Wednesday, April 20th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with students doing a few long division questions and then students started their next Daily 5 reading selection.

RED Group: Read pages 130-159

Orange Group: Work on pages 3 & 4 of the booklet: The Meal One and the Such Worries Page

Yellow: Read Chapter 9

This is due tomorrow if students have not finished in class today. During this time, I also met with students individually and asked them questions about their reading to make sure they have kept up with the reading homework and checked through Orange group’s booklets.

After, we talked about sorting 3D shapes by attribute. We discussed how attributes can be sorting by: number of faces/edges/vertices, shape of faces, number of flat/curved faces, etc. I demonstrated how to sort shapes into a Venn Diagram as well based on these attributes too.

Homework is: Unit 6 Lesson 1: Questions 1-6.

After, we had snack and completed the Wordle correctly. Yay! 🙂

Following recess, we watched a video and talked about photosynthesis and then talked about and watched a video about echolocation. Then, students researched and divided adaptations that they found for a few animals by whether they were behavioural and physical adaptations by using the iPads to research these adaptations.

After, we started our new Health unit on smoking. We talked about first-hand and second-hand smoking and short-term/long-term effects as well. We had a great discussion on this. My point was not to scare the kids, but to really make the kids aware of the health consequences of smoking.

Following lunch, students continued writing their fictional stories (they should be at about the climax or done the climax) and I conferenced individually with students to check on their writing progress and give any feedback on their work so far. After, we had to have a bit of quiet time because some students were quite loud today. Then, we talked about reasons for explorations made by explorers and which countries were involved in explorations during the Age of Explorations. Finally, students worked on their rugs, did their planners, and cleaned up.

Spelling Test Tomorrow and students need to read 30 minutes as always. 🙂


Ms. Wilks

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