Justice and Inequality in the World

Imagine a nine-year-old boy we’ll call Oliver Anderson – the same age and first name as the plucky urchin immortalized in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist — growing up desperately poor in a small farm town in rural northwestern Minnesota. Oliver’s single mom scrapes by on low-wage part-time jobs in town, and sometimes finds seasonal work, but she subsists on an annual income near the official poverty level.   Surrounded by one of the world’s most abundant agricultural regions and food sources, she tries her best but cannot consistently put fresh and nutritious food on the table for Oliver and his two sisters. Even if Oliver’s mother could afford more and better food, there is no store nearby that sells fresh produce.  She doesn’t own a car and there is no public transportation in the region. So she often buys whatever overpriced processed food she can find at the only convenience store within walking distance of their apartment.

Here are 10 of the world’s most serious problem.

  1. Lack of economic opportunity and employment (12.1%)
  2. Safety / security / wellbeing (14.1%)
  3. Lack of education (15.9%)
  4. Food and water security (18.2%)
  5. Government accountability and transparency / corruption (22.7%) 
  6. Religious conflicts (23.9%)
  7. Poverty (29.2%)
  8. Inequality (income, discrimination) (30.8%)
  9. Large scale conflict / wars (38.9%)
  10.  Climate change / destruction of nature (48.8%)

Choose one issue and please speak about the issue and provide you opinion on why it is happening and what humans are doing to cause these problems. In addition you will need to talk about what things you can do to change this, as well as what citizens around the world can do to eliminate the problem. You will need to write two strong paragraphs (at least) to address the issue/solution you have chosen. I look forward to reading and responding to your post.

-Mr. Wu

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16 Responses to Justice and Inequality in the World

  1. Kamsi-_- says:

    Lack of education. That is a huge problem, not only in Canada but all over the world. I feel like lack of education happens when someone can’t afford to go to school because the school fees are too high or some countries are too poor do afford school, because if you have to make a new school it takes a lot of time, commitment, dedication and of course money. I feel like some ways we can decrease lack of education is by lowering the school fees to an affordable amount to communities and donating money to children so they can have an education and go to school. I, myself used to go to private schools all my life until I move to Canada and it is no difference than public schools, I feel like having private schools doesn’t make sense, the only difference is there are uniforms and they maybe able to afford more thing than some public schools. In my opinion, the government should care more about these type of things especially, because we need young minds (ahem* not you Mr. Wu) and for us in the community to have young minds they need an education. The government collects a lot of tax and they can use some of that tax to fund schools and people that can’t afford it. In conclusion, raising money helps. Young minds help us build a society and community and for them to do that they need an education.

  2. Angela says:

    I guess religious conflicts are kind of pointless because if everyone just let the other groups believe in what they believe in, then there would be less fights and arguments over what’s happening. I mean, don’t force Christians to believe in Buddha, don’t force aethists to believe in God, just because you think they should.

    I would probably tell everyone to not force everyone to believe in something they don’t want to be in, and if they go on, ask them how they’d like it if they were forced to believe in something else. I know that not everyone will agree with me, but at least they would have heard me, and that may influence their future decisions

  3. Jefferson says:

    I think poverty is happening because companies in some places aren’t paying their employees as much as they’re supposed to be. Because of that, parents can’t buy good quality food for them and their children. I think people who aren’t paying their employees enough should start paying more.

    We can change this by either proposing to the government to get them pay more, or donating to a food bank. By getting the government to pay more, people can buy better things. Buy donating to a food bank people in poverty can get food that they really need. That is what I think about poverty.

  4. maddie says:

    Climate change
    I have chosen climate change because it is one issue that stands out to me. This problem is very serious and is causing many problems including; the air we breathe, animal extinction and icebergs melting which causes the oceans to rize. Climate change is pretty much completely caused by humans. smoking , cars, garbage/dumps, cutting down trees,and polluting the oceans and wildlife help climate change get worse and worse. A Lot of people don’t realize how serious this problem is so we keep producing gas cars and cutting down trees.( which causes a drop in oxygen)

    People can resolve this issue by buying electric cars and if car companies like Honda,,Ford and subaru would make electric cars and make them the same price as gas car then that would reduce the amount of gas going into the planet. Also if people gradually stopped smoking that would little by little help out this issue. In conclusion i think that climate change is a big problem but it can still be solved if we all work together.

  5. Aden vuvu says:

    Corruption. Cure option is a big problem in this world a lot of third world countries have corrupt governments because it is because of money. Humans all they want is money so cartels, other governments are taking advantage of this and they are using other countries for dirty deeds. What people can do to change this is vote for a good government not what someone says. Some big candidates are all brought up by different kinds of gangs something else.

    What citizens can do around the world is help fix the problem by voting for the right choice and not voting for money. Other thing ciztena. Can do is not get into gangs or not do things for money and just live life without doing anything bad or dangerous.

  6. Lauren :) says:

    The issue that i choose is wars. Wars are things that happen around the world or even the entire world goes into war. Wars are battles between countries to fight for freedom or more land. Why wars are happening, I do not know? Maybe people are doing wars because the government wants to, or because there is conflict between the countries for wars to happen. When humans are going to war they are creating hatred instead of having peace.

    I do not know how I would fix this problem because it is world wide that wars happen. But if I did get to fix this problem i would make sure that no one has hatred for anyone and if the world has no more wars in the world we can come into harmony with anyone in the world. Citizens of the earth can also help with the problem of wars with first negotiating with the government to negotiate with the other countries to work things out before fighting to get what they want.

  7. Wesley says:

    Climate change is one of the biggest issues that humans create. I think humans burn off a lot of stuff like garbage. This causes pollution and climate changes effect the environment and animals. People can change this by not burning off garbage and recycling refundable bottles and cans . Also others should use less garbage so people do not have to burn off as much.

  8. Pavyn again -_- says:

    one of the worst world problems is destruction of nature. this is a pretty common problem. people don’t recycle and leave things on the beach and forget about it. when a wave comes it goes into the ocean.

    when it goes into the ocean there’s a risk that a sea animal hitting it and getting hurt

    also people are destroying nature to make more buildings and apartments. the less nature we have the less stuff we are going to get

  9. Zoya 😇 says:

    The issue that I’m most worried about is climate change,so nature destruction.
    These are one of my biggest fears, this world is beautiful, and us humans are destroying it. We are killing elephants and rhinos for their tusks, therefore, making them extinct.
    There is an article about a lady who killed a giraffe, just to take a selfie with it. I find this heartbreaking.
    We can make a change by not buying or supporting ivory products.

  10. Cheryl says:

    Climate change is probably the biggest global issue, because not only does it affect animals, it affects the entire world. In Africa, water is dirty and almost run out, and in both of the poles the ice is melting. Pollution is crazy in some parts of the world and is a health threat to people.

  11. rosario says:

    If i had a 1,000,000 I wood buy a house $500,000 and a hellcat $100,000, shopping $100,000, and I wood buy boxing gym 200,000 and put the 100,000 in the bank.

  12. Rohan :^) says:

    The problem that I chose is habitat or nature destruction. I think that this issue is the one of the biggest problems, but I don’t think that we are really doing that much about it.
    As more and more humans live on the earth we need to grow to their needs, which means, we have to build more houses or apartments. For us, this is a good thing, but for animals it’s not so good. We are going into the animals homes and destroying them, and then building our own homes there.

    Also, it doesn’t help that for a long while now, humans have been polluting the earth killing even more animals.
    I don’t personally think that we will ever be able to stop this, but some things we can do to slow it include: throw away all your waste in the proper bins and try to walk or take the bus.

  13. Diego boi :) says:

    1: I have seen leadership when it comes to like movies and video games and just basic life. Presidents (other than Donald Trump) and Prime Ministers are leaders of a country. Leadership is when someone is leading a group or an organisation and tries to make the best options for that group.
    2: A good leader is someone who is caring and does the best for that group and tries to make everything equal and tries to not make problems.
    3: A leader that I admire is Martin Luther King. He was a good guy who didn’t want anything bad in the world
    4: I can be pretty caring when comes to my family and friends. That can be a pretty good skill when it comes to being a leader.

  14. Joanna says:

    Lack of education is a really common problem in lots of poorer countries, and I think because of lack of education means poverty. I think when you’re a kid and you don’t get education, you can’t get a good job and if you can’t get a good job your going to end up not having that much money. I think if there was more job spots open, and not as much criticism against people who don’t have as much knowledge as someone who would have full education.

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