Willy Wonka Worlds – The 2021 ADST Design Showcase

Over the past several years, Brentwood Park has held an ADST Showcase (ADST stands for Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies). We often use cardboard and recycled materials to create our projects. This year, the focus for our school was on the process of design. When we create different designs, we go through a process of

  1. Ideating – finding an idea, building on others’ ideas, and pursuing an idea to develop. Ideas can change through the process, and that’s okay!
  2. Making – we choose different materials and technologies to help us make things. In this project we used lots of cardboard and other recycled or art materials.
  3. Sharing – we share our designs with others and we think about our successes, challenges, and what we could change in the future.

Please come by our classroom window display to see our Willy Wonka World projects!