The Wonderful World of 3D Printing

Happy October Division 2! You’ve officially made it passed the first month of school… only 9 more left. 

For this week’s post I want you to explore the wonderful world of 3D printing. Your tasks for the week is to read the article “Structures of 3D printing.” Click here for the article: CLICK ME

After, I would like you to watch a video on building a house and large structures using 3D printing:

Since I want to build a new house for my fiancee and I to live in, what are your thoughts on the advantages and disadvantages of using 3D printing to build a house. (Note: you will need to talk about costs, time it takes to build a house, durability and how long this house will last before it breaks down, etc.) Who knows, maybe one of you can help me design my house to be printed… (Also, please reply to at least one of your classmate’s post throughout the week).

Happy Learning!

-Mr. Wu-hooo

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23 Responses to The Wonderful World of 3D Printing

  1. Fernando says:

    Cons: 3D houses can be very, very expensive. Since you want to build the whole house, it can also be very tiring to do. If you are also very busy, you may not get enough time to get other things done. Personally, when something takes way too long, I get way too frustrated and i sometimes even have to take a long time to calm down. To me, I think $4000 is still way too much. I sometimes think that you can get robbed if you have a good built 3D house.

    Pros: 3D houses can be very comfortable and it may be worth it. It has a very large area so there could be lots of space. Even though it takes so long, that doesn’t mean that it can be 100% worth it. 3D houses is very cool and very nice to live in. Personally, I think 3D houses are very nice to live in because i had lived in one before. Even though it was temporary, I really thought that I could have stayed there longer.

  2. Angela says:

    The cost is really cheap, considering that housing prices are going up really fast. Depending on the materials, the price could vary, but not by much. The time it takes to build a house is amazingly fast, but that leaves a lot of room for errors, which could destroy all the progress made so far. This also relates to the durability of the house. If one little thing goes wrong, the house wouldn’t last through a lot. Materials also matter when it comes to durability. Something like plastic would last, but another alternative is concrete. Plastic would probably break down after a few years, but concrete would last way longer. So I guess there are a lot of pros and cons, but if you do decide to build it, can I help design it?

  3. maddie:) says:

    I feel like 3-D printed housing is quick, efficient and affordable.
    The disadvantage would be if the house wasnt as long lasting as a regular house. i like how they are trying to provide a safe place for everyone. I feel like everyone deserves a home. in conclusion I think that it would be an inexpensive choice for people who want a home.

  4. Jefferson says:

    I think that 3D printing is pretty affordable if you want to get a home that isn’t like hundreds of thousands of dollars. Of course, if you’re going to buy the 3D printing machine it’s pretty much going to cost a lot. Also, if you want a house to just live in for a few months until you upgrade to a new house, 3D printed houses work. Although, if you want a 3D printed house to live in for a living it might not work because it would wear out at sometime. But, when it wears out you can always hire some people to restore it or something. I think that 3D printed houses are very efficient and works very well for people who don’t have a home.

  5. lauren says:

    I think that the advantage for a 3-d printed home is that it not as expensive that I thought that it would be and it is easy and quick to build. the disadvantage is that what if a ton of people want to build a 3-d house all of a sudden because it is affordable. How much money would it be to make so many houses with only a few 3-d printers and also building houses for people who cannot afford it also. It is a great idea to do this, but I think that the people that have to work on it need to make a few changes to make it good.

  6. Kamsi^^_ says:

    PROS: I think 3-D house would be very beneficial and affordable for us. Needless to say for me I think a lot of people who have no homes or people who can’t afford homes would benefit from this. In my opinion, I think 4000.00 for a home is a bit expensive but it also depends on what it comes with, how big it is, how long-lasting it is etc. What I’m technically saying is everyone deserves a home and I think if the government or we people invest we can raise money to help people live in these kind of homes.

    CONS: As I said before these houses are still expensive and I still think people might not be able to afford, maybe a way we can make it cheaper for people is to rent the rooms inside those 3-D houses, now there will be pros and cons in doing that also but it is better than nothing.
    In conclusion I think 3-D houses are a pretty cool idea.

  7. pavyn penguin says:

    3d printed houses look comfortable and a good space to live in by yourself. the price is ok at a size you like. 3d printed houses are less durable than normal houses. and you don’t get a garage or an attic to put storage in. houses like these are great for the homeless. I think it is a convenient way to live when your in college or something.

  8. KAYLEE :] says:

    In my opinion, I think 3D Houses can take a lot of time and effort to build. The pricing may be cheaper than some houses, but the durability isn’t as strong. If someone is looking for a cheaper house that wouldn’t last as long as a regular house, then the 3D house would be a great choice. In conclusion, I think making 3D houses are a good idea because it will be more affordable for people in need of housing.

  9. Zoya says:

    Pros: 3d printing is some really cool technology, and I think that is really genius to build a house with it. It will take a short period of time and it will be affordable.

    Cons: how sturdy will it be? We get alot of rain and we don’t know how it will hold up. And remember the house shown was pretty small. The bigger it gets, it’ll probably be more expensive, and take more time.

  10. wesley says:

    I think that 3D printing is a good way to print houses but, it would probably be very expensive . It might get rained on and might fall to the ground . This also will be very time consuming . Although it is worth it . Soon 3D printing might replace all 2D printers . That is the wonderful world of 3D printing .

  11. alaina says:

    I feel like these 3d houses are pretty cheap, because many modern houses these days are really expensive, even for a decent home. I am shocked by how they said a 3d house can be built in a day! I didn’t believe it at first. This house is a pretty good idea in my opinion.

  12. Bernice says:

    in my opinion, I think that 3D houses take a long time to build. But they can be quite affordable. It also depends on what material you use to build the house. It may be cheaper but it wont be as durable than other houses.

  13. Cheryl says:

    I think that building a 3D house is worth the money because $ 4000 is cheap considering the fact that house prices are going up fast. However, it would take a lot of work to build, so depending on how much time you have and are willing to sacrifice, it could affect if it is worth building.

  14. Mahek says:

    I think it is a great idea there affordable and the people
    who don’t have comfortable houses could
    afford and live a better life !!!

  15. Samuel says:

    I feel that this is something cool, yet not really realistic. You see many of these types of products/trends. Like this that are very cool and convenient but just aren’t realistic things that can happen. As much as they claim they want end homelessness I don’t doubt that they do, I’m sure they do want to everyone would but at the end of the day, buisness is buisness. Anytime a company see an opportunity for money, they’ll cash-in. That’s why I feel that this won’t be a thing that you’ll see in the near future. I’m not wishing for them to fail, I feel this is really cool I want to see it succeed but I just can’t see it. It has its pro: cheap, quick , somewhat durable. There’s just too many flaws at this moment in time, don’t count it out, it could definitely be something in the future but not too soon. Plus if they do succeed they’ll be in very very very high demand, which will stop the “24 hour” building and will be much longer with so many people in line for one. If they are soon available (maybe the next 2-3 years) they simply can’t be available to the public, they can’t construct that many so quick, plain and simple. I feel wierd relating this to something like this but I will, think of it like Supreme. The demand of it is crazy, but they only make so many pieces, why? To keep that high demand and keep the value and resell value high to keep them popular, so I feel that with these houses they could do something like that. Maybe you put your name on a list, you get lucky and get an opportunity to buy one. With an approach like that it could keep them popular until they can sell them like a normal house. However if they sell it as a normal house it will inevitably spike in price. Maybe not the same price but to same market as a normal house, which kind of defeats the purpose of the house. That’s my take on it, it could completely succeed who knows?

  16. Victor H Wong says:

    3D printed houses are a very smart idea because right now in Vancouver housing pricing have never been so expensive. But I think that 3D printed houses are smart because they are made out of concrete and concrete is very strong. A reason why I don’t think 3D printed houses will not make it to Vancouver wet is because there is no insulation in the walls and the roof. Overall the 3D printed houses are a very good idea but only for hot places.

  17. Rohan :^) says:

    I think the advantages of 3D housing are one, they are affordable, and two, it takes very little time to create one. 3D printed houses are a very good option for people who want a temporary kind of house. The things that I think are bad about the houses are the durability factor. For example wouldn’t you rather have the comfort of having a house which you know will last a long time or have to wake up every morning saying ” when do I have to get my new house”. But even though, that might not be a problem because of the little amount of time it takes to create a 3D printed house. I think this would help to make a better world as well because less people would be homeless.

  18. Luca says:

    Cons: it looks like the technology is fairly new and because of that we do not know how durable these houses are. In regards of safety, how safe are they facing an earthquake, flooding or very strong winds? In regards of space, can they be big enough for a whole family?

    Pros: the houses are not expensive to build. They are fast to rise. Probably very easy to change the layout just before construction if needed.

  19. Rohan:^) says:

    I think that 3D printed houses have up sides and down sides.
    For example, if someone wanted a temporary kind of house then it would be wonderful because it’s cheap to build, extremely fast, and a good size.

    On the other hand, the problem with 3D printed houses is the fact that they are not durable at all, and you might become paranoid and always be wondering when you you have to get a new house.

    In conclusion, I think that 3D printed houses would be great for the homeless and for people who want a quick kind of house.

  20. Vinh le says:

    I think 3d printed is so amazing because 3d printed can help you what house you want to know what house look like, you want to build. It is beautiful or not. That is my think about 3d printed house thank to reading.
    Have a good day mr wu

  21. AdenVu says:

    Con: i think that 3D house is too expensive because 650 feet for 4000 dollars is quite expensive. And the house isn’t as sturdy as a real house which is built with man hours. And the house isn’t that big if you are planing to have kids. Which leads me to think that it would be more because you have to buy land.
    Pro: It takes less than 24 hours to build, It is more affordable than houses in Vancouver/Burnaby. It is comfy and custom built easily for your liking.

  22. Vincent says:

    I think that the world of 3d printing is a great idea but there is a cost of land and the price might ok. but not to be mean but pesonally I think it’s durability is complete garbage think what a wind storm might do to it and it’s not even that strong.The house would take 24 hours to build

  23. Diego :) says:

    I think it would be cool to have a 3-d printed house. It seems pretty cheap. It looks cool. If it gets wet it might melt. It seems sturdy and strong. I would do it.

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