This week in Division 9 – “Me In A Bag”

This week did an activity called “Me In A Bag”. We shared between 3-5 things that are our personal belongings that we loved and that are special to us.  We shared by walking around the classroom where people put their stuff on other people desks and we guess who owned their special stuff. Most of the guesses were correct on their pictures, stuffies and creations. For example, someone brought a realistic airplane, a clay dragon planter that holds plants, a picture book from Disneyland and Lego creations.  The people who brought pictures were easy to guess and the people who did not bring pictures at all were hard. One of our classmates, brought cool rocks that looked like a crystal and goldWe brought our special things that we love to represent ourselves and our classmates learned more about each other 

Also this week… 

On Monday, we got new words for word work or words their way, and usually there are 25 words in a word work or words their way set. Also on Tuesday it was a sunny day and we had fun during music we played the xylophones and we played autumn leaves and the notes are easy but the 3rd row of notes are like high easy difficulty. 

