How will a growth mindset help us to learn Math?

Quite often I will hear students say something to the effect of  “I’m just not a Math person”.  We learned last week that there is no such thing as a “Math person”, just like there is no such thing as and “art person” or a “sports person”.  We are all capable of learning Math, if we are willing to put in the effort and persevere through our difficulties.  This week we also learned:

  • mistakes are an important part of our learning.  There is brain research to show that mistakes make more connections in the brain than when we get an answer correct.
  • Math is about depth, not speed
  • visual representations in Math are powerful
  • being able to see patterns in Math is important.  Math is all about patterns!

According to Jo Boaler, here is how you can help your child learn Math:



Mindset check-up!

This short survey will help you to see where you are on the mindset spectrum. Click here mindset-check-up  There are no right or wrong answers!

Remember, this is only a starting point. Everyone is capable of growing and improving their mindset, just like we can grow and improve in any other skill or activity.

Division 6 has already learned about where they are on the mindset spectrum, so this is a great opportunity for reflection and discussion together.