Halloween is almost here

Hello everyone,

As Halloween is approaching, I decided to give you all a ‘treat’ on the weekly post. This week, I want you to watch the video on how Halloween was created and then after please write a short paragraph (4-8 sentences) about how you think “trick-or-treating” was created. Your creativity is appreciated! I look forward to the Halloween treats you will be bringing me next week. I will confiscate all Reese’s cups from you…. 

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22 Responses to Halloween is almost here

  1. Kamsi-_- says:

    I think how trick or treat got created was when someone did something mischievous to someone else that referring to “trick” and when that person that did the trick gave the person he did the trick to a food or candy to eat as an apology (that referring to treat”) Honestly, I have no idea how trick or treat was created, all I think was that it the olden days when a lot of people were in poverty someone thought of trick or treat. If it were me I think how the trick or treating worked was that if you survived a trick that someone did on you, you get rewarded a treat like candy or food.

  2. Aden VuVu says:

    I think they started Trick or Treating Because People were just ding dong ditching people so people got angry and gave up and started giving candy so people would not mess around with them. So other people starting following it and it blew up from there

  3. Angela says:

    The origins of trick-or-treating is actually really repulsive. I mean, it’s really mean to vandalise a house or shop if you don’t get any candy. I would really hate if that happened to me. It’s basically blackmailing people to give them candy, which isn’t any better than stealing it. But then I guess it would benefit the less fortunate people, especially when they ran out of food around that time. I’m not saying that they should do that, though. If it’s a harmless prank, it would probably be okay, but if it’s vandalism, then it’s taking it too far. Anyways, that’s my opinion on how trick-or-treating started

  4. Wesley says:

    I think that Halloween was created by people creating a lot of different names for the 31st of October and somehow people ended up with Halloween. It was a time where people played pranks on others. So people started bribing people with candy because they didn’t like being pranked. This is how Halloween was created.

  5. Lauren says:

    How trick or treating started was in Europe on October 31 there was a holiday called Sawin which is the end year harvest festival. Sooner or later in the 7th century this holiday was called All Saints Day. It was a holiday to remember the afterlife. Later on they people started to call All Saints Day Hallowmas. Gradually it morphed into Halloween. On Halloween children would play pranks on their neighbors by taking down there front fences. Then things became out of hand because the children vandalized the neighbor’s houses and wouldn’t stop until they were given candy. The concept of trick or treating was if you don’t give me your candy I will destroy your home. So that’s how trick or treating became trick or treating!

  6. Victor says:

    So, although Halloween is not my favourite holiday I love eating candy, and it’s funny that people used to scare people for candy because that would not turn out good if we still did that. For many times I have thought that Halloween was just a holiday that was recently created. I also think that apple bobbing looks very fun and hard. It must be weird when they first introduced Halloween to America because isn’t just weird telling everybody that on October 31 you have to go to somebodies house and ask for candy at 8 o’clock at night. Well, I’m just happy that Halloween is safe, most times and I hope I don’t know on a house’s door that doesn’t have candy for me.

  7. Luca says:

    I think that the history of how Halloween was created is very interesting. I think that the only thing we still have in common with the past Halloween is the “treat” part. I think that no one will trash the neighborhood if they do
    not get candies. Even though it started as a religious holiday it became a fun holiday for children.

  8. Bernice says:

    I think that trick or treating was created by a group of little kids who wanted to get a whole bag of candy and they didn’t want to buy it so they went door to door asking for candy. I think that the “trick” part of trick or treating might be when the little kids would scare the people who open the door.

  9. Fernando (O_o) says:

    I think trick-or-treating was created by a group of people who was just asking people for treats. After a few years, they made it a tradition and the people started asking for a trick or a treat. It would then become a very popular holiday of Halloween. People also probably kept ringing the doorbell and ditched the area right away. People probably started getting frustrated and became part of the trick-or-treat tradition. I think that is how trick-or-treating was created.

  10. Vinh le says:

    I think we stared trick or treat. we created by a group of little kids have a someone go with a kid and we come a house and we say knock knock knock door and we say trick or treat. If trick they gone to be scary you like ghost, if treat you guy can have a candy.
    That my think about the story Halloween. thank to reading
    have a good day Mr.Wu

  11. Kaylee :) says:

    Trick or treating could’ve been created by the people back in the days when children would go door by door tricking or pranking people on Halloween. I think children would go door by door on Halloween night and do mischievous things such as leaving something at their door step and running away, breaking something in their yard and a lot more crazy things. The treat part of trick or treating was probably invented because the kids wouldn’t stop bothering the adults in the neighborhood unless the children were given candy. That is why i think trick or treating was created.

  12. maddie!!!!!! says:

    i think that how Halloween came to be is a really cool story. i honestly have no idea how Halloween or trick-or-treating started, but maybe its because the were some kids who didn’t have that much money but they wanted to have a lot of candy that they couldn’t afford. So one kid just put a white sheet with holes in it and pretended to be a ghost and then went door to door asking for candy. In the end i still love this holiday!!!!!!!!

  13. Abby says:

    i think that Halloween has trick or treating because in the past the treat would be a celebration for a kind of religion and the trick would be because on Halloween it is said that Halloween is the only day dead people or animals can see their family. But there is also another story that only the people from hell or the people that were sentenced to life or past life in jail can have one day of freedom each year until they have finished their punishment or have finished their sentence and get to roam the earth or have another life. Now most people just think Halloween is a fun holiday and trick or treating is just candy or tricks.

  14. Jefferson (*_*) says:

    I think that Halloween started when kids were in poverty, so they bribed people to give them food by playing tricks on them. They kids would do graffiti or something like that. The people might have given them any type of food, but it evolved into candy through time. Also, nowadays kids don’t do as bad tricks on people. The name Halloween probably evolved through time too. This is how I think Halloween started.

  15. alaina says:

    Hi. So my version on how trick or treating was created is kinda weird. So here’s how it goes. So there would have been like a mischievous kid in a neighbourhood that would want to pull tiny pranks. Other kids would follow him, and wear like scary things that nobody actually believed. It would become a habit. So adults would start and dressing up too as scary things, and it would go back and forth until a witch would help the kind with a deal. She would force the adults to negotiate with the kids, and give them treats, for there souls. So they agreed and enjoyed Halloween. Done.

  16. Rohan :) says:

    I think the way that trick or treating was created because people were sick of having to clean up all the mess that other kids made. In the video it said that giving candy was kind of an exchange, like if we give you candy then you won’t vandilize our houses. Then, kids obviously said yes to which was how the tradition started and has been a big thing ever since then .

  17. Vincent Ma says:

    i think trick or treat was created when people were doing a lots of tricks on people. so maybe the people stared to give them treats so that they won’t do any tricks on you

  18. zowa says:

    there are many different versions of how Halloween came to be, but here’s my version.

    once upon a time when there were still monster living on earth, some humans disliked them and hunted them but one village admired and respected them for who they were, so they decided to make a special day where they would carve pumpkins that looked like monsters, and give out treats when the monsters do tricks and cool things. hence the phrase “trick or treat!”

  19. Pavyn y u need my name says:

    i think it ALL started with a troublemaker. the troublemaker would go door to door and scare people. the people did not like him. then, on every october 31, he would really scare people. he would dress really scary. but the next year, he was caught by ghouls and he was never there again. and then everybody would celebrate by giving candy to kids and dressing up on the 31st

  20. Cheryl says:

    I think trick or treating began when a bunch of relatives who happened to live on the same block just started giving out candy and stuff. Then it turned into a tradition, and the kids told their friends, and their friends told their friends, and their friends convinced their parents to let them do the same thing.

  21. Diego ;--; says:

    I think people started to hand out candy because if they didn’t, people would egg there houses nor something like that. It used to be a religion thing now its about handing out candy.

  22. Joanna says:

    I think that trick or treating was started because kids were tricking people with costumes or scary masks and people got so scared they would give out treats as a peace offering so the kids wouldn’t scare them. I think kids started saying “trick or treat” because it is referring to “give me a treat or I will trick you.”

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