Tuesday, May 10th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with talking about Literature Circles. Students will have meetings generally on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For each meeting, students have an assigned reading from their book: either “Trapped in Ice” or “Super Fudge.” They will need to then complete a literature circle role worksheet from their booklet. They are doing a different role for each meeting, so they will need to check that they have done the correct role using the chart they were given today. Their first literature circle is going to be on Thursday this week, the second next Tuesday (17th), and then Thursday (19th). Shortly after the third literature circle, students will have a quiz on the book up until that point.

Then, we had our Math Test. After snack and recess, students were given their new spelling words and they are also on the blog. The spelling test is on Thursday, May 19th.

Their new due dates were given as well:

-For their Science Animal Adaptations project, the presentation is on May 19th (I might move the literature circle meeting since I’ve just realized that that is a lot of stuff for the 19th).

-The students’ rugs are due on June 1st. They are allowed to sign out hooks to work on it at home as well as take string home.

Then, we talked about explorers and their first winter, positive/negatives/ethics of explorations, the Bermuda triangle, and we watched a video on Christopher Columbus’ explorations.

After lunch, students had time to work on their first literature circle reading and role. Then, we had DPA and students practiced/worked on their student-led conferences in preparation for Thursday. I will send out more information on this in the next two days. Students should bring home the booklet to finish if they have not finished writing it all out yet.

As always, students should read 30 minutes today.

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks

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