It’s time to learn how to tell time!

So many of our day-to-day routines have changed due to the new protocols we have to follow at school. We have new bell schedules, new break times, and let’s not forget how much of our day is taken up by hand washing! So, our first mini unit in Math is all about telling TIME!

We have stared by learning about the different measurements of time – seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years. We wash our hands for 20 seconds. We spend 15 minutes outside at recess. We go to school for 6 hours a day. I’m definitely looking forward to a two week Winter break! It is important that we understand how long each of these measurements of time is. Next we are learning how to read an analogue clock.

Parents, you can help your child with their understanding of time by talking about it in your daily activities. You can ask your child these types of questions:

  • “How long do you think it will take you to _____ (clean your room, finish your homework, walk the dog, etc).”
  • “You started ____ at ___ (time). Now it is _____. How long did it take you?”
  • “I am starting to make dinner at 5:30. This recipe says it will take about 10 minutes to prepare and 30 minttes in the oven. What time will it be ready?”