Supersize me … wait what?!

Hello All,

I hope you had a great weekend. This week we will be learning about what healthy eating is, through writing in our daily eating journal. There is a special activity this week where you will be asked to compare different meals from fast food chains across Canada. 

First, I want you all to watch this short video about a man who decided to eat McDonald’s for a week straight. 

  • Description of the Movie: Morgan Spurlock ate only food from McDonald’s for 30 days: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He was thoroughly tested by doctors before he started his “diet” and periodically tested throughout the 30 days. By the end of his experiment, the changes in his blood chemistry and the stress on his organs approximated the liver failure seen in advanced alcoholics; his cholesterol had risen to dangerous levels; and he had gained 24 lbs. 
  • Rationale for Using the Movie: Super Size Me provides a humorous way to introduce some serious and important subjects: the dangers of convenience food, the obesity epidemic, and the effects of advertising on consumer choices. 
  • Objectives/Student Outcomes: Through reading, class discussion, research and writing assignments, student in will learn important facts about convenience food and the obesity epidemic. The will explore the issues of personal responsibility and the power of marketing tools over consumers in modern society. 
  • Possible Problems: None. Some profanity and one reference to the effect of the diet on Spurlock’s sexual performance which were in the original film have been removed from the educational version.

Discussion Question:

Reflect on your own eating habits. Look mindfully at what you eat in a given day and write about whether or not health factors play any role in your food choices. Conclude your reflection with comments about how your habits would change if you were to take into account some of the ideas presented in the film (ex. eating fast food or take-out food everyday). 

*** Please write two paragraphs answer this question *** 

-Mr. Wu-hoo


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17 Responses to Supersize me … wait what?!

  1. Angela says:

    When it comes to what I eat, my mom usually monitors how healthy the food is, so she makes what my family eats.

    If I had to eat fast food everyday for every meal, I’d probably throw up the 1 day. I just eat fast food once in a while and I’m happy with that.

  2. Zoya 😇 says:

    I feel that my eating habits are pretty good. I don’t eat too many sweets. I prefer healthier meals, and I actually feel like they do take good. I am nit saying that I eat a salad everyday and never eat candy. I do great myself to an occasional sweet, but I actually don’t like them too much.

    Sometimes my friends will give me sweets, and I’ll eat them, but even though they are pretty sweet, (see what I did there?) I don’t enjoy alot of sugar. Honestly, I would prefer an apple, or pomegranate. Sugar makes me feel sluggish and I don’t get long sugar rushes, maybe they will last for two or three minutes, and then I will be so tired and grumpy. So I prefer to not to eat too much sugar

  3. Jefferson says:

    I think that I eat pretty healthy, about 5 servings of grains, meat, and veggies each day. I eat about 2 servings of milk and alternatives each day. I eat fast food maybe in an average of once every 3 weeks. I think I get the right amount of calories and nutritions.

    If I ate fast food everyday, My carbohydrate level would be so high I would get like headaches every minute. It would also affect my breathing, maybe give me asthma, and would affect my exercize too. I would probably build up so much fat I would need surgery or something like that. That is what I think about my food intake.

  4. Samuel says:

    I remember my brother and dad watched this when I was very young maybe like 3, and and that age I would love to eat whatever I want any day but being almost 10 years older I know that’s not practical. And this movie proves it, I was surprised he didn’t have more serious consequences. I think a big role with not just McDonald’s but every fast food joint is that it appeals to almost anyone. There are no major ingredients in there food that restricts people from eating there and with the prices for some people it seems like a good option. Some of the things there are very cheap. In conclusion I can’t really think of many things worse to do than this other than jumping in front of a bus. Some of the consequences of eating fast food or unhealthy food everyday 3 meals a day are irreversible. So I would not understand the rationale behind anyone doing this after seeing this movie.

  5. AdenVuVu says:

    my eating habits are pretty good, i do sometimes sneak in candy or junk food. i eat around 4 different meals a day that vary from rice to PHO. i think how much i eat is pretty good for a person like me. But some things i will change about it it is that i eat a lot of starch. I would like to eat more Vegetables in my meals without eating a salad. What i would like to fix/have in my habits are to not go to junk food places once a week and more of two per week. i would like to eat more of a balanced diet. i would like to have more veggies in my diet. That is all MR Wu and others see you later gator!!!

  6. Abby says:

    I think we shouldn’t have fast food everyday because the foods have a high chance to give you kidneys stones or a heart disease.

    The foods do make your body better in a way but it also makes your body have a higher chance or dieing.

    I think we shouldn’t eat it everyday but you can still eat it from time to time

  7. Adriel says:

    I fast food is not healthy because it doesn’t have the Vitamins you need. I heard eating a lot of fast food can kill you. I eat fast food sometimes. But because I’m a athlete and I need to be fit I should stop eating fast food.

  8. Kamsi-_- says:

    After watching that video, I wanted to puke my guts out, my liking of McDonalds has lessened to minus 5%. I never liked it and i never will. Now, what I eat on a given day I think is healthy enough not to get me sick like that man in the video, but when it comes to eating my mum is always on my butt. I obviously know that McDonalds is not the only fast food restaurant out there, we have A LOT of fast food places in this society. After watching that video, I was thinking “Omg! I’m never going to fast food restaurants.” but that thought quickly vanished after watching that video of course, I can’t live without my Church’s Chicken.

    I think on a given day I eat a fair amount of what we humans are supposed to eat everyday, which are grains, vegetables, dairy, meat and so on. If I did this challenge of eating a particular fast food restaurant for a month, I would probably end up like this man in the video. I think how I can make my food choices even better is by taking a lot of salads, I take up a lot of meat and grains but I know I should start eating vegetables more and eating salads I think is an excellent way to start in my opinion. After watching this video, I am inspired to lessen my eating at fast food restaurants to 3-4 times a month. In conclusion I learnt, making better food choices is health to proceed in life and McDonalds sucks! (though I would give an exception for their fries.)

  9. Lauren :) says:

    I think that I sort of eat healthy and sometimes not so healthy… I would call it like a 50/50. My parents like me to eat healthy, but sometimes it is hard not to eat healthy. I try to go low on sugars and eat natural sugars instead like fruits. I do like to eat salad at home or for lunch. Sometimes I might cheat and eat chips… and I know that it is very unhealthy, but I have this urge to eat it. My family likes to cut down on sugars and fats too, to have a healthy lifestyle.

    If I had to eat fast foods every day I think I would die in like a month because the sugars and fats can cause diabetes or my livers will turn into fat like in the video. If I did go to a fast food restaurant everyday I might just order a salad even though they are still not even healthy I would order it to get some “greens” in me. I think that my lifestyle would be so horrible. I would just forget about the fast food life and go healthy for the rest of my life.

  10. Luca nicola says:

    My eating habits are good because if i m hungry at night I eat some meat because I sleep better and wake up early like at 6 o’clock in the morning so I could watch TV. Sometimes I could even have a snack like a banana when I eat lunch. So that is what eat when i m hungry.

  11. Bernice (>- says:

    I think that I eat healthy-ish but sometimes I like to eat some candy. My parents would be VERY happy if I ate only fruits and veggies. But it can be hard to not have a bag of chips or a lollipop for your entire life.

    If I had to eat McDonald’s for 30 days I would literally DIE. U would probably be an alien if u could survive eating that much junk food. After watching that video, I feel like throwing away all the junk food in the house.

  12. Wesley says:

    I think I eat an okay meal most of the time. Even though I have the strange urge to eat junk food a lot of the time. Although I still think people should not eat fast food every single day.if I had to eat McDonald’s for a month I would probably eat once and eat as little as possible so I will not feel as tired and miserable. So I would rather eat fruit and veggies instead of fast food every day.

  13. Vinh le says:

    I think we need to eat more fruits and veggies you can eat meat.But don’t just eat meat in 4 days because if we eat meat in 4 days i think we going to hospital or die if we eat meat in 4 days.

  14. Rohan:^) says:

    Overall, I think that I’m a pretty healthy guy when it comes to what I eat. Like any normal human I do sometimes get the urge to eat something sugary, but I think the best way that I control this is to have dark chocolate because it’s pretty good for you and I usually get the same satisfaction that I would have gotten if I had eaten something sugary.

    If I had to ever eat fast food for a month it would not be good.
    Not only McDonald’s but almost all fast food places market there food in a way that makes us think it’s relatively healthy when’s it’s really not. The thing is that people think if something has added vitamins and minerals it’s automatically good for you. No. If some food item says they have added vitamins to it it’s because that item so drastically low in them, and they want you to think that by eating that Mcchicken burger your going to boost up those vitimans so high your going to go to the moon. But, then again, not everybody’s perfect so sometimes eat fast food but even when I do it’s once every three months.

  15. Diego :) says:

    Hey I saw this movie last year with my family 😀 My mom always majes us healty foods with all the good stuff like Proteins, Dairy, Fruits and Veggies, and Grains. Usually maybe twice a month we gets McDonalds. Fast Food isn’t good for people because it usually doesn’t have a lot of good fruits and veggies and it’s really fatty and will make you overweight.

  16. Joanna says:

    I think my eating habits are not that good, I’m not saying that there’re bad, but not so good. If I was hungry, I really wouldn’t take my time and like make Toast or something I would just grab anything from the cabinet like chips or popcorn.

    If I was to eat fast food every single day I would probably not feel good. Even though I love kinda unhealthy snacks like chips, I don’t really like fast food too much. I’m not saying that I don’t like the occasional fries and soda, but every day?

  17. Zoe ;3 says:

    My eating habits are not that good. Because I don`t normally eat three meals a day to be honest, I sometimes skip a meal a day or just don`t eat at all. But yeah,yeah I know its not good but still. That is something I don`t tell a lot of people and so yeah. ( DON`T JUDGE ME ITS MY CHOICE AND KEEP YOUR OWN OPINION TO YOURSELF!)

    If I had to eat fast food everyday I would probably throw up. Or even die from fast food because I know my body or health can`t handle too much fat. I probably would need to go to the hospital. (SORRY TO ALL THE FAST FOOD FANS!)

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