Work for Thursday, April 23rd, 2020

Hello 🙂

Just a reminder that your Science Animal Adaptation Presentation is due to Showbie by 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday (Monday is a Pro-D Day, so you have an extra day without Zoom sessions to work on it). Be ready to present! It needs to be uploaded to Showbie before the due date (you can take a picture of dioramas or models to upload too).

Our Math Test is on Friday, May 1st at 9:00 a.m.

We will be postponing our spelling test to the following week Thursday since you have a lot of due dates coming up with the Science and Math assessments. It will be moved to: Thursday, May 7th!


Your guide for the day -> Thursday, April 23rd

Plates for Healthy Meal Planning (Colour this too please) -> My Healthy Eating Plate

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