Tuesday, April 26th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with students observing and drawing the class plants in their journals. Then, we went over new spelling words. They are on the blog and the next Spelling Test is next Thursday, May 5th. After, we talked more about 2D nets and how visualize if they will create the proper 3D shape or not based on how the net is designed. Then, students worked on page 231 #1-4 and it is homework if they did not finish it. Students need to use a ruler when completing this work. After, I did a desk check and then students had recess after they ate snack.

Following recess, we did a few dance videos and I assessed students on their effort and level of safety. Then, I assigned new Daily 5 reading pages/work.

Red Group: Read up to page 204 (or nearest chapter, sorry I can’t remember exactly)

Orange Group: Work on the two next sheets: Teamwork and How-To Steps

Yellow Group: First page except questions 1 & 10.

This is due tomorrow if not finished in class today.

After lunch, students worked on practicing their spelling words and then we did planners, cleaned up, and students went to Music.

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks

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