Wednesday, November 17th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with students doing their peer evaluation for their Social Studies project. This allows me to figure out whether equal work was done and adjust marks accordingly.

After, students continued to work on the Show What You Know questions and study for their Math Test tomorrow.

Then, we had snack and recess. After recess, students set up their Social Studies shoeboxes. Then, we divided half the class into two groups and one group went around and looked at others’ projects while the other group talked a bit about it and shared their work. Then, we switched. The students did such a wonderful job and were proud of their hard work, which was awesome 🙂

Then, students went on a nature walk with Ms. Varley.

After lunch, we worked on making connections, going over surface and deep connections and writing some of our own text-to-self connections.

Then, we had an extra long DPA and then students showed off their projects to Ms. Lyons’ Grade 4 class, which was a lot of fun.

At the very end, we had a class meeting and talked about the zones we were in and things we have noticed in the classroom.

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks

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