Would you rather…

Since this week is a short week, I decided to keep this post short. Please answer the question in a full paragraph, using proper punctuation and grammar. Also, explain your reasoning and please provide examples. 

Choose one of the following:

  1. Would you rather have more time or more money?
  2. Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?
  3. Would you rather be able to talk with the animals or speak all foreign languages?

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17 Responses to Would you rather…

  1. Pavyn says:

    I would rather have more time than more money because when i get a job i can get more money because i will have more time to do my shifts. And also on the weekend i get more time to relax.

    another advantage with more time is that you can live your life longer than usual ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Jefferson says:

    1. I would rather have more time so I could do what I have to do calmly. I would be able to not rush everywhere and be late, which would be very helpful. Having too much money is bad sometimes, which is why I pick time.

    2. I would rather have a pause button on my life so, like the previous paragraph, I would have more time. I would be able to pause time to get where I need to go on time.

    3. I would rather be able to speak to animals because it would be easier to get a pet. If I get a pet, eg. a dog, I would be able to communicate with it to behave.

  3. Angela says:

    I would rather have more time, because you can earn money, but you can’t buy time. You could use the extra time to earn more money, or you could use it for other reasons, like spending more time with your family and friends, or simply doing your homework

    This question is harder to answer, but I guess the rewind button would be much more useful. I’ve had a lot of embarassing moments that I wish had never happened, and wish I could change. Also, I could somehow persuade my parents to change their mind about a lot of things.

    I guess I would choose to speak with animals. You can learn how to speak a large number of human languages if you put in the effort, but personally, I want to know what my dog thinks sometimes.

  4. Lauren :) says:

    1. For me I would choose more time because money is not everything to me. Also having more time means that I can relax than to have everyone coming to me or stealing something from me because all I have is money.

    2. I would rather have a rewind button for my entire life so I can rewind something if I had a problem I would rewind so it doesn’t ever happen in real life.

    3. In my opinion I love animals and if I got to talk to them that would be so cool. So when I read this “would you rather” question I didn’t even have to think about it. That is how much I love animals. Also I can get an animal clan to fight for me.

  5. Kamsi-____- says:

    The question I picked was No.2 and my reason I picked is that I really think we all need it….
    I would rather have a rewind button in my life so I could go back to make good decisions and choices. We obviously all have made (and still do) bad decisions and choices and to go back and change that would benefit us and not just us but others a lot in our lives, like for example someone asks me a question and if I answer it I get a billion dollars, let’s say the question was 2 plus 2 and the answer was four but I said five then I could rewind back in time, change my answer and BADABING BADABOO , a billion dollars right there.

  6. wesley says:

    1. I would rather have more time because I want to live my life as long as possible. Also I could do more things that I like. Plus I would have time to get to things without worrying about being late all the time.2. I would have a rewind button on my life so I could relive the same day as much as I want. Plus if I did something wrong I could rewind and get as many second chances as I want. 3. I would rather talk to animals so I would have a lower chance of getting eaten by them. Also I think speaking all other languages sounds weird.

  7. Victor says:

    Would you rather have more time or more money? I would rather have more money because I feel like life is already long enough and money will make it better.

    Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life? This was hard to choose because if you choose this, you miss that and, if you choose that you miss that. Well you could cheat on test both ways, but if you think of it, if you pause time you can have the whole world to yourself. When I think of having the whole world to myself I wonder what I could do. The reason why I don’t want a rewind button is because that if I could rewind time my life would be almost perfect, and then I wouldn’t have any “I’ve should’ve chose that” thoughts and I would be weird living the same moment twice.

    Would you rather be able to talk with THE animals or speak all foreign languages? Although The animals was a good band and I really like the song “House of the rising sun”, I would rather know how to speak all the languages know to man kind because recently there is this kid in Cambodia that knows how to speak like 12 languages and he has gained a lot of attention on Facebook. If I could fit 6,500 languages in my head I would be a legend.

  8. AdenVuVu says:

    2) I would have a rewind button just in case i mess up something or I miss something and want to relive the moment. And if something bad happens to my family i can rewind and stop them before anything happens. A rewind button would be really good for my life because i mess up a lot so yep that is why i would choose a rewind button

  9. Zoya ๐Ÿ˜‡ says:

    2) I would rather have a rewind button so I could fix my past mistakes. I don’t want a pause button because it will just postpone things, and it won’t fix or get rid of things like a rewind button would. If anything bad or embarrassing happened, I would just rewind to before it happened, and fix it.

  10. Bernice ( ห˜โ€ขฯ‰โ€ขห˜ ) says:

    2. I would rather have a rewind button because sometimes if something bad happens,then I could try to fix it. Or if something really fun happens then i could replay that moment.

  11. Joanna says:

    3. I would rather talk to animals because I love animals and I think it would be so cool if I could be an โ€œanimal whispererโ€

  12. Rohan:) says:

    1) I would much rather have more time than money because first off, I could make more money if I have more time and I also would be able to do everything I ever wanted to do. If someone were to have more money then they might not have the time to enjoy it.

  13. Cheryl says:

    1. I would rather have more time than money because, in many ways, time is more important than money. You can get to places on time and have more daylight to enjoy. (no offense, night people)
    2. I would rather have a pause button in my life because if I had a rewind button, I might go back and make everything worse. A pause button would also be very useful if you were attacked, cuz then you could run/hide/shoot/fight. The bad thing, however, is that I wouldn’t be able to replay awesome moments.
    3. ARGHHHH this question is SOOOOO hard!!!!!!!!!!! For everyone who don’t know me well: I have this crazy ambition to learn every language I have time for. Also, once again for people who don’t know me very well: I love animals and would love to be able to communicate with them. it would also be a unique skill, so I guess I would choose communicating with animals.

  14. Mahek #๐Ÿ˜„ says:

    1. I would rather have more money so I could live a luxury life,
    instead of living a long and stressful life trying to get a luxury life.
    ( know what I mean? )

    2. Ok I would so have a rewind button so I could
    fix all the problems I have made all the times
    I should have sticked up for myself and change
    the most emberaising moments of my life !!!

    3. I would rather speak all foreign languages so
    I could travel all over the world also speak understand
    and communicate with people๐Ÿ˜

  15. Zoe ;3 says:

    1. I rather have more time then money because money to me is just waste of time I`m not a money person I`m more as a time and life person. Money is just what you have in your hand, yeah money can buy you food/clothes/e.t.c. But time is different time gives you more time to live more time to make memories with your family. People that means the world to you or the people you love will die one day. money can buy/give but it can`t give you back someone you love. It can`t give you back what you had. It can only give you one time. And time gives you a lot more things like, More time to do what you want or let you to build relationships or let you do what you want or want to do before you leave. That`s why for me I rather have time then have money.

    2. to be honest I don`t know, I would have both but if I could only pick one it would be rewind button. Because there is a lot of things I want to start over again and wish that it did`t happen. But then again I won`t remember every single bit of what I did or what happen to me in the further or past. There is a few things I regret doing or letting go the wrong person, I now learned a few lesson growing up. ;(

    3. I rather talk to animals cause talking to hoomans kind of sucks sometimes (-,3,-) and talking to ANIMALS ARE COOL!!! (ALWAYS TRY NEW THINGS, TELL EVERYONE YOU LOBE EVERYTHING BEFORE ITS TOO LATE, TIME IS MORE IMPORTANT THEN MONEY!) In my opinion. (-,3,-)

  16. Vinh le says:

    I rather have more time because i think if we have more time we can learn more English, reading and do a work. we have more time with family and play with family. Somebody have so much money but not happy because like the kids in one family have so much money but the kids dont need a money just want mom and dad spent time with her.That is why i choose rather more time not rather money.

  17. Abby says:

    1.Would you rather have more time or more money?
    2.Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?
    3.Would you rather be able to talk with the animals or speak all foreign languages?

    1. I would choose time because if I have more time I would be able to finish my work on time and get a better job and get more money because I would have TIME to finish my work
    2. I would choose rewind because there are some things I would like to see again and I would also like to learn about my past .
    3. I would talk to animals because I always wanted to know what animals are talking about and I know a few people who know a little bit of foreign languages and I can also search on google.

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