Division 9 is spreading joy as holiday helpers

Perhaps no group of people has been affected more by Covid-19 than seniors citizens. Not being able to see family, socialize with others, or participate in recreational activities has a significant impact on the mental health of our most vulnerable people. Many senior citizens have been isolated during the pandemic, so we wanted to make sure we brought a little joy to the day of someone needing a pick-me-up.

This is the message from the coordinator of the Holiday Helpers campaign…

“What started as a project to get a couple hundred holiday cards made for the Holiday Helpers hampers resulted in more than 1,700 cards. Seventeen hundred!

Thanks to parents, teachers, and administrators spreading the word, 19 schools and programs participated. A huge thank you to the teachers, librarians, administrators, and office staff who helped organize on the school side.

The biggest thank you goes to the students who made these cards with so much care and love. The messages in the cards – even the ones with few words – were clear: We care about you; we love you; even though we can’t be with you, we have not forgotten you; and we’re all looking forward to the day when we can be together again”.

I would also like to add a thank you to Ms. Hickman who delivered our cards.

Thank you for spreading kindness and joy Division 9!