Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with students drawing given times on their analog clock page. Then, we did our Math Minute. After, we talked more about telling the time to the minute and then did some more 24-hour time practice.

Students worked on Unit 4: Lesson 5: All questions. This is homework if not done already in class.

Then, we had played a Blooket about 24-hour time and then had snack and then recess.

After recess, we read an Indigenous story and talked about how Indigenous stories usually have a moral or detail an origin story generally. After, Ms. Varley came in to work with the class.

Following lunch, students did a bit more work on filling out a separate sheet detailing their current favourite things, predictions for 2032, and goals for the next 10 years. We will be including this with a good copy of their letters to themselves at 20 years old. I will be sealing and sending home these letters, so please think of a good spot for safekeeping for 10 years 🙂 The separate little booklet given today is homework and due tomorrow if not done.

Then, we had DPA and then read another Indigenous story and discussed it. I shared some examples of stories that my students wrote two years ago on this theme.

Spelling Test Tomorrow! Coast Salish Art due Friday!

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks

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