Should school start later?

Hi all, 

have you ever noticed yourself dozing off in class, where you are so relaxed and your eyes start to shut? Well, open them! You are experiencing ‘sleepy moments.’ Did you know that when you yawn others around you begin to yawn too … yes yawning is contagious. I know for myself, after lunch around 1:17 pm when my lunch has settled in my belly, I too experience these waves of tired moments. This sparks my next blog post for you all.

  1. Please read the following article found by: Clicking Here. The article is written by Justin O’Niell, where he talks about if schools should start later or not.
  2. Please write a paragraph explaining why you think/do not think that school should start later in the day. Be mindful by making sure you explain why you think a certain way and (where applicable) please provide examples. 

Have fun with this post. I look forward to reading what you all think.

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26 Responses to Should school start later?

  1. Kamsi:' says:

    I do not think school should start later in the day because-
    A. I’m pretty fine with the time right now, and if the school changes the time it might take a while for us to get use to it. Our bodies are used to that particular routine and time and to change it now wouldn’t make any sense and it would also result to lots of problems like tardiness, less attendance, etc.
    B. If we push school later in the day it can not only mess with students’ schedules but also parents also. For example, parents can be at work those times or students have extracurricular activities those times. Therefore, I think the solution to the problem is to keep it the time now like c’mon! it doesn’t make sense changing it.;/

  2. Pavyn says:

    I don’t recommend making school time later because it helps people be less lazy. Yes,I know that more sleep is better but it helps you get ready for your schedule better. For example, my hockey is early on weekdays. If school time was more later I would be so tired and have no energy for skating

  3. Aden Vu says:

    I think school should be later because if you stayed up a bit for Ex. a movie you still have time to have 8.5 hours of sleep. And i think once people have more time to sleep they have more time to do stuff like homework in the morning, clean your room, Eat there Breakfast, and E.T.C. A reasonable time would be around 9:30 is when school should start.

  4. Cheryl says:

    I think that school should start half an hour to an hour later than usual, so we would go to school at 9:30 or 10:00. Why? Because I agree that a lot of people don’t get enough sleep. I also highly dislike being rushed in the morning, cuz it makes me cranky and pretty much ruins my day. Adding a half hour or more before school gives me enough time to shake off the grogginess.

    So yeah.

  5. Maddie says:

    I don’t think school should start later because I like when it starts. Maybe that’s because I get up at 6:30, but I feel like we have enough time to get ready in the morning. I feel like if school were later then people would put there homework off until the very last second. I do feel like I am rushed sometimes but when you start working the day starts earlier so I feel like we should be getting ready even though we’re young.

  6. Angela says:

    I think school should start later, because a lot of people struggle with waking up early, including my siblings, and they’re always really cranky when they don’t sleep enough, which makes my day a lot harder. However, school shouldn’t start too late, otherwise school would drag on until what seems like forever, which would result in people falling asleep or losing interest in whatever is happening

  7. Fernando says:

    I wish that school would start later but if we wanted to get more knowledge, I think school should not start later. Unless of course, it ends later too. Even though some people sleep late and wake up early, it could get them very drowsy, I think it’s important to have lots of facts in your brain. I think its a good idea for us kids to have lots of knowledge so when we grow up and get to college, we will know lots of things already. In my opinion, if you don’t want to be sleepy and all mad when you come to school, then just get to bed earlier and sleep. Plus, even if we change the schedule of school hours, then our parents or whoever takes us to school will have to make a whole new plan for their work hours too and they may come home later.

  8. Abby says:

    I think school should start early because when we get older and get a job we might have to wake up early but since school also starts early we have the habit of getting up early and won’t likely get fired. But if you are the ones being late most of the time (including me). You might want an later job or get the habit of waking up earlier. But I don’t want to have to wake up earlier for school because I think the timing is just okay and doesn’t need to be changed.

  9. Victor W says:

    Although starting school later will give you a couple extra hours of sleep, I still think that we should keep school starting and ending at the same time we have it as right now. I think that the time we start school is not that early because many jobs, courses, and other stuff start way before we start school. Sometimes I think they should start school an hour or two later so we can have those extra hours of sleep and so we can do homework later. In conclusion I think elementary schools should have the same start and end times, but secondary schools should start later because they have a lot more homework.

  10. Mahek says:

    I think school should start later because
    some people have difficulty getting up
    so I think school should start 1 hour
    later so we can get a few more
    minutes of SLEEP
    and then we won’t feel as
    SLEEPYduring school sessions!

  11. Lauren says:

    I think that we should keep the way that school starts because we are so used to coming to school at 9:00 and if we make the school schedule different that can affect our parent’s schedule as well and may not be able to drop off us because school is later. Although, I think that we should have school later around nine-thirty or ten because most kids don’t get much sleep my opinion and when we do get enough sleep we can pay more attention in class then being all sleepy.

  12. Kaylee :) says:

    Although the choice to start school at a later time may be tempting, I believe that starting school earlier is the better choice. Having school start at an earlier time prompts students to have a daily morning routine due to the repetitiveness. They will learn how to manage their time by when they go to sleep and wake up, also to accommodate the time spent on homework. These time management and routine skills are crucial for when students become adults and use these experiences in the workplace.

  13. Jefferson says:

    I don’t think that school should start later because it gives people a good habit of waking up early. Maybe if on the weekends you have a soccer game that is very early or something like that, waking up early for school makes it easier to wake up early for those things. Even if people are very tired because they woke up very early, it usually wears off by recess.

    • Fernando (0.0) says:

      I agree very much with you. Except, don’t you think school wouldn’t be harmed if school started later and ended later?

  14. Diego says:

    I think school should start later in the day like maybe half an hour to an hour because when I wake up to go to school and I’m tired I feel like I’m not as focused as I am normally. If I was to sleep in a bit I would feel energized and awake and I wouldn’t be dozing off and being sloppy and plus I like to sleep.

  15. adriel1 says:

    I’m ok with the time right now but I don’t really care what time school starts

  16. Luca says:

    I like to wake up early and I usually go to bed by 21:30 in the evening, so starting school at 08:56 is just right for me. I think that most of the children can focus better in the morning than in the afternoon, so coming to school early is good.

  17. wesley says:

    I think that school should not start later because , A almost everyone is used to the routine . B most people would have to change their routine and might fall asleep .This is why I think school should start later

  18. alaina says:

    I think the time school starts is okay, but I feel like it isn’t the school’s problem, but the students problem for feeling tired. This is because it’s the student’s responsibility to sleep enough hours to feel ready for the day, and wake up early. Of course, no one is perfect and can’t do this everyday, so I don’t blame them at all.

  19. zoya says:

    i personally think that a lot of people are gonna say that it starts too early, so they can sleep in and all. for me though, it doesn’t effect me too much. my mom goes to work early and drops me off at the YMCA.

  20. Vinh le says:

    I think the time school star is okay because if the school stars too early they need to wake up early, we wake up early we so tier. Example the school star at 7:00 we need to wake up 6:00 somebody sleep at 10:00 or 9:30 they need to wake up so early they go to the school and they tiered. That is my think.

  21. Samuel says:

    As a student I will again try to be as unbiased as possible. I’m a night owl, I don’t do well waking up very very early, I consider 8 O’clock pretty early in my broken sleep schedule. However waking up early consistently can have great benefits such as: Overall feeling better, when I wake up earlier instead of sometime from 11:00-12:00 PM (which would be my ideal wake up plan) I get to be lazy, and really don’t have anything to do so I just stay in bed. But if you have to wake up at 7-8 AM you stay in a consistent schedule and will feel good because you’re not oversleeping yet you are getting enough sleep( if you go to bed at a reasonable time that is). So my verdict, ideally I’d have school be one hour but being realistic and knowing I need time to learn, I feel the current 9-3 six hour period has nailed it on the head and is a perfect amount of time. -Samuel

  22. Bernice says:

    In my opinion, I think the time that school starts right now is good because, if school starts later everyone would want to sleep in and they might doze off in class.Also, some people have after school activities. So, if somebody’s class is 30 minutes after school dismissal, they could be late and it would also effect their dinner time and what time they sleep.

  23. Rohan:^) says:

    I think that it would be pointless for classes to start later because this would make for the great excuse of “school starts later can I have five more minutes” or something which we all know leads to people staying up for an extra hour or two before you actually do go to bed . Second, sometimes when I get home it is already pretty late, which doesn’t allow for much time for me to do school work and school starting later would delay that even more.

  24. Vincent says:

    A. I think when school starts early I thinks it’s great because you can play with your friends more, have more time for field trips and work periods.

    B. if school started at 10:00 all you would be doing is sleeping. but personally I think mainly school should start early because you’ll be a lot more energetic and more productive.

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