Thursday, April 21st, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with students drawing in their plant observation journals and measuring the class plants. Then, we did our spelling test (which I will be posting on Fresh Grade shortly). After, we talked a bit more about prisms and 3D shapes in regard to faces, vertices, and edges. Then, students went to Music, had recess, and then snack.

Following snack, I had students continue their animal adaptations research for the four animals in their booklet. It is homework if they did not finish today. After, students had time to work on their stop motion projects – they are looking fantastic so far!

After lunch, I did a book talk about some novels from the library that students could borrow to read and we did our safety drill today in the classroom in case of the occurrence of a dangerous situation/wild animal outside of the school during school hours. Then, we went outside for DPA. At the end of the day, students had another chance to work on their stop motions.

Homework: Read 30 minutes & finish Science if not done.

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks

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