Lest we forget

Yesterday was Remembrance Day. This week we have been talking about the significance of this day, and how we can honour those who have fought so that we can live a free and peaceful life.

The big questions that we discussed were:

Why do we continue to recognize Remembrance Day?

How can we show our respect for those who have fought for us?

Together, we worked on a collaborative poem. After watching a short video, we tried to use our senses to describe what the experience might have been like for the soldiers in World War I.  Then we tried to add powerful vocabulary to our poem. This is what we created all together.

We Remember

The smell of the gases of bombs diffusing

The commotion of explosions and people screaming in fear

Heartbroken, soldiers watched their friends collapse to the ground in horror

Feeling terrified and hopeless

Angry for their sacrifice.

Bright, blazing red poppies represent the soldiers

who fought for the freedom we have today.

Thousands of white crosses mark their friends lost in battle

We remember the souls that have passed in war.

~ By Division 9

Happy Halloween from Division 9!

This week we had HALLOWEEN at our school! We had to do HALLOWEEN early for school because the next day was a weekend😢. We had a lot of fun during HALLOWEEN because we had no work on HALLOWEEN. We had a costume parade and also we carved a pumpkin, then we put it on our shelf tsee who had the best design with our creativity! Nayiri won by using seeds for the frame on the outside part and her design was an owl.  She used a lot of seeds!  The seeds were used for the eyes and wings! Putting the seeds on takes a lot of effort. Congratulations to her! There were 3 people who carved a pumpkin! 

 Also, during no HALLOWEEN, we had a guest teacher named Mr. Phipps we had a lot of fun with him he was nice to us and lets us play outside a lot!  

Also, we received new words for Word Work. They were fun to sort them into their categorieand we also did partner Word Work. For some reason we added in Hang man. It was fun with all the choices like back spelling, Pictionary, memory, sort them with a partner to see if they know their words, and there is one where we speed sort to see how fast we are!  

Also, this weekend is daylight saving so we are one 1 hour behind?!?! We get more time to sleep after a sugar and sweets from HALLOWEEN! (The event that happens once a year!) 

 ~ By H.C.