What’s your vote?

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner with your families. As we all know, Burnaby is having an upcoming election for our Mayor being held in the next couple of weeks. Your task this week is to choose who you would vote for and explain (in details) why you choose to vote for them over other candidates. Here are the following candidates and what they ‘bring’ to the table. Please read each of their campaigns.

  1. Mike Hurley
  2. Sylvia Gung
  3. Helen H. S. Chang
  4. Derek Corrigan

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24 Responses to What’s your vote?

  1. Angela says:

    I guess I would choose Mike Hurley, because he’s worked as a firefighter, and he’d know how to improve that department, as well as the police department, as they work closely. I don’t really know much about politics, mainly because I’ve never been interested in them, but I do know that housing prices are a real problem. However, to make the housing prices go down, it means higher taxes.

    I wouldn’t vote for Sylvia Hung because her idea of lower taxes is tempting, but it wouldn’t take off because every community depends on taxes to keep it running, otherwise everything would get more expensive until everything falls apart.

    I think Helen H S Chang would be better suited as a committee member than a mayor. Her ideas are good, but I don’t think she has a plan to put it in motion.

    Even though Derek Corrigan has been a pretty good mayor, I think it’s time for the city to have a new voice, and for someone else to have a turn

  2. Vinh le says:

    I vote to mike hurley

  3. Victor H Wong says:

    If I had the chance to vote I would for Mike Hurley because he said he will allow lane way homes to be built and that can be a good thing to do when housing prices are so expensive. The person who I would never vote for is Sylvia Gung because in an interview she says she can’t speak that well and if she can’t speak well how does she be the mayor of a city of 240,000 people.

  4. Fernando (X_X) says:

    My vote for this year’s election will probably be Derek Corrigan. Derek Corrigan hasn’t been such a bad mayor this year. In fact, I think mayor Derek Corrigan would probably be the best pick out of all the other candidates. Maybe Mike Hurley might probably be a better candidate. He also has a better chance to beating Derek Corrigan, but I still think Derek Corrigan will still be a better candidate than Hurley. I think that Corrigan can still make Burnaby a safe place to live in. So my vote will definitely be on Derek Corrigan.

  5. Zoe says:

    1. Yeah I had a good Thanksgiving dinner. I had churches chicken and hanged out with my family, I gave them a Happy Thanksgiving gift.
    Also hope everyone had a Great happy Thanksgiving dinner! 🙂

    2.I vote for Mike Hurley. Because he might be a good Mayor to all of us, his discretion was okay and he seems to be a good person and he said he would respect his community and he was also a Firefighter and he could probably be a good Mayor. ( I didn’t read all 4 but, I only read a few of them.(

  6. Kamsi-_- says:

    If I had a choice or was old enough to vote for Mike Hurley, I think he would probably benefit to our society in Burnaby right now. One reason why I would vote for him, is I think he would keep his word on fixing the problems we have in Burnaby right now like expensive housing that is one daily struggle in Burnaby and to fix it would be a HUGE relief and would be very beneficial to our community. From the look of it, he seems responsible and dedicated to this and it is exactly what we need in mayor. I feel like if he was elected and fixed those three problems he said he would fix if he was elected Burnaby would become a pretty decent and safe place to live in.

  7. Luca says:

    If I would have the legal age to vote,I would probably vote for Derek Corrigan.
    I think that his years as a mayor gives him the necessary experience and knowledge about what our community needs. His focus on housing and affordable life for everyone in our city should be a good reason for him to be reelected. I hope that he will be reelected again this year.

  8. Luca says:

    If I would have the legal age to vote, I would probably vote for Derek Corrigan. He is a very good and experienced Mayor and politician. One reason why I would vote for him, is because he is focusing on affordable housing for citizens. It is maybe because of his previous mandate as mayor that I trust him to be a good mayor in the future if he gets reelected.

  9. Lauren says:

    I think that I would vote Mike Hurley would be a good new mayor of Burnaby because he is a retired Burnaby firefighter and as the fire captain. Since he was a fire captain he should be able to decide things under pressure. It is good that he wants to lower down house pricing, which is good but that means that we would have to pay more taxes and we all know that no one likes to pays taxes. Also, it is good that Mike Hurley wants to make Burnaby a better place by making parks, crosswalks, and traffic safer for the people for Burnaby, but won’t that be a lot of work to do? Mike Hurley also said that he wants to make community places more accessible to us and also the hospital. It would be amazing if he makes hospitals bigger because whenever I go to the hospital the longest I had to wait is 3-4 hours.

    Then there is Helen H. S. Chang says that she wants to make housing cheaper which is true that Burnaby has expensive housing. She also wants to stop wasting time on the Kinder Morgan Pipeline. She has really good ideas, but I would not still choose her to be our new mayor because I feel like her ideas still need to be thought out more.

    The third candidate is Derek Corrigan. He wants to also lower house prices, the Kinder Morgan Pipeline, and efficient growth management. I think that Derek should not be mayor because he was already mayor and the other candidates should have a chance to be mayor.

    Finally Sylvia Gung thinks that we pay too much taxes which we do, but that makes us pay more for other needs and adults with jobs will be paid less due to the reducing of the taxes. So these are the reasons I would not vote for Sylvia Gung.

  10. Cheryl says:

    Derek Corrigan was a pretty good mayor, but I think Mike Hurley could be a good one too. Both Hurley and Corrigan say that they want to lower the housing prices, and they both seem to really know what they’re doing. I like how Corrigan said that he would fight against the kinder morgan pipeline- the pipeline would have a lot of negative impact on marine life and also our city.
    Although they both would probably be good mayors, my vote’s on Corrigan.

  11. Rohan:^) says:

    I think that the person that I would vote for would probably be Mike Hurley . My reasoning behind is:

    1. Housing. Housing is a really big issue when it comes to people living somewhere. MikeHurley claims to make housing more affordable for everyone, and also says that he will make laneway homes which I think will benefit the community.

    2. Community wellness. I think that it would be very beneficial to support and improve community wellness because then we could all live in a better society ( and we could all eat vegetables like me).
    That is who I would vote for and why.

  12. Jefferson says:

    I think I would vote for Derek Corrigan. I would vote for him because he did pretty well before. He would probably be the best candidate because he has the most experience. He believes in the welfare of everyone, and takes care of a lot of stuff. He wants to lower the price of housing, which would help a lot of people. In conclusion, Derek Corrigan, in my opinion, is who I would vote for.

  13. Pavyn says:

    I’m not sure who to vote for. My top two people are mike Hurley and Derek corrigan. Sure Derek corrigan has a bit more experience but mike is about the same they both want to drop housing prices and stuff but it’s just too hard for me

  14. wesley says:

    If I could vote I would vote for Derek Corrigan. I think he has more experience and having that can give him an advantage. Then again, many other people might want change and vote for other people like Hurley . I think that Corrigan will have a run for his money against the others, but I think that Corrigan will win .

  15. Alaina says:

    I would probably vote for Mike Hurley. Why I think this is because, personally, I think he would help with safety, since he has been Fire Captain, and the police department is close to fire safety department. He would also help with housing that is decent, and affordable, as modern housing is getting really expensive, even for pretty decent houses. In his interview, he also talked about small safety issues, and how we should all notice them. This is why I vote for Mike Hurley.

  16. AdenVu says:

    hello Mr.Wu!
    I would Vote for Mike Hurley, my reason are because Housing is very high and effecting everyone in the lower mainland. And knowing that he can handle big bills is a good thing. He already ha served the Community as a Fire fighter. He said he would make parks safer so children can have a safe, secure, and fun place to play. Crosswalks are a big safety hazard when they are not patrolled kids can easily do dumb things to impress someone and get hit by a car or even worse. And Burnaby Hospital Needs to be fixed it has bad health care. My Mom gave birth in Vancouver instead. That is why i would choose him

  17. abby says:

    if I could vote I would vote for Derek Corrigan because I don’t think the kinder morgan pipeline is a very good idea and I know all lot of people don’t like kinder morgan because it seems like he only cares about money but doesn’t know if he builds this pipeline, how many homes could be damaged. There was a pipeline that burst on a mountain and lots of homes got badly damaged and animals died from all the oil. Now just imagine that in Burnaby with the oil burst everywhere when the pipeline bursts.(Derek Corrigan wants to sop the pipeline). Derek Corrigan has also been a mayor for a long time knows what to do and can handle every thing that happens.
    I would vote for Derek Corrigan

  18. abby says:

    if Derek Corrigan could lower taxes and housing most people could actually afford the house and not be stuck in a small home or be homeless.

  19. Mahek🙂 says:

    I think Derek Corrigan sould be Mayor
    because he has had experience and
    knowledge of being Mayor and I feel more safe
    He also said he is going to lower the prizes
    of houses to make it more affordable for poor

    People vofe for Derek Corrigan!!!

  20. zoya says:

    i would choose mike hurley because lowering taxes is just taking away from the towns money, even though we as individuals would be ‘saving’ money. he has had experience as a firefighter so i think that would give him some advantages.
    even though derek corrigan had experience, i think it is time for someone else. i think maybe he is running low on ideas.

  21. Vincent says:

    I would vote for mike Hurley.
    1. housing is a huge issue and when he becomes mayor a lot people will have some where to live.

  22. Bernice says:

    If i had to vote, i would vote for Mike Hurley because housing can be a big issue because then, people will have a place to live. Also Mike Hurley used to be a firefighter so he would know what the fire department needs to help the city.

  23. Diego :) says:

    I think i would pick Mike Hurley. If he actually took down house prices that could help a lot of poor people. And if he lowered taxes it would be cool.

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