Random Acts of Kindness

We watched this as a school in regards to our “Random Act of Kindness” that we are embracing for the month of September. Please reply to this thread and answer the following questions:

  1. Why is it important to participate in doing daily random acts of kindness? How does this benefit myself? How does it benefit my community?
  2. What have I done so far? (Please explain in details what you did, who you helped, why this is important, etc.)
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28 Responses to Random Acts of Kindness

  1. Lauren says:

    1. It is important to participate in random acts of kindness every day because it makes me feel really good to be nice to people. I benefits myself on knowing that a did something good to help someone. When you help your community with acts of kindness it will pass on and make people happy like in the video.

    2. I have done 2 different types of random acts of kindness so far. The first one is helping someone hold the door for them. I was holding it because it felt like the right thing to do.(September 11) Number two is helping somebody with their math as in teaching them how to do the assignment. I did this good act of kindness because whenever I need help I can ask others and receive that help back.

  2. Cheryl says:

    If we lived in a community where everyone was kind to everyone else, people would be really happy.

  3. Angela says:

    1. Helping random people with random acts of kindness is important because it can make someone’s day a lot better. It can benefit you because the same person could help you when you really need it.

    2. I’ve washed the dishes so my parents wouldn’t have to, helped my brother with his homework, and typed something out for my parents.

  4. Fernando says:

    1. In the video, it showed that a man helped a little child up and pick his stuff up and give it to him. That made thee kid inspired and he help a senior lady. It is important because once you do something kind, it spreads the kindness around and sometimes it can come back to you. If the whole world does this, planet Earth would be very nice.

    2.When people have no idea about the assignments, I usually try to help them get to know how to do them. Also, if they are short on supplies, I can always just hand my supplies over and they could use it.

  5. Jefferson says:

    It is important to participate in random acts of kindness to make people feel good. It also makes you feel good. It benefits myself so I can continue to show acts of kindness to people, and make more people feel good. 2 acts of kindness I have done are: 1, I let Fernando borrow my ruler. This was important because he needed a ruler for his project, so I let him borrow mine. 2, I gave a homeless guy some food. This is important because now he can be healthier.

  6. Kamsi says:

    A. It is important to participate in random acts of kindness everyday because it is good and kind, it also makes is good practise and habits for the future. Kindness can be passed on and when it is in makes the world a better place. It makes you have this good feeling about yourself and for people to follow and admire you.

    B. Some acts of kindness I did was helping my mum watch the dishes when it was not my turn, and another one I did was make my brother and sister dinner (which I do all the time by the way).

  7. Pavyn says:

    it is important to be nice to others otherwise no one will be happy. And without happiness people’s lives wouldn’t be a proper life because they never had fun

    I helped my brother when he hurt himself and took care of him because no one was home. Also, I helped my mom fold the clothes because she was sick

  8. alaina says:

    1. Random acts of kindness is important because you’re helping people who are probably strangers to you, but you’re still helping because you want to be a nice person. It proves you can be a good person everywhere and anytime.
    2.I helped with my sister’s bags today because she was running late and I decided to pack her bags last minute and she didn’t end up being late.

  9. zoya says:

    1) it is important to show random acts of kindness because some people really work hard to make our community better, and they deserve something nice. being kind spreads happiness and just makes the world happier. it benefits myself because i can continue on my day knowing that i made someone feel good.

    2) one the random acts of kindness i did is helping my grandma cook dinner for my mom, because she works really hard and my grandma sometimes needs help with tasks like cooking dinner.

  10. Cheryl says:

    1. If our community was like how it was in the video, everyone would benefit from it. But in order to have an awesome community, everyone has to contribute to the effort.

    2. Some random acts of kindness that i did today were:
    1) holding the door for people
    2) picking up a pencil for someone
    3) lending my pencil

  11. Bernice says:

    1. Doing random acts of kindness can change someone’s day and make you feel like a nice person. It can benefit you because they will help you when you need help.

    2. I helped a elderly woman into the escalator just before the doors closed. I thought this was important because she couldn’t get into the escalator because no one helped her so I did.

  12. Bernice says:

    1. Its important to do random acts of kindness because somebody might need help and I feel like a really nice person.It benefits because they may help you in return.

    2. I helped an elderly woman get into the escalator. It was important because nobody was there to help her get in.

  13. Maddie says:

    1. I think it’s important for everyone to just focus on being kind to one another. I feel like if everyone did that then it would be a better world, and everyone would be much happier.
    2. I have tried to help people understand the math homework when they don’t get it. Also I helped my little sister out when she got hurt.

  14. Abby says:

    1) I think a random act of kindness is something we should all keep in mind because if you help someone along the way, most likely someone will help you and the person you helped might have been having a bad day but you might have just made their day by just simply holding the door for them or just returning a dropped pencil.

    2) I helped carry a big watermelon and a jug of milk up the stairs because my dad had a sore arm and was very tired from work.

  15. Diego says:

    1. By doing random acts of kindness people will think you are a good person and they will most likely do a raok back to you.
    2. I made my sister a sandwich

  16. Rohan:^) says:

    1) I think it is importantto participate in random acts of kindness because i think if you help other people the chances are, people will most likely be kind or help you out in return.

    2) Once I made my family dinner because my mom had just come back from work and my dad had also so they were both really tired.

  17. Aden says:

    1) i think random acts of kindness should be second nature to us because with random acts of kindness you can change someone moods. Its really easy to just hold a door for just 5 more seconds or picking up socks so you dad doesn’t have to pick it up
    2) I helped my mom with grocery’s. Hold a door for someone at metrotown

  18. AdenVu says:

    1) i think random acts of kindness should be second nature to us because with random acts of kindness you can change someone moods. Its really easy to just hold a door for just 5 more seconds or picking up socks so you dad doesn’t have to pick it up
    2) I helped my mom with grocery’s. Hold a door for someone at metrotown

  19. Vinh le says:

    1. I think its important to do random acts of kindness because somebody might need help and I feel like a really nice person.It benefits because they may help you in return.

    2. I helped an elderly woman get into the escalator. It was important because nobody was there to help her get in

  20. vinh le says:

    1. It is important to participate in random acts of kindness every day because it makes me feel really good to be nice to people. I benefits myself on knowing that a did something good to help someone. When you help your community with acts of kindness it will pass on and make people happy like in the video.

    2. I have done 2 different types of random acts of kindness so far. The first one is helping someone hold the door for them. I was holding it because it felt like the right thing to do.(September 11) Number two is helping somebody with their math as in teaching them how to do the assignment. I did this good act of kindness because whenever I need help I can ask others and receive that help back.

  21. Joanna says:

    1.I think it is important to do random acts of kindness because it makes you a better person. I think when your try to do random acts of kindness, and if you do it regularly it becomes a habit, and i think if other people see you going kind acts they will try also to be kind. I think it will benefit me because it will become a habit and I will become a kinder person. Also other people might get inspired and random acts of kindness will become a habit for the too.
    2. I have opened the big door in the school for a little kid because it was too heavy for him to open by himself. I helped Bernice find the answer for a math question and I also helped a little kid get a ball from the upper field.

  22. Mahek says:

    1.Doing a random act of kindness can change their week and if
    you continue your life will be full of kindness

    2.I made my mom brakefast in bed because she
    was sick.

  23. Vincent says:

    I think doing random acts if kindness is great because it’s a nice thing to do and the kindness might just come back to you. I helped my brother with his home work.

  24. Wesley says:

    I think it is important to do random acts of kindness because it makes everyone around you feel happy including the person who did the good deed. It doesn’t have to be a big thing. It could be something small like getting a piece of paper or letting someone use your eraser.

  25. Rosario says:

    I think it is important to participate in random acts of kindness because it would make the world a lot better and people will be a lot more positive. I helped a senior cross a street last week

  26. Luca says:

    Doing random acts of kindness bring us together, make us happy and content with who we are. Helping people around us without any expectations is generous and unselfish. Helping other people make us feel positive and thankful. Even little things that we do for someone else can bring us lots of happiness.

  27. Zoe says:

    1. Doing random acts of kindness is important because. Helping other is also important because when someone is having a bad day and you step up to help them make their day batter and lighten it up makes them feel good and it also makes you feel good. And at the end of the day everyone created happiness. 🙂

    2. I bought my mom her coffee using my money and I also took care of my little brother even when my mom was busy.

  28. Kaylee :) says:

    I think it’s important to be kind to people even if it’s just a very little thing. Being kind can make people feel very happy and thankful. The world would be a better place if everyone did at least one kind thing a day. Being kind benefits me because I would know that I did the right thing for someone. In conclusion, I think being kind to people is a great way to spread happiness and kindness around our community.

    Some things that I have done to show my acts of kindness were; holding the door for someone, leading a parent to the office and offering my help to set up the volleyball nets.

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