?

  1. Aden Vu says:

    1) I do not get nervous I really don’t care I honestly just wanna find it so my mom doesn’t get angry at me
    2) No I don’t I really don’t care about norfications unless I am expecting something. If someone wants to get my attention I give them my attention
    3) no I do not I spend more time talking face to face than using Instagram Snapchat and e.t.c
    4) no I dont I really don’t care I usually update a week later.

    5) no I love turning off my phone because I lose battery a lot
    6) no I have never I do not walk with my phone outside not inside
    7) I am not the app king ok’ing my friends I am the fortnite god among my friends

  2. luca says:

    1) Okay I find myself sometimes playing to much but I keep going so I set a watch and when it rings I stop because my mom says that I’m going to ruin my eyes and she is right. 2) I talk to my parents about Fortnite all the time. I’m addcdited to it, I set a limit of playing it because it gets boring over time because over 20 million people now so I’m getting bored of it and i’m going to try to stop playing games. And to set limits on my sreen time.

  3. kAmSi-____________- says:

    I remember when I was younger I use to hate when another parent would tell my parents about too much screen time because they would start decreasing my screen time.
    No.1:Personally I don’t think I spend too much time on playing mobile games because I don’t really like playing mobile games (unless its Helix Jump), I’d rather watch movies on my iPad anytime.

    No.2: That answer would be a big fat juicy NO, my parents especially my mum are very strict on how much screen time me and my siblings get.

    No.3:As I told you in question 1 I don’t like mobile games that much but I’m really obsessed when it comes to online shopping sites (especially aliexpress and wish)

    No.4: Well of course since I’m answering for myself I don’t think my screen time affects with my school and social life, I would say I am very social if you ask my fellow peers.

    No.5 And last but not least, I am guilty of that 100% sometimes I use my iPad for hours in the night and next thing you know I lose track of time its 1 am, I’m tired and I wanna sleep and its time to wake up for school.

    I think that video was very informative and a lot of us could benefit (including me) from less screen time:)

  4. Rosario says:

    My phone is always on me, but I only use it if I have wifi. When I am not at school, I spend most of my time on my play station. I do believe that I am addicted to my phone and my play station. When I don’t have these things I feel bored and like I have nothing to do. Screens are bad for your eyes, they are addicting and not healthy. The woman in the video thinks that screens can be good. She think they are good for kids because they can help them learn. She said that parents need to spend time with their kids on screens to help them learn and talk about math and learning.

  5. Angela says:

    1 Yeah, I get nervous when I lose my phone, but that goes for anything, especially important things. I guess I’m just scared of my parents’ reactions though.

    2 No, I only check my texts if there are notifications, and being me, that isn’t often. And NO, I don’t check my phone when someone is trying to talk to me. That is just rude

    3 No, after all, I talk to my family a lot. When it comes to talking with my friends though, I text them a lot, but that’s because I rarely get to see them in real life.

    4 No, apart from system apps, the only social media I have is Instagram, and the other apps I have are for drawing, music, and photo editing, which aren’t super popular.

    5 Nope. Because my battery drains quick, I really don’t mind turning off. If someone called me in the middle of class and I didn’t turn my phone off, that would be really embarassing.
    Also, my phone could serve as a distraction, to myself and everyone around me.

    6 I usually don’t walk into people, but I occasionally walk into pieces of furniture. However, 90% of the time I’m not even holding my phone. I’m just really clumsy.

    7 Nope, as I said earlier, I only have a few apps.

    8 Nope, I’m not allowed to use my phone unless it’s for school purposes or to text my parents. I’m also allowed 30 minutes at the end of the day, but that’s about it. My parents put my phone downstairs at night, but that’s because I might lose track of it.

    9 No, I mean I do get in peoples’ ways often, but that’s because I’m really clumsy, as I said before. I always say sorry if I happen to walk into someone, which isn’t really often, but usually, I just trip on someone’s foot or bag. My parents think I overuse the word “sorry” but it’s a habit. But yeah, I never get in someone’s way when I’m on my phone, because I’m not walking around in circles while looking at my phone.

  6. wesley says:

    1.I do not freak out when my phone is missing because I do not have one. Although I sort of freak out though when my Ipad is missing.
    2. I do not really look at my emails. I check every ten days or so.
    3.I do not use email often.I have only used it once and I would rather talk face to face.
    4.The only sort of news I look at is public news on television.
    5.I never find it uncomfortable to turn off my device.
    6.I normally bump into people when I am reading or not paying attention to where I am going
    7.I am not known as an app king among my friends.
    8.I do not take my device with me everywhere.
    9. Sometimes I say words like pardon because I try to ignore them or I do not pay attention to them.

  7. Samuel says:

    1) yes I do get scared when I can’t find my phone I wouldn’t say it’s because I can’t check it but because if I lost it I would be put a lot of money. I do use my phone a lot though, I listen to a few hockey podcasts and videos while I do things for example I could be doing something around the house or if I’m playing Xbox by myself and I will put a video on or podcast in the background. I don’t like sitting there in complete silence and also I like them, they’re interesting. 9) I always try to wrap up whatever I’m doing on my phone if somebody says something or I see someone to reply accordingly. I’ve been taught to be respectful in that way because my parents always were taught to do the same when they were young, and if I didn’t follow those rules to be respectful and to know there’s a time and place to be on my phone I wouldn’t have it. 2) Yes but not if someone is competing for my attention like I stated prior. I usually check for scores on NHL/NBA games or news and things like that. Overall I think you can use your phone a lot however, there is a time and place to be watching Netflix or something like that. I’ve heard of people saying that more millenials will be somewhat more socially awkward toward each other when they are older because of less face to face interactions which to be honest could be true. My parents have always tried to make me more comfortable with those type of things and have encouraged me to have have good manners and greet adults and treat them with the utmost respect. So lastly it doesn’t matter to me what you do with your phone but I try to only use my phone if I am at home it if I am talking to someone on the phone or texting them just so I can be aware of surroundings and people near by especially if I am some sort of gathering.

  8. Jefferson sing a Song says:

    1. I don’t really get nervous when I lose my phone. I only get nervous if I can’t find it in a long time, like for hours or something.

    2. I barely check my email because I don’t get many anyway. This is the same with texts. If someone is in the room competing for my attention, I would pay attention to them unless they are talking about boring stuff.

    3. I spend more time talking face-to-face. The only times I’m texting/emailing is if there is something important or if I’m bored.

    4. I don’t really pay attention to the latest events. I only watch the news when I’m eating breakfast because my parents keep it on.

    5. I’m never really uncomfortable when I have to turn off my phone. If I was looking at it for too long, I would willingly turn it off. Sometimes if I am doing something important that can’t save, I would work really quick to finish.

    6. I never look at my phone when I walk. The times I do do it is if I’m looking at something interesting/important. I sometimes listen to music when I walk, but I don’t look at the screen.

    7. I am not the app king among my friends. When I got my phone, I downloaded a few apps then rarely downloaded afterword. I have used my app lots of times already, and only deleted some apps because they were boring/unimportant.

    8. I take my phone everywhere but only because my mom says for emergency. I listen to music regularly, but not always.

    9. I sometimes say pardon when I’m looking at my phone because I would be wearing headphones/earbuds. If I’m not wearing earbuds, I might say pardon depending on what I’m looking at.

  9. Victor W ╚(ಠ_ಠ)=┐ says:

    1. I don’t get nervous when I lose my phone in my own house, but if I lose my phone outside of my house I would be pretty nervous.

    2. I don’t check my emails a lot, and I can’t text. I don’t want to ignore anyone that wants to talk to me in person, I think that is very rude.

    3. I spend a lot more time talking face-to-face, like not skype. Actually face-to-face. Anyways who uses Skype, comment down below.

    4. So I don’t have many new mobile devices, my phone is a hand-me-down from my uncle. I don’t always get the newest apps I usually wait one or two years after it has made it mark in the play store or apple store. So my dad does buy electronics, but only if they are cheap like my iPad [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅].

    5. I have never been that addicted to my device. The longest time I have been on a device is 1 hour 40 mins because I was on a 12 hour flight.

    6. I haven’t bumped into anyone while using my device, but once in Germany I was pulling out directions on my phone and I almost walk into a glass door.

    7. App king? I use an app like for 1 whole year before I delete it, but when it comes to music I delete and download every month.

    8. Okay, I bring my phone to my bedroom to charge because it dies like instantly but bringing your phone to the washroom is nasty. I bring my phone to school and travelling to different countries but bring my phone to my friend’s house or swimming isn’t necessary.

    9. I say “Pardon” but not when I’m using my phone, I’m never really so pulled into my phone or Ipad. My dad told me typing this counts as screen time so I’m trying to type fast. Why did I just write the last sentence?

  10. Vinh le says:

    I think 30 second in the screen time because if we have to much screen time and we cant turn of we will be lost battery and so we just have 5 or 30 second in the screen time. That is my comment for the screen time.

  11. Lauren Feng :) says:

    1.When I lose my phone i do get nervous that i will never see it again. The discomfort does kick into me because i do use my phone everyday, but when I find it I feel fine.

    3. I don’t talk more on social media than face to face with people. I only talk to my friends on social media when i’m at home for a little bit. I feel like my parents only talk more on social media to our friends and family because we don’t see them very often.

    7. I am not even close to being the “app king” among all of my friends. I really don’t download many apps on my phone.

    8. I don’t bring my phone everywhere i go. I only usually bring my phone when i go to a friend party or house so i can contact them if i really need to. Besides that I don’t take my phone anywhere else.

  12. zoya says:

    1) i do get nervous when i lose my phone, but not in the “ohmygod i lost phones phone i don’t have my social media anymore! i need to post about this and let everyone know the major suffering that i’m going through, oh wait i can’t because i lost my phone!! ahhhhhhh!!!” way. i get nervous because it my main sourc of contact when i’m at school or when i’m away from home. so i get nervous because what if something bad happened and i can’t contact anyone about it?

    2) sorry that last one was so long, i’ll try to keep them shorter.
    i don’t have email on my phone so i don’t check it. i only check my messages when i get a notification or something. and i’m not that active on Instagram.

    i don’t like talking,

  13. Zoe (-,3,-) says:

    I`m not addicted to my phone since I don`t really use it in class. I kind of use my laptop a lot but its only for Music,Homework and e.t.c. I don`t usually call my friend but only when I`m bored or I have nothing to do.

    1. Not really but it depends on the situation. But sometimes if it`s a emergency then yes. I do need to find my phone until have it in my hand.

    2. I don`t really use social media like snapchat or

  14. Cheryl says:

    I don’t have a phone, actually, so I really can’t relate to most of the questions. However I agree that people can easily be addicted to games and stuff, and I once saw this article about this dude who was on his phone, crossed the road without looking, got run over, and died.

  15. Rohan:) says:

    1.No, I don’t really get nervous when I can’t find my phone because it’s really old and boxy so nobody would want to take it or anything.

    2.No, I never really find myself checking my emails or stuff like that because nobody really emails me.

    3.No, since the only social media I have are the phone app( can you even count that?), and google hangouts I spend much more time talking to people face to face.

    4.Nope. I never have the newest apps or games and honestly i don’t really care.

    5.I never feel uncomfortable turning off my iphone because half the time it glitches out of an app and then turns off by itself.

    6.No I don’t use my phone while walking because it’s really inconsiderate for people around you.


    8.Never that’s just nasty if u use your phone on the toilet.

    9. I prefer to put down my phone when someones talking to me so I can actually understand what they are saying.

  16. Bernice (≧∇≦)/( ^ω^) says:

    1. I don’t use my phone more than anything.but usually like to watch T.V.
    2. I don’t know if my screen time grows and I don’t know if I notice or not.
    3. I sometimes will talk to my mom about my games but its only because my mom wants to know if I play too many game’s.
    4. I am not too sure.
    5. No because my mom says technology give radiation.

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