The Power of Human Connection

Hello, it’s me again. I ran into this video during my Master’s course readings today and it really made me think about my school experience. We all can remember that ‘one’ teacher that has affected our lives greater than most. The one you go back to visit every year, bringing them a cup of coffee/tea and just filling them in on your lives. Well, I want to hear it! 

Please watch this video, then make your post 

Task: Your goal for this week is to tell me your story about your favourite teacher that has made an impact on your life. What did they do for you? How were they always there for you? What makes them special?


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25 Responses to The Power of Human Connection

  1. Angela says:

    I think the teacher who has changed my life the most is Mr. Ng, my 6th grade teacher in the first half of my year. He changed my perspective on a lot of things, which helped me make a lot of good decisions in the long run. He also did a lot of multiplication daily, which helped improve my math skills, even though it was kinda boring some days. He did a lot of gym, which improved my basketball skills, and now that I look at it, my volleyball skills too, even though it hasn’t improved much. I guess I just liked a little bit of change from all the sitting in class. The one thing that struck hardest with me was that he would share stories about his life to help us understand his perspective in life.

  2. maddie says:

    my favorite teacher would be my grade one teacher, Mrs. gee. most people would say she was strict but I liked her. why? I felt like we had a mini connection.Like for example, when I was sick for the first two weeks of December the whole class made stockings and she made one for me and delivered it to my house. I still have that stocking and every Christmas I still hang it up. I feel like its very important to share a relationship or a connection with your teacher.

  3. Fernando :D says:

    My favourite so far that I spent a full year with, is so far Ms. Pocrnic. Ms. Pocrnic helped me with my education a lot, even though I really didn’t liked her. Even though I got pretty bad grades that year, I improved a lot after that year. If I had a question, she would explain it to me. Also, sometimes when I really didn’t do so well on a quiz or a test, she would let me take some time to restudy and do better. I sometimes think that she was breaking rules of letting me redo a test to do better, but turns out, lots of teachers do the exact same. If I didn’t do well, she would sometimes tell me to just study harder and it is not the end of the world if I just don’t do well on one of the quizzes or tests. So when I had her, I learned a pretty important lesson that even if you failed something, you still did well because you have tried your best. I also learned that there will always be room for improvement. I really thought she was a good teacher, but that doesn’t mean that she was very nice. In fact, she was pretty strict and she made a few mistakes back in the day, but she always figured out what she did wrong, and would always correct herself so she would never make such a mistake ever again. Sometimes her mistakes were funny, and she would do that multiple times before figuring out what she has done wrong. If we needed help on a project of some sort, she would help us and reread like a procedure of some sort. for example, if somebody didn’t get the materials needed, she would repeat what we need and we would understand. She also explained the facts pretty well and I could know what she meant almost every time. She was also a pretty busy, hardworking woman too. She taught us many things, that I had a head start going into grade 5. I was really excited too going into grade 5 because I knew so much things after grade 4 with my old teacher. She taught me not only education and facts, but she also taught us lessons that we should know in our lifetime. I truly think that she was definitely the best teacher for education I have ever had.

  4. luca says:

    I think that humans need to be more self about our world its be coming more and more dangergous. I think if we have good hearts we are able to make the world a better place and make a human connection with each other. I hope in the future that people will realize that our planet is important to me and to everyone in the whole entire world.

    • Luca says:

      One of the teachers that helped me, was my teacher from kindergarden and grade 1. I remember her because she was nice and very understanding. She was always there to explain to me things that I did not understand or things that were new for me. She was very supportive and knowledgeable. I will always remember her being there for me in the beginning of my school life.

  5. Rosario says:

    Ms. Farrell because she was there when I needed help and a fun teacher.

  6. Jefferson says:

    I think that one of my soccer coaches was my favourite teacher/coach. His name was Ricky. Every time I went to him to practice, he would always say hi happily. When i’m down, he encourages me. If I get hurt, he would always stop the practice and find someone to help me. And, if I look like I’m tired, he would slow the practice down so I could do better. He was the person who helped me through life and he is the kind of person I want to be like when I grow up.

  7. Kamsi^^_ says:

    In my previous childhood years one teacher I really looked up to was a man named Mr. Smart (yeah I know pretty weird name and it was his real name too). He was my personal music and math tutor, he was pretty fun and smart too (his name describes him well if I do say so myself). He was very patient and he thought a few other students as well. Mr. Smart was very wise teacher to me kinda like a second parent. He would give advice about life and he is a very good singer and extremely good piano player. I have no idea where the teacher is now, I wish I had kept in touch before I moved but I do hope he still teaches math and music because he was very good at it and that is a talent I wouldn’t want to lose.

  8. lauren says:

    The teacher that I looked up to is my kindergarten teacher. Mrs. Ezra! she was one of my favorite teachers because she gave me the best first year of kindergarten. How she made it the best year was she never pushed us to do things and made my first in kindergarten the best year I can ever imagine! She was always there for me when I needed help or when I was feeling down. The thing that makes her special is that she is always herself and makes the class always have a great time!

    So yeah that is who my favorite teacher is!

  9. Samuel says:

    One of the best teachers I’ve had in my 8 years of school is Mrs. Mann. Mrs Mann was my grade 4 teacher and my grade 5 math teacher. In my first two years being an intermediate( grade 4 and 5) I was having a lot of trouble with math, specifically multiplication and division. I would always somewhat understand it with her but as soon as I was doing it at home I would completely forget what do to. I was having so much trouble to the point where I went to Sylvan to get help. I feel that was a temporary fix because I didn’t just want good marks, I want to understand the things we’re learning. Obviously I want and need good marks to pass but I feel it’s more important to know what I’m doing than just getting marks, and that’s what I feel Sylvan did. It was good but they didn’t know me personally, Mrs. Mann knew what I needed for me too actually understand and she would skip her lunch to help me try to learn it every lunch hour. Eventually I learned it thanks to her and that will stick with my for the rest of my life. How someone who did not at all by any means have to spend her extra time with me to help me learn and pass tests was so helpful to me.

  10. Abby says:

    I don’t have a favorite teacher but two of the teachers I like is Ms.Wagner and Ms.Poldrogo. I like them as my teacher because they are fun and lets us go outside a lot and sometimes they play with us too. In science class they would sometimes bring expirements that we could eat! Or play flash cards to study for a test. Another teacher i like is Mr. Fraser when there is a pop quiz he brings pop and in class we learn games to understand something like a math or science or act out something in social studies.

  11. Bernice says:

    The teacher that I look up to is Ms. Minhas because when I accidentally dropped my lunch, Ms. Minhas got me a granola bar. I feel a connection because I would talk to her sometimes and she is really nice to me.

  12. wesley says:

    My favorite teacher is Mrs. Pocrnic because I learned a lot from her . She also had a great sense of humor and understood problems . [ Plus she gave really good grades ]

  13. Victor H Wong says:

    My favorite teacher is Mrs. Pocrnic for many reasons. First because when going from grade 3 to grade 4, I was scared that work would be really hard because grade 3 was almost a repeat of grade 2. Then when she started teaching she explained everything carefully so I can feel more comfortable doing my work. She was also very nice and she didn’t give atone of home work to us.

    Overall I think Mrs.Pocrnic is a great teacher.

  14. Rohan:^) says:

    I think that my favourite teacher would have to be Ms.Pocrnic. I really liked Ms.Pocrnic because she was really nice to me and always helped me out whenever had a question. Also, she always encoraged me to do my best and to try my hardest. I think having a teacher like her would really push someone to be their best self. That is why she is my favourite teacher.

  15. alaina says:

    I think the one teacher who has made an impact on my life is my kindergarten teacher, Ms.Lauder. She worked at South Slope Elementary. I think of her as a very fun teacher, with very smart learning techniques for kindergartener who practically have no idea what they’re doing. She would always find a way to make us interested in learning. Back then, I was a very non-behaving and mischievous student, but she made me break my habit.

  16. Cheryl is Awesome says:

    My favorite teacher was Mr. Heighton because he was flexible and strict at the same time. I think he was a great teacher because he taught a variety of things and always gave us choices for outside P.E, not to mention that he was always there for everyone. He was a really fun teacher to have, and he was very patient was questions and stuff. Mr. Heighton was also good at teaching cool stuff that people actually WANT to do, and i felt like i learned a lot that year, so yeah!

  17. Vinh le says:

    My favorite teacher is Mr Laughlin. I remember the first time i go to study in cascade height elementary school. In Cascade Height it very new for me first time in school in recess I don’t have friends and don’t no english I cant make friends because I don’t know any English, and making friends, but Mr laughlin help me make friend and now I have my best friends is Vincentg, Ethan and Samuel. I dont no do math,science, social study. Mr Laughlin help me how to do a work. In school someone make me angry or hitting me is very sad but mr laughlin say are you ok you need go to office, is someone make me angry, he said that need to calm down. My favorite teacher help my so much in 2017 2018. Thank You. 🙂
    Have a good day Mr Wu

  18. AdenVu says:

    My Favourite Teacher Was Mr.Heighton he was strict and lenient at the same time even when he had pain he still played with us. He didn’t favour students or hate on students. Yes, they were ups and downs, but he knew how to help us with everything. If we had something we didn’t understand he would go from the basics and help us. I loved the way he teaches and how he made me into a better person education wise and manner wise. That is my favourite teacher, No Hard Feelings. 🙂 9:34PM

  19. Zoe says:

    My favourite teacher is Ms. D (sorry I forgot her name xD) because she was so nice and funny and always there for me. When having trouble with making friends and working on my work she would always help me and she was always supportive she was so beautiful and helpful and she would always let the whole class go outside when we did most of our work and when I got picked on she was also there to help me when I cried she was there to help when I fell she was there to help and at the end of the 2014-2015 she left to retire and if I could ever meet one of my old teachers it would be her and I wish I could of told her “Thank you for always supporting me.”
    Anyways have a nice day and keep going with you life cause she told me never give up on what you wanna do! And I never gave up and I’ll keep going! 😊
    Have a nice day ya`all! 😊

  20. Mahek awsome😁 says:

    My favorite teacher was Mrs. Poldrugo because she soported
    me alot, I was in her class for grade 4. Especially with math
    like every time I ask her a question she answers in so much
    detail I would not forget. She is also very helpfull in other things
    like spelling and in scinse she would do lots of fun experiments.
    Also lot and lots of PE time😄

    And thats why she is my FAVORITE teacher is

    Mrs. Poldrugo😀

  21. zoya:) says:

    my favourite teacher was my grade 5 teacher, ms.louie. she was very kind, understanding and never talked down to anyone. even in circumstances where other teachers would be very angry, and blowing smoke from their noses, she would stay calm and still be polite and kind. she would say “you’re not in trouble” before any of her talks. she is so kind and was like a friend. i can’t express enough how kind she was and i will remember that year for a long time.

  22. Vincent says:

    The teacher was Mr. heighton he made my life better is that whenever I needed help he would help me and when he needed something he would ask me. even though he was strict he would still paly hockey and other sports with us. I felt like he was a good teacher to talk to with whenever I had problems .

  23. Diego :) says:

    My favourite teacher has to be Mr. Heighton. He was really nice to me and everyone in the class, he had a sense of humour. He was really fun and took us outside a lot. I just really liked him as a person in general. That is why Mr. Heighton is my favourite teacher.

  24. Kaylee :) says:

    My favourite teacher that I have had so far is Mrs.Ezra, my kindergarten teacher. if you’re wondering why, then it’s because she was my first teacher at cascade heights. She made me feel very welcoming everyday, she also loved to bake and cook with our class which inspired me to bake and cook till this day. Mrs Ezra would have some rewards for the students that encouraged me to do math and read!

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