How Did Christmas Begin?

Hi Y’all,

As the Christmas season is fast approaching, y’all are probably wondering how it even began. And if you didn’t wonder how it began, then you shouldn’t be receiving any presents from Santa. Please watch the video below and educates yourselves on how this tradition began. 


REMIX time. I want you to creatively come up with a different version of how “Christmas” began. The most abstract and appropriate response will receive an early “gift” from Santa’s elf … Mr. Wu. 


  1.  What did the lovely Mrs. Claus say to her husband Santa when she looked up in the sky?
  2. Well well well, I don’t normally eat breakfast, but what does a Snowman or Snow-woman eat for breakfast?
  3. Okay, last one I promise. Why is Santa unbelievably good at Karate?

*  *  * (You can thank Mr. A-Drally for these funny jokes) *  *  *

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19 Responses to How Did Christmas Begin?

  1. AdenVu says:

    one dark day in December it was Snowing REALLY HARD like i mean 4 ft of snow type of stuff. SO anyway all the kids like the sow and kept playing in the snow like always. Someone thought it was a good idea to throw presents in the snow so the kids found it and they did so every morning on December 25th
    they would dive in the snow and get the presents and put it under a tree because one present had a small tree attached to it. So that is how Christmas was made so yep that is it.

  2. Adenvuvu says:

    1. SHe said it was snowing

    2. Snow flakes

    3. Idk

  3. Fernando (-O-) says:

    1. Its rain dear.

    2. Frosted Flakes!!!

    3. Because he has a black belt.

  4. Adriel says:

    One day in December 25th there was an old fat person that gave gifts to people that were nice to him. Instead of putting cookies out we only had frosted flakes with milk. Then the next day there was a green monster that was being mean to the fat old person. So the fatty didn’t give the green monster a gift. They started to fight. The fatty was a black belt you he won the fight. Every Christmas the green monster would steal gifts from others. Too bad the reindeers left the chimney when Santa was delivering my presents. Sigh.

  5. Jefferson says:

    My version of how christmas started was when on Halloween, people dressed up. A person in particular, Nicholas, knew magic. Unfortunately, he was sick on Halloween. He decided to make up for it by preparing a plan. He would make a costume and ride reindeers all around the world to give out candy. Unfortunately again, he spilt his vat of candy in the ocean. So he decided to get toys as gifts instead. His plan was all prepared by December 24, which he called “Giftmas Eve”. He did all of this in remembrance of his aunt Amber, so he called his costume “Aunt A’s cause”. On Dec. 25, Nicholas put a spell on his reindeer to fly, and set out. He gave all the children presents in remembrance of how his aunt gave him presents. Over the years, Nicholas would do this again and again, and word spread about this. Eventually, “Giftmas Eve” became “Christmas Eve” and Nicholas was known as “Santa Clause” not “Aunt A’s cause. This is my version of how Christmas started.

  6. wesley says:

    I think that Christmas was created when some fat jolly guy named Santa Claus thought he could give presents to everyone in the world in one night. So he got some helpers called elves and married a beautiful wife named Mrs. Claus. So Santa made the elves build a giant toy making factory and beautiful sleigh. All they needed was something to pull the sleigh so Santa got a bunch of magic reindeer that allowed him to fly anywhere in the world. So Santa did this year after year after year and it soon became the tradition we call Christmas.

  7. Victor says:

    1. oh it a rain dear.

    2. Frosted flakes with milk.

    3. Because he has a black and brown belt.

  8. Victor says:

    So along time ago there was a happy guy named Chris. Chris worked as a chimney cleaner and loved his job. He made sure he cleaned every inch of every chimney he cleaned.

    On December 24, Chris was cleaning the clock tower and then he fell down! Chris then hit the tower and it collapsed. Every body looked at Chris and Chris felt bad, every body went home and Chris stayed. Chris spent the night building the clock tower and he give presents to everybody in the morning, And that is how Christmas became a holiday.

  9. Joanna says:

    1.”It’s Snowing”
    2. Pancakes
    3. Practice makes perfect!

    (I would write a story because I love writing, but I’m scared of the quotation marks Mr.Wu put around gift.)

  10. Angela says:

    “one sad day, Santa Claus saw a group of children talking about their cool new toys, but noticed one little kid stood aside, looking sad. He went up to that kid and asked “What toy do you wish for most? “Be good” Santa was a mind reader, so he went around to every house to read every kid’s thoughts (I know, creepy) and bought toys from a store. The ones he couldn’t buy he made. He stayed up all night doing this, with Ms Claus helping. The next night, he dropped off the toys. To his surprise, every good child had put cookies and milk on the doorstep. The next year, on the exact same day, the same thing happened, only Santa didn’t do anything. It was the work of mysterious dwarves and glowing pigs. Every year after that, a group of magical beings and glowing animals would make presents and deliver them. Also eat the cookies.”

    And idk about all three riddles

  11. Rohan:) says:

    Once upon a time there was a boy named Nick. Every year on December 25th (His birthday) he always asked for presents but, his parents wouldn’t ever bother to try to get him anything.
    As Nick got older he noticed a lot of people didn’t get presents and he realized that they had to go through the same sadness that he had to. A little while later Nick came up with a plan to give all the good little children of the world presents on his birthday.

    1. I see RAIN deers
    2. freezing flakes
    3. Because he has a black belt

  12. Cheryl says:

    I think Christmas was created when some mean people decided to invent a story intended to scare children. The story was about a greedy man who stole food out of people’s houses to eat. Naturally the children asked the mean people how the greedy man would get in the house if the doors and windows were locked. The mean people said that the greedy man (whose name was Sandy Claws) snuck in the house through the chimney while everyone was asleep and raided the fridges and pantries. One day, Sandy got so fat from eating all those calories that he couldn’t fit through the chimney anymore, so he started kidnapping children and keeping them hostage for food. The word spread about this story and the kids were terrified. Some nice people felt bad for the children and “sugarcoated” the story by saying that the Sandy was actually just a kind man who was taking food to give to poor people. The kids were not fully convinced, so the nice people said that Sandy made presents out of the goodness of his heart and delivered them by riding his sled down a hill with lots of bumps. The bumps chucked the sleigh into the air and it looked as if it were flying, but Sandy was a master sledboarder and managed to drop presents into the houses. Then Sandy realised that he could never make enough presents in time for every kid in the world, so he decided to just give them to the good kids as a reward. The children loved the idea of presents and happy endings, so they spread the story to their friends and etcetera. The kids had a baby accent so they renamed their fantasy hero ‘santa clause’ and the name stuck. The End. If you liked this story please reply and share!

  13. Mahek #🙂 says:

    1. The pretty rain deer
    2. The crystal snowflakes
    3. Because he wore a black belt

  14. Lauren :) says:

    Here is my take on how Christmas started…

    Once upon a time there was a man who was very ordinary. Like any other human being. He was the nicest person you can ever think of. He lived in a town in British Columbia, Canada. Christmas was his favorite holiday because that was the time of year when he can give people presents instead of receiving them. His name was Nicholas, but Nick for short. (And back then there was nothing such as Santa Claus) Everyday Nick was goes for a walk in downtown, Vancouver around the beautiful seawall. The day before Christmas when nick went for his daily walk he thought he needed a new scenery of nature, so when he got home he bought a ticket to the North Pole. When he got to the airport Nick saw that there was no one else was on the flight. When he got there the first thing he noticed was the airport was empty, but that didn’t matter to him. He looked around the North Pole and no one was in sight either! This was crazy he thought. He checked into his hotel and guess what he did… he went for the walk that he wanted to do. When Nick came back to the hotel there was horrible service and barley any employees working. So he gave up with the hotel and left.

    Two days later…

    There was nowhere to go at all. Nick decided to just build his own house to call home. It was made out of the best wood he could find and started to build away! Soon there were these mysterious creatures in the darkness that came towards him. They looked like gnomes but he wasn’t sure. When they did come closer they were these small little creatures that have pointy ears, stubby feet, and little noses. They called themselves elves. They decided to make a workshop to give toys to children around the world instead of just the children in Vancouver. They got to work and in about a month they created a workshop to build toys to give to children around the world, but he needed a cart to carry the toys around the world. Also how would he get around the world? His elves had a perfect idea to build a cart like for grocery shopping, but they called it a sleigh. Nick needed to find something to fly his sleigh. Then out of nowhere came this pack of deer and Nick found his sleigh riders. On Christmas he didn’t want anyone to find out who he actually is so he called himself St. Nicholas. So on Christmas day he traveled around the world to give presents to the children.

    THE END!!!

  15. Bernice (^o^)/ says:

    3.because he has a black belt

    (I also didnt do the story although I love writing because I am also afraid of the quotation marks around gift.just like what Joanna said)

  16. Abby says:

    1. What did the lovely Mrs. Claus say to her husband Santa when she looked up in the sky?
    2.Well well well, I don’t normally eat breakfast, but what does a Snowman or Snow-woman eat for breakfast?
    3.Okay, last one I promise. Why is Santa unbelievably good at Karate?

    1? 2 frosted flakes 3?

  17. Cheryl says:

    1. Rain deer
    2. frosted flakes
    3. Cuz he’s a black belt.

  18. Zoe ;3 says:

    1. Rain deers!

    2. Frosted flakes cause that was the only thing in the past!

    3. he had a black belt looking like Santa.

    (AHHHHhhhhh! Winter is coming! woohooo!!!!)
    (just kidding. I`m not excited lol)

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