Tips for taking tests!

When you hear the word TEST, what goes through your mind?

Do you feel like

On Thursday, we will have our first test of the year in Math. I am not a big fan of tests. I get to know more about how you are learning and what you know from the many activities we do. But, learning how to be a good test taker is an important skill for us to learn throughout our years of schooling.

This is the list of test taking tips that you (Division 9) came up with…

Be a positive thinker!

  • Pretend it’s a regular math sheet – you’re just doing it in a quiet way, with no discussion or help from others
  • Think good thoughts – having a positive mindset can have a positive affect on your work
  • Tell yourself “I know I can do it” – be confident in what you know
  • Put in your best effort – even if some things are hard, do the very best you can
  • Move off the worries – when your mind goes to a bad place, bring it back to something positive or something you feel confident in

Use your strengths:

  • Spend time on the parts you are confident in – you do not have to go in order
  • use the strategies that work best for you


  • don’t allow yourself to get distracted
  • move away or put away anything that will make you distracted

Use your calming strategies (like deep breathing) if you are getting anxious

Don’t rush! Take your time – Ms. Willis will give you more time if you need it

Be prepared! 

  • review the things you don’t know or need some extra help with
  • ASK for help if you need it! Come see Ms. Willis, your parents, or a friend to explain something you’re not sure of

Still struggling? Please talk to Ms. Willis about your worries. Together, we will find a way for you to be successful!

Here is a little YouTube video with 5 Tips for Coping with Test Anxiety