Friday, November 19th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with a there vs. Their vs. They’re sheet and took it up as a class after students worked on it individually.

Then, we talked about landscape paintings and some of the characteristics of the Group of Seven painting copies we have in our classroom. We talked about how all of the paintings focus on nature and do not have animals or people in them. We talked about foregrounds vs. Backgrounds and what a subject is as well. Then, we started sketching our own “Group of 7” inspired landscape. Students were to choose one of the paintings and use it as an inspiration and add some details of their own to add their own spin on the artwork.

After, we had snack and recess.

Following recess, we edited some paragraph work and then had buddies time where students had free time with their little buddies.

After lunch, we worked on making examples of surface and deep connections and then students were assigned the job of writing their own deep connection to the text given. If it is not done, it is homework.

Then, we had planners and community time.

There is no weekend journal this weekend since students have had quite a lot of assignments/tests this week.

Have a great weekend!


Ms. Wilks

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