Thursday, November 18th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with starting our Biomes Unit in Science. I showed the students some pictures of various biomes such as the Arctic, Grasslands, Coniferous vs. Deciduous Forest, and Desert and we talked about some physical features that are associated with these regions. Then, we did a reading on the Arctic/Polar Region Habitat. We talked about how to highlight the most important parts of a paragraph with our highlighter and did this as a class to model this skill.

Then, students went to Music and had recess.

After recess, students ate their snack and did the Math Test for Unit 2: Whole Numbers. I am working on getting this done as soon as possible.

After lunch, we worked on practice for differentiating between when ‘s is needed, s’, or simply an ‘s’ on the end of a word. We will continue to practice this as it seems to be a tricky concept for a lot of the students to differentiate in their writing. Then, students wrote out the good copy of their Acrostic poems in their Poetry books and decorated the page to match the theme/words of their poem. It is due tomorrow if not finished in class today.

Then, we cleaned up the classroom, had DPA, and then Library to end the day.

Spelling Test is next week on Thursday, November 25th 🙂

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks

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